作物杂志,2025, 第1期: 99–110 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.012

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


李泽松1(), 肖珊珊1, 张翼飞1,2(), 李桂彬1, 陆雨欣1, 刘海晨1, 陈忠旭1   

  1. 1黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院/黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,163319,黑龙江大庆
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-23 修回日期:2024-04-11 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 张翼飞,主要从事寒地作物高产高效理论栽培技术研究,E-mail:byndzyf@163.com
  • 作者简介:李泽松,主要从事寒地作物高产高效栽培技术研究,E-mail:byndlzs@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Intercropping of Varieties with Different Maturity Stages on Grain Dehydration Performance and Grain Weight of Maize after Physiological Maturity

Li Zesong1(), Xiao Shanshan1, Zhang Yifei1,2(), Li Guibin1, Lu Yuxin1, Liu Haichen1, Chen Zhongxu1   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University / Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Cultivation and Crop Germplasm Improvement, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    2Key Laboratory of Low Carbon Green Agriculture in Northeast Plain, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2024-01-23 Revised:2024-04-11 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-12



关键词: 玉米, 不同熟期品种, 间作, 脱水性能, 粒重


In order to examine the characteristics of changes in grain moisture content, dehydration rate, and grain weight of maize varieties with different maturity stages in intercropping patterns during the period of dewatering of stalks in field after physiological maturity, three different varieties of maize were used as experimental materials: Zhengdan 958 (ZD958), Xianyu 335 (XY335), and Dongnong 264 (DN264). The main treatment involved intercropping a shorter growth period variety (DN264) with two longer growth varieties (ZD958 and XY335), namely (Z‖D) and (X‖D). The subtreatments were different numbers of rows of intercropping, namely 6:6, 4:4, 2:2, 1:1, 0:1, and 1:0, with the monocrops of each variety (0:1, 1:0) as control treatments. The results showed that with the decreasing of the number of intercropped rows, the fertility period of varieties with long fertility periods showed a tendency to shorten, while the fertility period of varieties with short fertility periods showed a tendency to lengthen; the moisture contents of grains after physiological maturity of varieties with longer growth period gradually decreased, the dehydration rate of grains accelerated, and the cumulative temperature required to reach the standard of machine harvesting was reduced, while the varieties with shorter growth period showed the opposite trend, but differences was no significant compared with that of their monocropping. From 2021 to 2022, the average grain moisture content of Z‖D-(6:6-1:1) and X‖D-(6:6-1:1) decreased by 10.08%-17.54% compared with that of single cropping. The intercropping of maize varieties with different maturity could also increase the grain weight of the varieties with long maturity and reach the maximum under 1:1 treatment, while the grain weight of the varieties with short maturity had a tendency to decrease; the correlation analysis showed that there was no significant correlation between the 100-grain weight of the maize varieties with different maturity and the moisture content. The extension of the number of days with standing stalks in the field could effectively reduce the average moisture content of grains during harvest period in the intercropping composite population as the number of days of field stationing of the stalks was extended, and there was no significant effect on grain weight.

Key words: Maize, Varieties with different maturity, Intercropping, Dehydration performance, Grain weight



Breeding unit
Growing period (d)
Effective accumulated temperature demand (℃)
Grain type
郑单958 ZD958 河南农业科学院粮食作物研究所 128 2750 半马齿型
先玉335 XY335 铁岭先锋种子有限公司 127 2650 半硬粒型
东农264 DN264 东北农业大学 122 2550 马齿型







