Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 160-165.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.05.024

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Response of Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics of Pepper in Guizhou under Drought Stress

Chen Fang(), Gu Xiaoping, Yu Fei(), Hu Jiamin, Zuo Jin, Hu Xinxin, Liu Yupeng, Hu Feng   

  1. Mountain Environment and Climate Research Institute of Guizhou Province/Guizhou Provincial Key Laboratory of Climate and Resources, Guiyang 550002, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2020-10-19 Revised:2020-11-16 Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-10-14
  • Contact: Yu Fei;


Pepper is one of economic crops in Guizhou, agricultural structure coordination province, which is the leading and influential industries. Most areas in Guizhou belong to karst landforms, poor soil water retention which are prone to drought. It is important to clarify the drought resistance mechanism of pepper which has important theoretical value and practical production significance for realizing the quality and high yield of pepper production in Guizhou. The main pepper variety Lafeng No.3 in Guizhou province was selected for this experiment to study the yield, growth, photosynthetic characteristics and regulation mechanism, and variation law of fruit physiological characteristics of pepper under light (LD), moderate (MD), severe (SD) and extremely severe (TD) drought stress (field water capacity was 70%, 60%, 40% and 20%). With the increase of drought stress, the fruit length, fruit thickness, stem thickness, plant height, single fruit weight, and dry matter content of pepper plants decreased significantly and the decreasing trend became more obvious with the increase of drought stress. Pepper's net photosynthetic rate showed a trend of rising first, then gradually stabilized, and finally gradually decreased with the increase of drought. The maximum net photosynthetic rate, apparent quantum efficiency, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, and transpiration rate all decreased significantly. However, water use efficiency increased significantly. Drought stress inhibited the growth of pepper plants, and the contents of crude fat and crude fiber of pepper decreased significantly. Under LD, the contents of dihydrocapsaicin were significantly lower than those of the control group. While, with the increase of drought stress, the contents of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin gradually increased (except LD and TD treatments). In conclusion, in the Karst arid area of Guizhou, mild to moderate water stress (field water capacity 60%-70%) could meet the normal growth requirements of pepper.

Key words: Pepper, Drought stress, Photosynthetic characteristics, Physiological characteristics

Table 1

Comparison of pepper growth under drought stress"

The first flower-full bloom
Flourishing flower-early fruit
Early fruit-full fruit
Stem diameter
Plant height
Stem diameter
Plant height
Stem diameter
Plant height
Stem diameter
Plant height
CK 9.75±0.63a 89.06±4.87a 11.92±0.46a 111.35±1.55a 12.69±0.56a 126.64±1.78a 12.91±0.41a 133.27±2.77a
LD 9.38±0.26a 87.13±2.88b 11.69±0.16ab 110.22±7.10a 12.40±0.52a 125.95±9.67a 12.78±0.88a 129.74±5.92b
MD 9.17±0.20ab 87.08±5.41b 11.65±0.18ab 109.62±2.53b 12.38±0.41ab 124.66±1.72ab 12.17±0.33ab 126.74±6.41bc
SD 8.93±0.14b 86.97±3.22bc 11.59±0.87b 106.19±2.20bc 12.15±1.25ab 120.73±4.89b 12.15±1.67ab 125.03±2.72c
TD 8.72± 1.05b 82.87±5.10c 10.79±0.73c 104.69±2.57c 11.28±1.26b 114.84±2.98c 11.84±1.10b 119.86±4.80c

Table 2

Comparison of pepper fruit growth under drought stress"

Yield (kg)
Coarse fruit (mm)
Fruit length (cm)
Single fruit weight (g)
Single fruit dry weight (g)
Single fruit moisture (%)
CK 23.90±5.71a 14.95±0.43a 20.73±0.35a 23.91±0.18a 3.44±0.17a 85.61±0.74a
LD 23.47±4.85a 14.59±0.09a 20.57±0.47a 21.63±2.39ab 3.01±0.46b 85.41±3.61ab
MD 22.92±1.23ab 14.16±0.46ab 19.63±0.86ab 21.26±0.45ab 3.02±0.21b 85.74±1.31a
SD 22.77±1.71b 14.15±0.34ab 19.50±1.68b 20.18±1.14ab 3.25±0.23a 83.90±0.30c
TD 21.73±5.29c 11.81±0.33b 19.00±0.23c 18.19±1.40b 2.71±0.13c 85.05±0.42b


Photoreactivity curve of pepper leaves under drought stress"

Table 3

Effects of drought stress on gas exchange parameters of papper leaf"

处理Treatment Amax [μmol/(m2·s)] Rd [μmol CO2/(m2·s)] Q [μmol CO2/(m2·s)] LCP [μmol/(m2·s)] LSP [μmol/(m2·s)] R2
CK 25.813±0.052a 1.451±0.001d 0.089±0.002a 16.831±0.002d 306.865±0.012d 0.999
LD 25.715±0.153a 1.599±0.002c 0.081±0.001bc 17.457±0.002c 334.926±0.016a 0.995
MD 24.629±0.109b 1.547±0.001a 0.085±0.004b 17.578±0.007b 309.039±0.015e 0.992
SD 23.621±0.179c 1.409±0.001e 0.080±0.001bc 16.613±0.014e 311.875±0.013b 0.998
TD 20.593±0.115c 1.679±0.002b 0.071±0.002d 20.521±0.022a 310.563±0.004c 0.996

Table 4

Comparison of photosynthetic indexes under drought conditions"

处理Treatment Gs [molH2O/(m2·s)] Ci (μmol CO2/mol) Tr [mmolH2O/(m2·s)] WUE (μmol/mmol)
CK 0.37±0.047a 334.98±17.14a 4.18±0.372a 3.54±0.184c
LD 0.21±0.041bc 309.54±22.78c 3.22±0.305b 4.32±0.265ab
MD 0.22±0.037bc 322.31±21.28b 2.80±0.279b 4.60±0.244a
SD 0.22±0.039b 322.40±19.51b 3.01±0.318b 4.31±0.205ab
TD 0.18±0.029c 302.85±23.29d 3.48±0.238ab 3.74±0.203bc

Table 5

Correlation analysis of photosynthetic parameters of pepper leaves under drought stress"

指标Index Pn Gs Ci Tr
Pn 1 0.424** -0.940** 0.787**
Gs 0.424** 1 -0.149 0.718**
Ci -0.940** -0.149 1 -0.610**
Tr 0.787** 0.718** -0.610** 1

Table 6

Changes of physiological and biochemical indexes of pepper fruits under drought stress"

Dry matter
content (%)
Vc of fresh sample
干样Dry sample
Crude fat (%)
Crude fiber (%)
Capsaicin (mg/g)
Dihydrocapsaicin (mg/g)
CK 14.50±0.74a 282.78±2.38b 12.81±0.12a 24.88±0.08a 0.163±0.003c 0.050±0.001c
LD 13.72±0.68ab 231.95±1.71c 12.21±0.16bc 23.73±0.05b 0.160±0.001c 0.047±0.003d
MD 14.32±0.60ab 287.17±9.69ab 12.31±0.02b 24.12±0.06ab 0.200±0.001ab 0.060±0.001b
SD 12.58±0.16b 301.24±0.33a 11.94±0.09c 23.06±0.06c 0.250±0.001a 0.070±0.001a
TD 13.64±0.33ab 283.39±5.17b 11.99±0.11bc 24.16±0.16ab 0.177±0.003b 0.057±0.003c
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