Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 83-88.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.06.013

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Effects of Sowing Date and Planting Density on Yield and Related Traits in Adzuki Bean

Wang Lezheng,Hua Fangjing,Cao Pengpeng,Tian Yixin,Gao Fengju   

  1. Dezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dezhou 253015, Shandong, China
  • Received:2018-04-27 Revised:2018-07-16 Online:2018-12-15 Published:2018-12-06


To achieve a high yield of adzuki bean, a field split-plot design with sowing date (T1:16 th June, T2:23 th June, T3:30 th June, T4:7 th July, T5:14 th July) as the main plot and density (×10 4 plants/hm 2) (D1:8.0, D2:10.0, D3:12.0 and D4:14.0) as the subplot, was used to explore the effects of sowing date and planting density on yield and related traits of Dehong 5261, a new erect variety. The results showed that with the delay of sowing date, the plant height, pitch number of main stem, branch number of main stem as well as pods per plant all gradually decreased. Seeds per pod and hundred-seed weight decreased only with the growing planting density and sowing too early or too late all had disadvantage for their increases. Population grain yield and single plant yield were significantly affected by the sowing date as well as the interactive effects of sowing date and planting density, and they both decreased by the delay of sowing date. The yield per plant significantly declined as the planting density increased while the population grain yield initially rose and then declined. The influence factor was sequenced as sowing date (F=421.98) > interaction of sowing date and planting density (F=37.55) > planting density (F=2.10) for population grain yield and planting density (F=425.74) > sowing date (F=369.20) > interaction of sowing date and planting density (F=44.23) for single yield. A regression equation was established with the sowing date (X1), the planting density (X2) and grain yield (Y): Y=2659.46–60.63X1+14.60X2+0.05117X1 2–2.94X2 2+3.54X1X2 (R 2=8833). The results showed that the optimum density for sowing was 8.0×10 4plants/hm 2 from 16 th June to 22 th June, 9.0×10 4 plants/hm 2 from 23 th June to 29 th June, 13.0×10 4 plants/hm 2 from 30 th June to 6 th July and 14.0×10 4 plants/hm 2 from 7 th July to 14 th July.

Key words: Adzuki bean, Sowing date, Planting density, Yield, Related traits

Table 1

Effects of sowing date and planting density on population grain yield in adzuki bean kg/hm2"

处理Treatment D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean
T1 2 474.5ab 2 494.4a 2 426.7b 2 304.4c 2 425.0a
T2 2 442.2ab 2 482.2a 2 374.4b 2 093.3c 2 348.1b
T3 2 162.2a 2 177.8a 2 192.2a 2 103.3a 2 158.9c
T4 1 861.1b 1 884.2b 1 926.7b 2 191.1a 1 965.8d
T5 1 806.7c 1 854.4bc 1 916.7b 2 055.6a 1 908.3e
平均Mean 2 149.3a 2 178.6a 2 167.3a 2 149.6a


处理Treatment D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean
T1 44.6a 36.0b 28.1c 23.6d 33.1a
T2 30.2a 27.1b 19.3c 16.4d 23.3bc
T3 28.8a 26.0b 22.9c 12.4d 22.5c
T4 25.6a 25.3a 22.0b 21.1b 23.5b
T5 20.2a 18.7ab 18.2b 17.6b 18.7d
平均Mean 29.9a 26.6b 22.1c 18.2d

Table 3

Effects of sowing date and planting density on grain yield components in adzuki bean"

单株荚数Pods per plant 荚粒数Seeds per pod 百粒重100-seed weight (g)
D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean
T1 45.3a 40.5b 31.7c 26.9d 36.1a 7.8a 7.7a 7.6a 7.5a 7.6ab 16.1a 15.1b 14.1c 14.1c 14.9c
T2 37.7a 35.2b 22.6c 21.3c 29.2b 8.2a 7.8ab 7.6b 7.3b 7.7ab 15.9a 15.6a 15.5a 15.3a 15.6a
T3 35.3a 27.1b 27.0b 15.0c 26.1c 7.7a 7.4a 7.4a 7.0a 7.4b 17.6a 16.1b 14.0c 14.0c 15.4ab
T4 28.1a 27.6a 26.8a 22.1b 26.1c 8.1a 7.9a 7.7a 7.4a 7.8a 16.1a 15.3a 15.2a 13.2b 15.0bc
T5 29.3a 26.1b 23.2bc 21.7c 25.1c 7.7a 7.6a 7.1a 7.0a 7.4b 15.7a 15.4a 15.3a 14.6a 15.3abc
平均Mean 35.1a 31.3b 26.3c 21.4d 7.9a 7.7ab 7.5bc 7.3c 16.3a 15.5b 14.8c 14.2d

Table 4

Effects of sowing date and planting density on agronomic traits in adzuki bean"

株高Plant height(cm) 主茎节数Pitches of main stem 主茎分枝数Branches of main stem
D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean D1 D2 D3 D4 平均Mean
T1 61.0a 54.2b 51.3c 47.4d 53.5a 19.8a 18.7b 16.7c 15.7d 17.7a 4.9a 4.5b 3.7c 3.7c 4.2a
T2 52.6a 48.1b 47.8b 44.1c 48.2b 17.5a 17.3a 16.9a 15.7b 16.9b 4.4a 4.1a 3.7b 2.5c 3.7b
T3 51.0a 50.5a 47.1b 40.5c 47.3b 17.1a 16.1b 16.0b 15.1c 16.1c 4.5a 3.9b 3.5c 2.8d 3.7b
T4 52.3a 50.1a 45.2b 40.3c 47.0b 16.5a 16.1ab 15.9ab 15.5b 16.0c 3.6a 3.3ab 3.3ab 2.9b 3.3c
T5 50.6a 47.4b 46.4b 42.9c 46.8b 16.1a 16.0b 14.8b 13.3c 15.1d 4.3a 3.7b 2.9c 2.0d 3.2c
平均Mean 53.5a 50.0b 47.5c 43.1d 18.0a 16.8b 16.1c 15.1d 4.3a 3.9b 3.4c 2.8d


Comparison on grain yield of different planting density in each sowing date"

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