Moisture content in physiological
maturity stage (%)
Moisture content
in harvest period (%)
Average dehydration rate after
physiological maturity [%/(℃·d)]
2021 Z‖D 1:00 36.99a 31.61a 0.0195c
6:06 36.27b 31.17ab 30.43b 22.06a 0.0207bc 0.0228a
4:04 35.86c 31.55ab 29.84c 22.52a 0.0213abc 0.0223a
2:02 35.36d 31.79ab 28.84d 23.42a 0.0218ab 0.0220a
1:01 34.68e 32.28a 28.01e 24.12a 0.0223a 0.0216a
0:01 30.71b 21.02a 0.0242a
X‖D 1:00 34.79a 28.65a 0.0221c
6:06 34.41b 30.96a 27.73b 21.81ab 0.0224bc 0.0241a
4:04 33.81c 31.32a 27.06c 22.38ab 0.0226abc 0.0239a
2:02 33.28d 31.53a 26.08d 23.21ab 0.0227ab 0.0236a
1:01 32.68e 32.01a 25.26e 23.74a 0.0234a 0.0233a
0:01 30.71a 21.02b 0.0242a
2022 Z‖D 1:00 37.61a 32.32a 0.0188c
6:06 37.24b 31.64a 31.67b 24.31ab 0.0189bc 0.0211a
4:04 36.67c 31.85a 30.99c 24.72ab 0.0193abc 0.0206a
2:02 36.14d 32.21a 30.01d 25.61ab 0.0199ab 0.0198a
1:01 35.61e 32.41a 29.38e 26.09a 0.0202a 0.0195a
0:01 31.15a 23.13b 0.0225a
X‖D 1:00 35.31a 29.36a 0.0203c
6:06 34.96b 31.44ab 28.61b 24.19ab 0.0206c 0.0220a
4:04 34.42c 31.75ab 27.94c 24.68ab 0.0210bc 0.0214a
2:02 33.99d 32.16ab 26.93d 25.58ab 0.0219b 0.0205a
1:01 33.68e 32.55a 26.27e 26.06a 0.0230a 0.0196a
0:01 31.15b 23.13b 0.0225a
年份Year (Y) 936.89** 4.29* 5438.61** 33.33** 99.50** 7.23**
品种Variety (V) 6432.44** 0.33 46 683.22** 0.1 112.03** 0.95
间作行数Intercropping rows (IR) 782.64** 5.37** 7298.84** 7.13** 21.31** 0.96
Y×V 18.83** 0.14 93.90** 0.04 3.13 0.14
Y×IR 6.26** 0.03 33.95** 0.01 0.25 0.08
V×IR 3.52* 0.03 0.91 0.01 0.53 0.07
Y×V×IR 3.25* 0.03 6.24** 0.01 0.77 0.01


间作复合群体收获期籽粒平均含水率 不同小写字母表示P < 0.05水平差异显著,下同。




间作条件下各熟期品种生理成熟后的Logistic Power模型拟合结果

Intercropping treatment
Intercropping rows
b c R2 S-28AT (℃·d) S-25AT (℃·d)
2021 Z‖D 1:0 917.32 1.725 0.992 331 473
6:6 901.43 785.91 1.747 1.865 0.986 0.994 307 138 443 246
4:4 886.08 794.27 1.746 1.872 0.987 0.995 283 149 418 258
2:2 854.63 816.27 1.701 1.924 0.991 0.994 265 158 400 266
1:1 839.60 827.47 1.701 1.919 0.992 0.995 241 177 373 286
0:1 754.44 1.812 0.997 119 228
X‖D 1:0 904.98 1.803 0.990 293 424
6:6 878.12 761.11 1.742 1.800 0.985 0.997 287 133 420 243
4:4 866.44 768.67 1.732 1.803 0.985 0.997 272 144 405 255
2:2 852.24 798.29 1.806 1.869 0.99 0.993 234 156 357 266
1:1 837.69 810.41 1.805 1.875 0.989 0.993 212 173 333 284
0:1 754.44 1.812 0.997 119 228
2022 Z‖D 1:0 893.10 1.718 0.984 358 497
6:6 868.40 768.40 1.663 1.836 0.981 0.997 347 151 489 259
4:4 851.65 777.99 1.653 1.854 0.982 0.996 324 161 465 269
2:2 830.27 792.08 1.68 1.850 0.974 0.996 288 177 422 287
1:1 817.15 800.32 1.687 1.840 0.977 0.995 265 192 396 305
0:1 745.02 1.832 0.996 126 231
X‖D 1:0 869.88 1.724 0.992 326 461
6:6 852.62 757.41 1.764 1.825 0.992 0.996 294 141 422 249
4:4 838.55 768.76 1.755 1.838 0.992 0.995 275 155 401 263
2:2 820.44 783.79 1.734 1.843 0.993 0.995 260 172 386 282
1:1 802.65 795.07 1.738 1.837 0.993 0.995 231 191 354 303
0:1 745.02 1.832 0.996 126 231




间作条件下各熟期品种生理成熟后籽粒含水率与百粒重的关系 NS表示无显著相关性。

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