Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 103-107.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.018

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Effects of Different Mulching Patterns on Water Use and Economic Returns of Drop Irrigation Tomato Planted in Plastic House

Wang Xiaojuan,Zhao Yuanfeng,Wang Juanling,Zhai Guangqian,Liu Enke,Dong Chunlin,Yan Liuying,Zhang Wei,Jiang Chunxia,Zhang Zheng   

  1. Institute of Dryland Farming, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2017-11-14 Revised:2018-02-08 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


A field experiment was conducted at the east of the Loess Plateau to determine the effects of different mulching patterns on water use and economic returns of tomato under drip irrigation condition in plastic house. No mulch (CK), film half mulch (FH), film whole mulch (FW), straw whole mulch (SW), straw-film mulch (SF) were applied into field plots. The results showed that SW and SF treatments significantly increased soil moisture storage by 13.67% and 28.49% respectively in 0-120cm soil layer, and significantly decreased evapotranspiration rate by 5.39% and 14.84% respectively compared with control. FH treatment significantly decreased soil moisture storage by 21.34%, and significantly increased evapotranspiration by 8.35% compared with control in 0-120cm soil layer. Different mulching patterns significantly increased tomato yield by 22.83%-50.35%, and significantly increased water use efficiency by 29.83%-67.65%, and significantly increased tomato yield income and net return. SF treatment significantly increased water use efficiency by 15.19%-29.13% compared with other mulch treatments. FH treatment significantly increased tomato yield income and net return compared with other mulch treatments. It was suggested that FH treatment had an significant effect on increasing farmers income.

Key words: Plastic house, Mulch, Soil moisture, Water use, Economic returns


Soil water storage of 0-120cm soil layer after tomato harvest"


Evapotranspiration for different treatments"


Water use efficiency of different treatments"


Tomato yield of different treatments"


投入Investment 总投入
Total investment
Yield income
Net return
覆盖材料Mulching material 其他Others
CK - 53 302.1 53 302.1 66 480.3e 13 178.2e
FH 667.2 53 302.1 53 969.3 106 297.8a 52 328.5a
FW 1 334.4 53 302.1 54 636.5 94 409.6c 39 773.1c
SW 400.0 53 302.1 53 702.1 81 951.3d 28 249.2d
SF 566.9 53 302.1 53 869.0 100 575.3b 46 706.3b
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