Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 151-156.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.05.022

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Effects of Wide-Narrow Row Configuration in Double-Row Concave Ridge on Growth and Quality of Upper Leaves of Flue-Cured Tobacco

Liu Chen1(), Yang Mingfeng2, Yang Long1, Zhang Nan3, Yu Tao1()   

  1. 1College of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai'an 271018, Shandong, China
    2Shandong China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd., Jinan 250014, Shandong, China
    3China Tobacco Company, State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Beijing 100037, China
  • Received:2022-03-01 Revised:2022-07-21 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-16


In order to clarify the effects of wide-narrow row configuration on the growth and quality of upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco under the double-row concave ridge mode, taking NC102 as the experimental variety, three wide-narrow row planting treatments of T1 (wide row 1.2m, narrow row 1.0m), T2 (wide row 1.3m, narrow row 0.9m) and T3 (wide row 1.4m, narrow row 0.8m) were set, and the same row spacing planting(1.1m) was used as the control (CK). The effects of wide-narrow row configuration on agronomic traits, leaf tissue structure, senescence characteristics, carbon and nitrogen metabolism, chemical composition, sensory quality and economic traits of upper leaves under different double-row concave ridge modes were studied. The results showed that compared with CK, T2 treatment increased the leaf area and sponge tissue/fence tissue of upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco, decreased the length-width ratio and leaf thickness, and improved the agronomic traits and organizational structure of upper leaves. T2 and T3 treatments inhibited the activities of superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase related to senescence characteristics of upper leaves, increased malondialdehyde content, and promoted physiological senescence and maturation; T2 treatment could reduce nitrate reductase activity, increase amylase and neutral invertase activities, improve carbon and nitrogen metabolism, reduce nicotine content of cured tobacco leaves, increase reducing sugar content, coordinate sugar-base ratio, improve sensory quality, and increase tobacco yield and output value. In summary, the wide-narrow row planting mode with a wide row of 1.3m and a narrow row of 0.9m was suitable for the double-row concave ridge planting mode to improve the growth and development of upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco.

Key words: Flue-cured tobacco, Double-row concave ridge, Wide-narrow row, Upper tobacco leaves, Growth and development, Quality


Cross section of double-row concave ridge"

Table 1

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on agronomic traits of upper tobacco leaves"

年份Year 处理Treatment 叶长Leaf length (cm) 叶宽Leaf width (cm) 长宽比Length-width ratio 叶面积Leaf area (cm2)
2020 CK 67.26±0.38b 20.28±0.21b 3.32±0.06a 865.48±22.56b
T1 68.02±0.56ab 20.68±0.56b 3.29±0.08a 892.52±23.89b
T2 69.38±0.65a 21.96±0.48a 3.16±0.06b 966.71±18.56a
T3 66.25±0.21c 19.88±0.36b 3.33±0.09a 835.67±30.21b
2021 CK 66.66±0.52b 20.39±0.23b 3.27±0.09a 862.41±18.56b
T1 67.56±0.48b 21.23±0.42a 3.18±0.06ab 910.06±43.36ab
T2 69.75±0.73a 22.18±0.62a 3.14±0.05b 981.61±15.12a
T3 65.16±0.68c 20.02±0.38b 3.25±0.08a 827.71±35.11b

Table 2

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on tissue structure of upper tobacco leaves"

Sponge tissue thickness (μm)
Fence tissue thickness (μm)
Sponge tissue/fence tissue
Blade thickness (μm)
2020 CK 145.23±6.65a 124.18±2.56a 1.16±0.02b 302.78±5.68a
T1 148.56±5.15a 128.65±3.16a 1.19±0.05ab 306.25±6.78a
T2 140.21±4.21a 112.32±5.15b 1.26±0.03a 288.53±4.67b
T3 141.56±5.36a 118.35±2.08b 1.21±0.03ab 299.65±6.67a
2021 CK 152.68±5.51a 128.23±4.21a 1.18±0.02b 306.16±9.82a
T1 151.98±4.25a 122.63±4.16ab 1.23±0.04ab 300.78±7.16a
T2 147.92±4.63a 118.25±3.01b 1.25±0.03a 286.17±5.31b
T3 146.31±6.16a 119.33±3.54b 1.22±0.04ab 295.15±8.32ab

Table 3

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on parameters related to aging characteristics of upper tobacco leaves (2021)"

POD activity [U/(g?min)]
SOD activity (U/g)
CAT activity [U/(g?min)]
MDA content (mmol/g)
CK 285.35±6.23a 262.57±7.23a 255.37±7.13a 77.23±3.56b
T1 283.23±5.12a 259.14±6.41a 222.13±5.58b 78.86±2.54b
T2 260.16±6.13b 247.53±2.23b 215.36±4.36b 85.39±2.23a
T3 255.36±7.18b 241.12±4.23b 195.35±5.26c 88.23±2.63a

