作物杂志,2025, 第1期: 147–154 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2025.01.018

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡聪聪1(), 李红宇1,2(), 孙显龙1, 王童1, 赵海成1,2, 范名宇1,2, 张巩亮3   

  1. 1黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院/黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,163319,黑龙江大庆
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-16 修回日期:2024-04-01 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-12
  • 通讯作者: 李红宇,主要从事寒地水稻优质高产生理生态及遗传多样性研究,E-mail:ndrice@163.com
  • 作者简介:胡聪聪,主要从事寒地水稻优质高产生理生态及遗传多样性研究,E-mail:2383248785@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Rice in Cold Region

Hu Congcong1(), Li Hongyu1,2(), Sun Xianlong1, Wang Tong1, Zhao Haicheng1,2, Fan Mingyu1,2, Zhang Gongliang3   

  1. 1College of Agriculture, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University / Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Cultivation and Crop Germplasm Improvement, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    2Key Laboratory of Low-Carbon Green Agriculture in Northeastern China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    3Qiqihar Branch, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qiqihar 161006, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2023-09-16 Revised:2024-04-01 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-12



关键词: 水稻, 秸秆还田, 氮肥运筹, 光合特性, SPAD值, 干物质积累


To clarify the effects of straw returning and nitrogen fertilizer management on the photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation, and yield of rice in cold regions, a two-factor fully randomized pot experiment was designed. The tillering characteristics, relative chlorophyll content (SPAD values), photosynthetic characteristics, leaf area, dry matter accumulation and transport and yield of rice treated with straw leaving the field (S1), straw returning (S2), and conventional nitrogen application (N1), tillering fertilizer nitrogen increase by 15% (N2), regulatory fertilizer nitrogen increase by 15% (N3), and panicle fertilizer nitrogen increase by 15% (N4) were studied. The results showed that: S2 treatment had a negative effect on the number of panicles, 1000- grain weight and yield, reducing the leaf SPAD values by 3.27% and 2.52% at the full heading and filling stages, respectively. During the full heading stage, the efficient leaf area, intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), dry matter accumulation, stem sheath output, output rate, and transformation rate decreased by 13.51%, 4.73%, 5.79%, 6.05%, 26.82%, 31.45%, and 26.05%, respectively. N2 treatment increased the number of tillers and the number of effective tillers, so that the growth rate was accelerated and the rate of extinction was slowed down, and good nitrogen supply in the early stage of rice was conducive to the improvement of the rice tiller panicle-forming rate. N3 treatment increased 1000-grain weight, yield and dry matter accumulation the most, as well as increasing SPAD values and effective leaf area, and Ci, stomatal conductance, Pn and transpiration rate showed the same trend at the full heading stage. N4 treatment significantly reduced stem sheath output and stem sheath output rate under S1 condition and N2 treatment increased stem sheath output, stem sheath output rate and stem sheath transformation rate under S1 condition. Paying attention to the supply of nitrogen in the early and middle stages of rice growth when straw is directly returned to the field is an important guarantee for achieving efficient rice production in cold region under straw returning conditions.

Key words: Rice, Straw returning, Nitrogen fertilizer management, Photosynthetic characteristics, SPAD value, Dry matter accumulation



Soil type
Alkaline nitrogen (mg/kg)
Available phosphorus (mg/kg)
Available potassium (mg/kg)
pH 有机质
Organic matter (g/kg)
白浆土White clay 134.80 20.81 72.05 6.64 28.98


Fertilizer application method and N application rate g/盆 g/pot

N application rate
基肥Base fertilizer 分蘖肥Tillering fertilizer 调节肥Regulatory fertilizer 穗肥Panicle fertilizer
N P2O5 K2O N N N K2O
N1 4.97 6.70 6.70 3.72 1.24 2.48 2.30
N2 4.97 6.70 6.70 4.28 1.24 2.48 2.30
N3 4.97 6.70 6.70 3.72 1.43 2.48 2.30
N4 4.97 6.70 6.70 3.72 1.24 2.85 2.30



