Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 90-96.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.01.015


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Differences in Leaf Photosynthesis and Assimilation of Nitrogen Between Two Rice Cultivars Differing in Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Xiaoming Yin,Chen Li   

  1. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2018-11-22 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-01


Two rice cultivars,Yangdao 6 (a cultivar with high N use efficiency) and Wuyujing 3 (a cultivar with low N use efficiency) were hydroponically grown in nutrient solutions containing 2.86mmol/L NH4 +. Several physiological indexes in mid-position and flag leaves, such as net photosynthetic rate, the activities of glutamine synthetase (GS) and nitrate reductase (NR), content of soluble sugar and protein, content and transition of N and its contribution to grain N accumulation and yields were conducted. The results were as follows: (1) Net photosynthetic rate of flag leaves were always higher than that of mid-position leaves at the stage of anthesis or grain filling. As for cultivars, net photosynthetic rate of flag leaves in Yangdao 6 was significantly higher than that in Wuyujing 3 (P<0.05), while it showed no significant differences between the mid-position leaves at the stage of anthesis. Furthermore, it was higher in flag leaves than that in mid-position leaves and higher in Yangdao 6 than that in Wuyujing 3. (2) NRA and GSA were higher in mid-position leaves than that in flag leaves and were higher at grain filling stage than at anthesis stage. Also, they were significantly higher in Yangdao 6 than that in Wuyujing 3. From flowering to grain filling stage, content of soluble sugar exhibited increase in flag leaves while decrease in mid-position leaves, respectively. Content of soluble protein decreased, and it was higher in Yangdao 6 than that in Wuyujing 3. The transported soluble protein in mid-position and flag leaves in Yangdao 6, Wuyujing 3 were 50.3%, 37.6% and 69.5%, 44.4%, respectively. (3) Total N accumulation in mid-position leaves was higher than that in flag leaves and was higher at anthesis stage than at grain filling stage. As for cultivars, the amount of total N accumulation and transition in mid-position and flag leaves in Yangdao 6, Wuyujing 3 were 35.6% and 34.7%, 26.9% and 35.3%, respectively. (4) Grain N content and grain yields were significantly reduced under treatments of cutting leaves. Grain N content was decreased by 6.9% in Yangdao 6 and 4.6% in Wuyujing 3 when removed mid-position leaves and decreased by 10.5% in Yangdao 6 and 9.2% in Wuyujing 3 when removed flag leaves. Grain yields were decreased by 7.3% in Yangdao 6 and 4.9% in Wuyujing 3 when removed mid-position leaves and decreased by 13.8% in Yangdao 6 and 11.1% in Wuyujing 3 when removed flag leaves. This suggested that flag leaves contributed largely to the accumulation of grain N and the production of yields. In general, net photosynthesis rate and N assimilation were significantly higher in cultivars with high N use efficiency than those in cultivars with low N use efficiency. On the other hand, N stored in mid-position leaves in cultivars with high N use efficiency can be transferred to the kernel to reutilize, thereby, N use efficiency was improved. This indicated there were different mechanisms in the N use efficiency between various rice cultivars.

Key words: Rice cultivars, Leaves, Photosynthesis, Nitrogen use efficiency


Changes of net photosynthetic rate and gas exchange parameters in mid-position and flag leaves of the two rice cultivars during anthesis and grain filling stages ML-a, FL-a express mid-position and flag leaves at anthesis stage, respectively. ML-f, FL-f express mid-position and flag leaves at grain filling stage, respectively. Different small letters showed significant difference at 0.05 level, the same below"


Changes of the NRA and GSA in mid-position and flag leaves of the two rice cultivars during anthesis and grain filling stages"


Changes of the contents of soluble sugar and protein in mid-position and flag leaves of the two rice cultivars during anthesis and grain filling stages"


Changes of the nitrogen contents and its translocation in mid-position and flag leaves of the two rice cultivars during anthesis and grain filling stages"


Effects of removed mid-position and flag leaves on the content of nitrogen in grains and yields in the two rice cultivars ML-d, removed mid-position leaves; FL-d, removed flag leaves; CK, Control"

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