Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 127-132.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.021

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Effects of Leaf Ages,Seedling Trays and Hill Distances on Yield and Major Agronomic Traits in Rice

Liu Lihua,Zhou Chanchan,Gao Guangjie,Dong Liqiang,Wang Shu,Jia Baoyan,Huang Yuancai,Wang Yan   

  1. College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Northeastern Rice Biology and Genetic Breeding,Ministry of Agriculture,Shenyang 110866,Liaoning,China
  • Received:2016-04-22 Revised:2016-06-21 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Shu Wang


With rice variety Shendao 47 as entry, the effects of different leaf ages, seedling trays and hill distances on yield and major agronomic traits in rice were studied.The results showed that,at the same leaf age and hill distance, the highest tillers and effective tillers with hole tray were more than those with flat tray, and the stems and tillers of unit area were decreased with the hill distance increasing under the same condition of leaf age and seedling tray. The yield when transplanting at 4.1-leaf age was higher significantly than those at 5.7-leaf age and 2.5-leaf age. The yield with 20cm hill distance was much higher than that with 27cm hill distance, but different insignificantly with that of 13cm hill distance. It was easy to gain more effective panicles with hole tray, but to obtain more grains per panicle, full kernel setting and 1000-grain weight with flat tray, to reach higher yield.Under the condition of 4.1-leaf age and 20cm hill distance both flat tray and hole tray obtained higher yield of 12.90t/hm 2 and 12.58t/hm 2.

Key words: Rice, Leaf age, Seedling tray, Hill distance, Yield

Table 1

The survey of seedling qualities under different trays and different leaf ages"

Seedling trays
Leaf age
Sowing rates
Plant height
Stem width
Dry weight of 100 above-
ground seedlings
Dry weight of 100
seedling roots
钵盘Hole tray 2.5 57 9.75 0.217 0.90 0.20 0.09 0.22
4.1 57 17.43 0.338 2.08 0.71 0.12 0.34
5.7 57 22.41 0.380 4.10 1.24 0.18 0.30
软盘Flat tray 2.5 92 12.15 0.193 0.75 0.17 0.06 0.23
4.1 92 18.13 0.240 1.91 0.77 0.11 0.40
5.7 92 22.83 0.360 3.69 1.11 0.16 0.30


Number of stems and tillers of different treatments at different key growth and development stages"


Productive panicle rates of different treatments"

Table 2

Variation analysis of important agronomic traits under different treatments (P value)"

Source of variation
per panicle
Actual yield
叶龄Leaf age 0.1329 0.0002** 0.0001** 0.0259* 0.0030** 0.0008**
秧盘Seedling tray 0.5493 0.0000** 0.0001** 0.2486 0.0011** 0.0001**
叶龄×秧盘Leaf age×seedling tray 0.3607 0.0423* 0.2057 0.4086 0.2116 0.0210*
穴距Hill distance 0.0001** 0.0000** 0.0000** 0.3675 0.2790 0.0000**
叶龄×穴距Leaf age×hill distance 0.0651 0.1503 0.0000** 0.9494 0.0072** 0.0000**
秧盘×穴距Seedling tray×hill distance 0.1089 0.0002** 0.0000** 0.7146 0.4790 0.0000**
叶龄×秧盘×穴距Leaf age×seedling tray×hill distance 0.7741 0.1114 0.0000** 0.4129 0.4490 0.0755

Table 3

Effects of different leaf ages,seedling trays and hill distances on yields and agronomic traits"

Plant height
Effective panicles
Spikelets per panicle
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
Actual yield
2.5叶龄Leaf age 112.9a 340.9a 163.8c 85.9b 24.2b 11.19c
4.1叶龄Leaf age 112.4a 315.9b 176.9a 89.1ab 25.4a 12.12a
5.7叶龄Leaf age 111.1a 292.3c 170.4b 91.7a 25.6a 11.53b
钵盘Hole tray 111.9a 327.1a 167.7b 88.1a 24.6b 11.43b
软盘Flat tray 112.3a 305.6b 173.1a 89.7a 25.5a 11.79a
13cm 110.9c 338.9a 163.3b 88.5a 24.9a 11.74a
20cm 112.1b 314.8b 174.1a 88.4a 25.1a 11.84a
27cm 113.3a 295.3c 173.8a 89.9a 25.2a 11.26b

Table 4

Effects of different hill distances of different seedling trays at different leaf ages on yield and agronomic traits"

Plant height
Effective panicles
Spikelets per panicle
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
Actual yield
2.5叶龄-钵盘-13cm 111.3abcde 380.4a 155.0gh 86.5bcd 22.8h 11.53ef
2.5叶龄-钵盘-20cm 112.3abcd 353.9b 157.9g 86.7bcd 23.5gh 10.79i
2.5叶龄-钵盘-27cm 113.2abc 311.9def 172.7de 85.6bcd 24.4fg 10.38j
2.5叶龄-软盘-13cm 113.9a 350.4b 163.6f 85.1cd 24.5ef 11.60ef
2.5叶龄-软盘-20cm 112.9abc 331.1c 169.7e 83.2d 24.5ef 11.36fgh
2.5叶龄-软盘-27cm 113.7ab 317.7cde 164.0f 88.2abcd 25.2abcdef 11.46fg
4.1叶龄-钵盘-13cm 110.3bcde 360.7b 172.2e 84.8cd 24.6def 12.27bc
4.1叶龄-钵盘-20cm 112.2abcd 331.1c 178.7bc 87.7abcd 25.0bcdef 12.58ab
4.1叶龄-钵盘-27cm 112.6abcd 302.1fg 171.4e 89.4abcd 25.3abcdef 11.15gh
4.1叶龄-软盘-13cm 111.9abcde 312.8def 171.0e 91.2abc 26.0ab 11.84de
4.1叶龄-软盘-20cm 113.4abc 299.5fg 188.6a 90.4abc 25.8abc 12.90a
4.1叶龄-软盘-27cm 114.0a 288.9gh 179.7b 91.2abc 25.7abc 11.98cd
5.7叶龄-钵盘-13cm 108.5e 323.1cd 154.2h 91.7abc 25.7abc 11.58ef
5.7叶龄-钵盘-20cm 112.2abcd 298.9fg 171.2e 89.7abcd 25.4abcde 11.57ef
5.7叶龄-钵盘-27cm 114.3a 281.9hi 175.9cd 90.7abc 24.9cdef 11.06hi
5.7叶龄-软盘-13cm 109.3de 306.0ef 163.6f 91.6abc 25.9abc 11.63ef
5.7叶龄-软盘-20cm 110.0cde 274.5hi 178.7bc 92.5ab 26.1a 11.82de
5.7叶龄-软盘-27cm 112.1abcd 269.1i 179.1bc 94.0a 25.6abcd 11.54ef
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