Maximum number of tillers (/hole)
Number of effective tillers (/hole)
Percentage of tillering to head (%)
Growth rate (%)
Death rate (%)
S1 17.36a 15.54a 67.92a 53.63a 13.14a
S2 17.28a 15.40a 67.39a 52.89a 14.11a
N1 17.16b 14.85b 66.49b 52.03b 16.27a
N2 17.67a 16.19a 70.10a 55.24a 11.66b
N3 17.24b 15.55ab 67.48ab 52.89b 12.91ab
N4 17.21b 15.30b 66.54b 52.88b 13.66ab
FS 0.72 0.32 0.24 2.17 0.57
FN 5.49** 5.02** 2.45 7.75** 2.36
FS×N 0.06 0.00 0.05 0.73 0.01



齐穗期Full heading stage 灌浆期Filling stage
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
S1 45.02a 39.35a 42.18a 23.99a 27.52a 25.76a
S2 42.97b 38.63b 40.80b 23.26b 26.95b 25.11b
N1 42.23b 38.46b 40.34b 22.96b 26.40c 24.68b
N2 44.54a 39.53a 42.03a 24.16a 26.98bc 25.57a
N3 44.93a 39.02ab 41.97a 23.93ab 28.17a 26.05a
N4 44.29a 38.94ab 41.61a 23.46ab 27.41b 25.44a
FS 22.39** 5.19* 22.83** 5.03** 5.06* 9.82**
FN 7.77** 1.90 7.35** 2.60 8.63** 7.39**
FS×N 0.94 0.07 0.59 0.13 1.43 0.64



Ci (μmol/mol) Gs [mmol/(m2?s)] Pn [μmol/(m2?s)] Tr [mmol/(m2?s)]
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
S1 162.25a 297.75a 229.85a 337.83a 1570.25a 953.88a 35.08a 26.81a 30.93a 9.11a 10.36a 9.73a
S2 143.75b 294.58a 218.98b 329.50a 1532.50a 930.88a 33.05b 26.04a 29.53a 9.26a 10.08a 9.67a
N1 112.50c 292.00b 202.04c 278.00d 1448.17a 863.00a 32.57b 25.50a 29.02b 8.18c 9.90a 9.04c
N2 153.17b 294.67ab 223.71b 351.67b 1509.00a 930.13a 34.00ab 26.28a 30.13ab 9.08b 10.02a 9.55bc
N3 182.50a 301.33a 241.79a 379.50a 1646.50a 1012.88a 35.75a 28.10a 31.90a 10.44a 10.50a 10.47a
N4 163.83ab 296.67ab 230.13b 325.50c 1601.83a 963.50a 33.95ab 25.82a 29.88ab 9.03b 10.46a 9.74b
FS 8.71** 1.23 8.58** 1.01 0.04 0.05 5.79* 0.49 4.30 0.63 1.36 0.14
FN 22.30** 1.91 20.20** 27.19** 0.20 0.38 2.38 1.12 3.26* 25.98** 1.58 10.25**
FS×N 1.43 0.04 1.08 0.74 0.01 0.01 0.26 0.15 0.05 0.69 0.30 0.40



S1 349.58a 608.08a 9.83a 6.34a
S2 347.75a 543.00a 8.63a 5.98a
N1 356.83a 663.83a 9.83a 6.45a
N2 347.17a 610.00a 9.12a 6.37a
N3 346.33a 529.67a 9.10a 5.92a
N4 344.33a 498.67a 8.85a 5.90a
FS 0.09 0.95 4.43 1.21
FN 0.80 1.28 0.55 0.78
FS×N 0.81 0.62 0.71 0.25


Comparison of leaf area at full heading stage cm2/穴cm2/hole

处理Treatment 剑叶Flag leaf 倒2叶Inverted second leaf 倒3叶Inverted third leaf 高效叶面积Efficient leaf area 总叶面积Total leaf area
S1 29.46a 42.35a 37.28a 109.10a 427.40a
S2 25.01b 37.15b 32.20b 94.36b 418.88a
N1 26.61a 38.46b 32.57b 97.64b 403.60a
N2 26.80a 38.71b 34.40ab 99.91b 411.48a
N3 28.24a 41.53a 36.57a 106.33a 450.36a
N4 27.31a 40.30ab 35.42a 103.02ab 427.13a
FS 50.33** 33.89** 31.90** 54.88** 0.25
FN 1.35 2.60 3.54* 3.62* 1.44
FS×N 0.07 0.09 0.17 0.12 0.06



