Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 115-121.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.018

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Effects of Micro-Ridge Film Mulching on Soil Water and Temperature and Yield of Dryland Maize in Cold Areas

Dongmei Zhang,Xuefang Huang,Chunxia Jiang,Wei Zhang,Xiaojuan Wang,Huatao Liu,Liuying Yan,Enke Liu,Guangqian Zhai   

  1. Dryland Agriculture Research Center, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2018-08-08 Revised:2019-01-03 Online:2019-04-15 Published:2019-04-12

Abstract: Aim

ing at the two main limiting factors of drought or water shortage and low-temperature in dryland maize production in cold areas, an experiment of single factor random block design was conducted in the demonstration base of water-saving agriculture of Yangqu County, Shanxi Province. Five half-mulching treatments with different ridge heights were set up to study the effects of micro-ridge film mulching on soil water and temperature and yield of dryland maize in cold areas. The results showed that the average soil temperature of film side sowing line 8cm decreased by 0.3 for every 5cm mulching-ridge increase by 5cm; when the ridge height increased from 0cm to 5cm and 10cm, the soil water content of 0-20cm was significantly increased by 3.6 and 5.3 percentage points (P<0.01); For every 10cm of mulching ridge height increase, the jointing stage of maize was delayed by 1d, and the stage of sprouting and silking was delayed by 1d. The economic yield (P<0.01) of the ridge height 5cm treatment was significantly higher than that of the ridge height of 15, 20 and 0cm treatments, and there was no significant difference with the treatment of 10cm ridge height. The water use efficiencies (WUE) of the treatments of 5cm and 10cm ridge heights, which was significantly higher than that of the 0 and 20cm ridge height, and the average increase was 2.1 and 2.2kg/(hm 2·mm), which were increased by 6.8% and 7.2%, respectively. The results showed that micro-ridge mulching (ridge height 5-10cm) could coordinate the contradiction between the two of increasing soil temperature and micro-collecting water by increasing the ridge height. And at the same time, it can take into account the effects of mulching of increasing soil temperature, preserving soil moisture and micro-collecting water, and increase yield and WUE. It is an appropriate mulching method for dryland maize in cold areas.

Key words: Cold areas, Dryland maize, Micro-ridge film mulching, Soil water and temperature, Yield

Table 1

Precipitation distribution in 1960-2005 and 2016, 0-200cm soil water storage in 2016 mm"

年份Year 5月
From May to September
Precipitation year type
Base soil moisture
2016 19.1 47.2 241.0 44.4 28.6 380.3 平水年 386.4(好)
1960-2005 33.2 57.0 102.9 103.7 62.2 359.0 - -
2016-(1960-2005) -14.1 -9.8 138.1 -59.3 -33.6 21.3 苗期、灌浆期受旱


Average daily soil temperature of maize seedling stage at 8cm soil depth under different treatments RH0, RH5, RH10, RH15 and RH20 indicate ridge height of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20cm, respectively, CK indicates no plastic film mulching, the same below"


Average the hour soil temperature of maize seedling stage at 8cm soil depth under different treatments"


0-20cm soil moisture content at maize seedling stage under different treatments Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference (P<0.05); uppercase letters indicate a significant difference (P<0.01), the same below"

Table 2

0~200cm soil water storage at different growth stages in dryland maize under different treatments mm"

处理Treatment 出苗期
RH0 371.1aA 333.2bB 418.2aA 386.1aA 339.1aA 369.5aA
RH5 372.0aA 321.5cC 417.4aA 388.3aA 340.5aA 367.5aA
RH10 371.3aA 335.4bB 412.8aA 385.4aA 347.7aA 370.1aA
RH15 373.4aA 336.1bB 413.4aA 379.2aA 348.9aA 369.8aA
RH20 373.3aA 346.4aA 416.6aA 387.8aA 340.2aA 372.4aA
CK 366.7aA 338.6bB 413.0aA 391.9aA 325.1bB 366.7aA
平均值±标准偏差Average±Standard deviation 371.2±2.6 335.3±8.2 415.4±2.5 386.3±4.2 340.5±8.0 369.3±2.0

Table 3

Growing process of dryland maize under different treatments"

处理Treatment 播种期Sowing 出苗期Emergence 拔节期Jointing 抽雄期Heading 吐丝期Silking 成熟期Maturity
RH0 4月27日 5月11日 6月23日 7月23日 7月24日 未成熟
RH5 4月27日 5月11日 6月24日 7月24日 7月25日 未成熟
RH10 4月27日 5月11日 6月24日 7月24日 7月25日 未成熟
RH15 4月27日 5月11日 6月25日 7月25日 7月26日 未成熟
RH20 4月27日 5月11日 6月25日 7月25日 7月26日 未成熟
CK 4月27日 5月13日 6月28日 7月30日 7月31日 未成熟

Table 4

Grain yield and related yield traits under different treatments in dryland"

Ear length
Ear row
Grain number
per row
Grain number
per spike
Grain yield
Shoot biomass
RH0 14.9abA 7.0aA 17.0aA 34.2aA 579.7bB 32.4cC 12 643.4bB 23 766.9cC 86.6aA 49.9aA
RH5 15.2aA 7.0aA 17.5aA 34.2aA 597.7aA 34.9aA 13 444.0aA 27 540.4aA 87.4aA 48.8abA
RH10 14.5bB 7.1aA 17.4aA 33.2aA 576.0bB 33.7bB 13 330.7aA 25 536.1bB 87.3aA 49.5aA
RH15 14.3bB 7.1aA 17.4aA 32.9aA 573.6bB 33.9bB 12 742.0bB 25 849.6bB 87.1aA 47.7bB
RH20 14.5bB 7.1aA 17.1aA 32.9aA 560.3cC 33.6bB 12 645.0bB 26 506.6bB 86.7aA 44.9cC
CK 13.3cC 7.1aA 17.0aA 30.3bB 514.0dD 33.8bB 10 514.3cC 25 923.0bB 87.1aA 45.6cC


Water use efficient of dryland maize under different treatments"

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