Table 4

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on enzyme activities related to carbon and nitrogen metabolism of upper tobacco leaves (2021) U/g"

处理Treatment NR α淀粉酶Alpha amylase β淀粉酶Beta amylase 总淀粉酶Total amylase NI
CK 0.63±0.03a 2.55±0.02a 10.23±0.23b 12.16±0.33b 55.16±2.12b
T1 0.62±0.02a 2.52±0.03a 10.89±0.44b 13.26±0.52b 62.35±2.56a
T2 0.47±0.05b 2.57±0.03a 12.36±0.42a 15.03±0.43a 66.76±3.56a
T3 0.41±0.02b 2.53±0.04a 8.79±0.33c 12.15±0.56b 52.12±3.35b

Table 5

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on chemical composition of upper tobacco leaves"

年份Year 处理Treatment 烟碱Nicotine (%) 还原糖Reducing sugar (%) 总糖Total sugar (%) 糖碱比Ratio of sugar to alkali
2020 CK 3.52±0.21a 27.12±0.36b 33.42±0.48a 8.45±0.38b
T1 3.43±0.18a 28.21±0.67ab 34.02±0.52a 8.52±0.52b
T2 2.98±0.11b 29.65±0.45a 34.12±0.68a 10.23±0.62a
T3 2.95±0.12b 26.58±0.42b 33.05±0.62a 8.56±0.48b
2021 CK 3.63±0.27a 27.52±0.26b 33.53±0.52a 7.88±0.55b
T1 3.54±0.22a 28.07±0.38b 34.26±0.66a 8.33±0.47b
T2 3.01±0.15b 30.26±0.54a 34.35±0.72a 10.45±0.58a
T3 3.04±0.12b 26.13±0.42c 32.42±0.42b 8.23±0.43b

Table 6

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on sensory quality of upper tobacco leaves"

Aroma (18)
Aroma amount (16)
Miscellaneous (16)
Irritating (20)
Aftertaste (22)
Flammability (4)
Grey (4)
Total (100)
2020 CK 16.0±0.5b 13.0±0.5b 13.5±0.5a 16.0±0.5b 16.5±0.5b 4.0±0.5a 4.0±0.0a 84.0±0.5b
T1 16.5±0.5ab 13.0±0.5b 13.5±0.5a 16.5±0.5b 17.0±0.5ab 4.0±0.5a 4.0±0.5a 84.5±0.5b
T2 17.0±0.5a 15.0±0.0a 14.0±0.5a 17.5±0.5a 17.5±0.5a 4.0±0.0a 4.0±0.0a 87.0±1.0a
T3 16.0±0.5b 13.0±0.5b 14.0±0.5a 17.0±0.5ab 16.5±0.5b 4.0±0.0a 4.0±0.5a 84.0±1.0b
2021 CK 16.0±0.5b 13.5±0.5a 13.5±0.5a 16.5±0.5a 16.5±0.5b 4.0±0.5a 4.0±0.0a 84.0±0.5c
T1 16.0±0.5b 13.5±0.5a 13.5±0.5a 16.5±0.5a 16.5±0.5b 4.0±0.5a 4.0±0.5a 85.0±0.0b
T2 17.0±0.0a 14.5±0.5a 14.0±0.5a 17.0±0.5a 18.0±0.5a 4.0±0.0a 4.0±0.5a 87.5±0.5a
T3 16.0±0.5b 13.5±0.5a 13.0±0.5b 17.0±0.5a 16.5±0.5b 4.0±0.0a 4.0±0.0a 84.0±1.0c

Table 7

Effects of different wide-narrow row treatments in double-row concave ridge on economic characters of flue-cured tobacco"

Superior flue-cured tobacco rate (%)
Yield (kg/hm2)
Average price (yuan/kg)
Output value (yuan/hm2)
2020 CK 35.73±0.86b 2576.23±33.11b 27.24±0.96b 70 176.51±3421.45b
T1 39.89±1.12a 2753.75±43.12a 29.02±0.83ab 79 913.83±2578.38ab
T2 42.54±1.56a 2802.21±23.67a 30.32±0.92a 84 963.01±1802.54a
T3 35.12±0.91b 2568.12±35.63b 27.53±0.85b 70 700.34±3316.24b
2021 CK 36.15±0.82b 2612.32±42.13b 27.63±0.48b 72 178.40±2715.38b
T1 39.11±0.53a 2676.36±35.63b 28.02±0.33b 74 991.61±2015.31b
T2 41.33±1.62a 2889.21±45.65a 29.85±0.43a 86 242.92±2459.23a
T3 35.23±0.72b 2613.45±38.63b 27.56±0.34b 72 026.68±1985.24b
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