Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 115-121.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.06.018

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Effects of Spring Irrigation on Yield and Water Utilization of Late-Sowing Winter Wheat in Southern Shanxi

Yang Na1,2(), Xi Jilong2, Wang Ke2, Xi Tianyuan2, Zhang Jiancheng2(), Yao Jingzhen2, Wang Jian2   

  1. 1Shanxi Province Key Laboratory of Organic Dry Farming/Institute of Dryland Farming, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
    2Cotton Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Yuncheng 044000, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2020-12-23 Revised:2021-07-08 Online:2021-12-15 Published:2021-12-16
  • Contact: Zhang Jiancheng;


In order to clarify the effects of irrigation patterns on water utilization and yield of late-sowing winter wheat in the Yuncheng Basin, with Jimai 22 as the material, five irrigation treatments for late-sowing winter wheat, W1 (no irrigation), W2 (irrigation at returning green stage), W3 (irrigation at jointing stage), W4 (irrigation at returning green and anthesis stages), W5 (irrigation at jointing and anthesis stages), and CK (irrigation at returning green and anthesis stages for traditional sowing winter wheat) were applied. The results showed that, the yield of late-sowing winter wheat under W1, W2 and W3 treatments were lower than that of CK in two experimental years. In the drought year, the yields of winter wheat under W4 and W5 treatments were significantly higher than that of CK, while the yield of CK was the highest in the normal year. Under the condition of late-sowing winter wheat with two irrigations, W5 treatment had the highest yield among all irrigation patterns, closely followed by the yield of W4 treatment, but the difference did not reach a significant level between them, the spike number, earbearing tiller rate, dry matter translocation amount, translocation rate, and contribution rate to grain before anthesis of late-sowing winter wheat with two irrigations for greenrising and anthesis were higher than winter wheat with two irrigations for jointing and anthesis. The water use efficiency of W2 and W3 treatments were the highest. There was no significant difference in water use efficiency between the W4 and W5 treatments. The results showed in southern Shanxi province, under the condition of late-sowing without winter water, irrigation at returning green and anthesis stages could maintain the stable production, delay the process of spike differentiation, and improve the frost resistance in the spring.

Key words: Winter wheat, Late-sowing, Irrigation, Yield, Water utilization


Precipitation during winter wheat growth period in 2018-2020"

Table 1

Time of irrigation"

Soil water storage
of 0~2m deep before
sowing (mm)
Time of irrigation (month-day)
green stage
2018-2019 421.8 03-03 03-28 05-01
2019-2020 468.7 03-02 03-24 04-29

Table 2

Population dynamics of different late sowing irrigation treatments of winter wheat"

Basic seedling (×104/hm2)
Maximum total tillers (×104/hm2)
Spike number (×104/hm2)
Earbearing tiller rate (%)
2018-2019 2019-2020 2018-2019 2019-2020 2018-2019 2019-2020 2018-2019 2019-2020
CK 272.1±2.8b 285.2±30.4b 1604.8±48.1a 1815.9±12.7ab 552.3±63.8b 505.3±15.0a 34.41 27.82
W1 434.2±22.6a 423.2±5.2a 1044.5±56.6d 1705.8±26.9bc 423.6±19.2c 423.2±7.0b 29.65 24.81
W2 430.2±4.2a 434.9±33.4a 1428.7±56.6b 1723.8±24.1bc 532.2±7.6b 458.2±6.0b 42.09 26.58
W3 416.2±21.2a 430.2±12.2a 1264.6±22.6c 1677.9±38.2c 541.6±7.1b 493.2±41.0ab 39.93 29.39
W4 422.2±8.5a 428.2±13.9a 1356.6±17.0b 1847.9±58.0a 611.6±15.1a 495.2±35.0a 48.84 26.80
W5 420.2±19.8a 422.2±33.3a 1252.5±17.0c 1687.8±89.1c 593.6±21.7a 503.3±43.0a 44.41 29.82

Table 3

Effects of different irrigation patterns on yield and its components"

Sowing date (month-day)
Spike number (×104/hm2)
Grain number per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
2018-2019 10-08 CK 552.3±63.8b 25.6±1.3bc 38.62±0.40c 7440.5±11.3b
10-27 W1 423.6±19.2c 24.3±3.5c 42.06±0.23a 4588.4±24.6d
W2 532.3±7.6b 27.2±1.1b 39.38±0.33bc 7006.0±225.9c
W3 541.6±7.1b 32.9±1.7a 38.01±0.58c 6987.9±24.4c
W4 611.6±15.1a 32.8±2.2a 35.03±0.61d 7662.3±151.8a
W5 593.6±21.7ab 30.9±1.3ab 40.92±0.54ab 7969.6±61.9a
2019-2020 10-13 CK 505.3±15.0a 39.5±1.0a 49.25±0.98a 9187.9±196.6a
10-28 W1 423.2±7.0b 34.0±0.0c 44.33±0.57d 5919.6±334.7d
W2 458.2±6.0b 37.9±1.2b 45.53±0.84bc 7620.5±245.6c
W3 493.2±41.0a 37.5±1.0bc 46.87±0.69bc 8020.7±109.3b
W4 495.2±35.0a 34.3±1.1c 49.22±0.88a 8979.5±14.4a
W5 503.3±43.0a 36.9±0.6bc 45.46±1.72b 9104.6±115.5a

Table 4

Dry matter accumulation amount and translocation of different irrigation modes in 2019-2020"

干物质积累量Dry matter accumulation amount (kg/hm2) 花前干物质积累Dry matter accumulation before anthesis
Dry matter translocation
amount of nutritorium (kg/hm2)
Dry matter
translocation rate (%)
Contribution rate
to grain (%)
CK 11856.13±958.34a 19820.96±471.45a 7964.84±486.89a 1223.09±392.66b 10.22±2.48c 13.31±4.27b
W1 8380.19±223.35c 12862.41±1139.71c 4482.22±1363.05b 1437.40±223.34b 17.12±2.21b 24.28±3.78a
W2 8927.66±144.42bc 15380.58±1012.97b 6452.92±868.55ab 1167.55±144.42b 13.07±1.41c 15.32±1.90c
W3 8805.20±128.84bc 16289.95±1443.06b 7473.70±1314.21ab 546.97±128.84c 6.19±1.37d 6.82±1.61c
W4 9535.77±480.66b 16093.72±560.22b 6557.95±1040.88ab 2421.53±56.39a 25.41±0.69a 26.97±0.63a
W5 9258.43±273.18bc 16202.68±431.62b 6944.26±704.79ab 2160.3±131.76a 23.32±0.74a 23.73±1.45a

Table 5

Water consumption composition in different irrigation treatments"

Sowing date
Irrigation amount
Consumption of
soil water (mm)
Total water
consumption (mm)
2018-2019 10-08 CK 180 195.3 89.5 458.0 16.01
10-27 W1 0 175.7 89.5 265.2 17.30
W2 90 155.5 89.5 335.0 20.91
W3 90 181.1 89.5 360.6 19.38
W4 180 179.8 89.5 449.3 17.05
W5 180 173.5 89.5 443.0 17.99
2019-2020 10-13 CK 180 194.4 243.1 617.5 14.88
10-28 W1 0 219.9 174.1 325.0 18.22
W2 90 224.0 174.1 419.1 18.18
W3 90 218.6 174.1 413.7 19.39
W4 180 210.0 174.1 498.4 18.02
W5 180 209.4 174.1 494.5 18.41


Water contents of different soil layers at maturity stage of winter wheat"

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