Dry matter accumulation
at full heading stage (g/hole)
Dry matter accumulation
at maturity stage (g/hole)
Stem sheath
output (g/m2)
Stem sheath
output rate (%)
Stem sheath
rate (%)
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
S1 29.62a 36.80a 33.21a 64.39a 64.00a 64.20a -2.25a -3.80a -3.02a -13.89a -19.43a -16.66a -5.72a -11.63a -8.68a
S2 27.69a 34.72b 31.20b 63.58a 63.45a 63.52a -2.83a -4.83b -3.83b -18.32a -25.47b -21.90b -7.33a -14.66b -10.99b
N1 26.72b 33.52b 30.12b 59.79b 60.28b 60.03c -2.37a -4.82a -3.59a -15.67a -26.89c -21.20a -6.64a -15.80b -11.22a
N2 28.13ab 36.04a 32.08ab 61.86b 62.39b 62.13b -2.02a -3.83a -2.92a -12.70a -19.59ab -16.10a -5.34a -11.85ab -8.59a
N3 30.52a 37.17a 33.84a 67.46a 67.09a 67.27a -2.53a -3.71a -3.11a -15.01a -18.01a -16.50a -6.20a -10.21a -8.20a
N4 29.26ab 36.33a 32.79a 66.85a 65.14a 65.99a -3.25a -4.90a -4.08a -21.05a -25.31bc -23.18a -7.92a -14.72b -11.32a
FS 3.74 8.13* 9.10** 1.16 0.53 1.60 1.04 7.04* 4.99* 1.26 6.93* 5.22* 1.37 5.71* 5.64*
FN 2.64 4.63* 5.58** 25.00** 15.97** 39.15** 0.83 2.66 2.05 0.80 3.53* 2.33 0.62 4.12* 2.92
FS×N 0.02 1.17 0.41 0.22 0.48 0.29 0.12 6.13** 2.41 0.12 6.42** 2.22 0.14 5.55** 3.00


秸秆还田与氮肥运筹两因素互作下水稻2021年的茎鞘输出量、茎鞘输出率、茎鞘转化率 不同小写字母表示差异达显著水平(P < 0.05),不同大写字母表示差异达极显著水平(P < 0.01)。



穗数(/穴)Panicle number (/hole) 穗粒数Grain number per panicle 千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 产量(g/穴)Yield (g/hole)
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
2020 2021 平均
S1 13.69a 13.16a 13.42a 124.38a 105.66a 115.02a 22.93a 23.38a 23.16a 35.10a 31.38a 33.24a
S2 13.38a 12.75b 13.06a 123.30a 104.33a 113.82a 22.32b 23.28a 22.80b 32.95b 29.69b 31.32b
N1 13.00b 12.63b 12.81b 122.74a 103.73a 113.23b 22.33b 23.02b 22.68b 31.86b 28.94b 30.40b
N2 13.88a 13.25a 13.56a 123.42a 104.61a 114.02ab 22.61ab 23.28ab 22.94a 34.45ab 30.80a 32.63a
N3 13.63ab 13.00ab 13.31ab 125.09a 106.37a 115.73a 22.86a 23.53a 23.20a 35.17a 31.62a 33.39a
N4 13.63ab 12.94ab 13.28ab 124.11a 105.27a 114.69ab 22.71a 23.48a 23.10a 34.62ab 30.79a 32.71a
FS 1.36 4.41* 3.94 0.88 1.85 2.50 32.75** 0.94 18.09** 4.78* 10.09** 9.79**
FN 1.95 1.77 2.99 0.76 1.29 1.93 4.30* 5.72** 7.38** 2.28 4.52* 4.50*
FS×N 0.06 0.10 0.01 0.09 0.07 0.15 0.50 1.28 0.55 0.01 0.22 0.06
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