Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 140-146.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.06.023

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Effects of Plastic Film Mulching on Agronomic Traits for Different Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Varieties

Sang Limin1,Xu Jing2,Zhao Xiaoqing3,Guo Yuanzhang2,Jian Jiali2,Hao Xiaoyu2,Guo Jiulin1,Gao Yonghai1,Han Jianguo1,Xu Guizhen2   

  1. 1Chende Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Chengde 067000,Hebei,China
    2Institution of Cereal and Oil Crops,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang 050035,Hebei,China
    3Chende Pesticide Supervision and Management Station,Chengde 067000,Hebei,China
  • Received:2017-06-01 Revised:2017-09-08 Online:2017-12-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Guizhen Xu


In order to illustrate the effects of plastic film mulching on agronomic traits for different sesame varieties, three varieties, Jihangzhi No.1, Jihangzhi No.2 and Jihangzhi No.3 were used as materials in this study. The yield, agronomic traits, disease resistance, and economic benefit were compared between the open field culture model and plastic film mulching culture model. The results showed that plant height, stem diameter, effective fruit axial length, number of fruit nodes per plant were significantly increased by mulching culture, while the height of first capsule was decreased. Meanwhile, mulching culture was helpful to the root growth, due to the main root length, the number of lateral roots and the range of roots were increased. The effect of plastic mulching on sesame disease was not obvious. The ability of lodging resistance was enhanced by plastic film mulching. Lodging percentage of Jihangzhi No.1, Jihangzhi No.2 and Jihangzhi No.3 in open field were 3.5, 2.8 and 3.0 times of the plastic film mulching cultivation respectively. Correlation analysis and partial correlation analysis showed that the effects of stem diameter and plant height on the lodging percentage were significant (P<0.01). Variety and cultivation mode had very significant impact on plot yield, yield per plant, 1000-grain weight and capsule number per plant; and the interaction between them had very significant impact on yield per plant and capsule number per plant, which had significant impact on plot yield, and had no significant on 1000-grain weight. Plastic film mulching could substantially increase net income and cost-profit ratio of cultivated sesame, and Jihangzhi No.2 planted with plastic film mulching achieved maximum economic benefits, the cost-profit ratio reached 126.57%.

Key words: Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), Plastic film mulching, Yield traits, Economic benefits


The influence of different cultivation on agricultural traits of sesame varieties Different lower case letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05) among treatments, the same below"


The influence of different cultivation on lodging resistance and disease resistance of sesame varieties"

Table 1

Correlation and partial correlation coefficient of lodging percentage with agricultural traits"

Lodging percentage
Stem diameter
Main root length
Lateral root number
The range of roots
Plant height
倒伏率Lodging percentage 1 -0.852** 0.486 0.195 -0.515 -0.914**
茎粗Stem diameter -0.904** 1 0.237 0.442 -0.209 -0.805**
主根长度Main root length -0.736** 0.719** 1 0.537* 0.375 0.373
侧根条数Lateral root number -0.893** 0.849** 0.920** 1 0.191 0.451
根系分布范围The range of roots -0.750** 0.824** 0.697** 0.751** 1 -0.563*
株高Plant height -0.902** 0.696** 0.790** 0.890** 0.552* 1

Table 2

Variance analysis of yield and yield components of sesame under different varieties and different cultivation patterns"

Factors and interactions
Plot yield
Yield per plant
1000-grain weight
Capsule number per plant
A1 3.3567b 12.7967b 2.85483b 85.5000c
A2 3.9600a 13.7600a 3.04617a 98.0000a
A3 3.4050b 11.8250c 3.05700a 90.0000b
B1 3.0800b 11.4589b 2.93320b 77.6667b
B2 4.0678a 14.1289a 3.03880a 104.6667a
A1B1 2.9567c 12.5500bc 2.80667a 75.6667e
A1B2 3.7567b 13.0433b 2.90300a 95.3333c
A2B1 3.1900bc 11.0833cd 2.98067a 83.6667d
A2B2 4.7300a 16.4367a 3.11167a 112.3333a
A3B1 3.0933bc 10.7433d 3.01233a 73.6667e
A3B2 3.7167b 12.9067b 3.10167a 106.3333b
品种Variety ** ** ** **
栽培模式Cultivation pattern ** ** ** **
品种×栽培模式Variety×Cultivation pattern * ** NS **

Table 3

Economic benefit analysis of different sesame varieties under different cultivation modes"

成本(元/hm2) Cost (yuan/hm2) 小区产量(kg)
Plot yield
Yield in hectare
Net income
Cost-profit ratio
Total cost
A1B1 1 560.00 183.00 0 10 500.00 12 243.00 2.9567 1 369.53 16 434.32 4 191.32 34.23
A1B2 1 560.00 183.00 860.70 9 000.00 11 603.70 3.7567 1 740.08 20 880.99 9 277.29 79.95
A2B1 1 560.00 183.00 0 10 500.00 12 243.00 3.1900 1 477.59 17 731.08 5 488.08 44.83
A2B2 1 560.00 183.00 860.70 9 000.00 11 603.70 4.7300 2 190.91 26 290.92 14 687.22 126.57
A3B1 1 560.00 183.00 0 10 500.00 12 243.00 3.0933 1 432.80 17 193.59 4 950.59 40.44
A3B2 1 560.00 183.00 860.70 9 000.00 11 603.70 3.7167 1 721.55 20 658.66 9 054.96 78.04
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