Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 127-133.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.020

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Effects of Different Planting Patterns for Oil Sunflower on Saline-Alkali Soil Temperature, Moisture and Electrical Conductivity in Northern Yinchuan Irrigation District

Fan Liqin,Li Lei,Wu Xia   

  1. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Yinchuan 750002, Ningxia, China
  • Received:2019-05-23 Revised:2019-07-30 Online:2019-12-15 Published:2019-12-11


To study the effects of different planting patterns for oil sunflower on the conditions of soil moisture, temperature and salinity in saline-alkali land of northern Yinchuan irrigation district, a field experiment was conducted to test soil temperature, moisture and electrical conductivity (EC) value under seven planting patterns, which included flat planting (CK, T1), flat planting with half film mulching (T2), half film mulching combined with straw mulching between films (T3), ridge-furrow planting (T4), ridge-furrow planting with straw mulching in furrows (T5), ridge mulching-furrow planting (T6), ridge mulching-furrow planting with straw mulching in furrows (T7). The results showed that the other six planting patterns all increased soil temperature of 5cm depth at 7:00. compared with CK, but the increasing effect of soil temperature at the flowering stage of oil sunflower was significantly weaker than that at the seedling stage. Ridge mulching-furrow planting (T6) could mitigate a drastic change for soil temperature of 5cm depth at 7:00. Compared with CK, soil moisture of 0-20cm depth soil layer for T7 and T6 treatments increased by 6.30% and 5.01%, respectively at the seedling stage, and soil moisture of 20-40cm depth soil layer increased by 6.00% and 3.38%, respectively. At the flowering stage, the soil moisture increased lower than that of the control. Compared with soil EC value of 0-20cm depth soil layer before oil sunflower sowing, soil EC value of T6 treatment decreased at the seedling stage, and decreased by 33.81% at the flowering stage, while soil EC value of T7 treatment increased slightly at the seedling stage and decreased slightly at the flowering stage. Soil EC value of other treatments had a larger increase at the seedling stage of oil sunflower. In conclusion, ridge mulching-furrow planting (T6) can be considered as an appropriate tillage practice for oil sunflower in northern Yinchuan irrigation district.

Key words: Oil sunflower, Saline-alkali land, Ridge mulching-furrow planting, Soil temperature, Soil water content, Soil electrical conductivity

Table 1

Soil physical and chemical properties of the experiment field"

Soil layer
Bulk density
Field moisture capacity
Organic matter
Total N
Alkaline N
Available P
速效钾(mg/kg)Available k
0~20 1.45 45.13 11.53 0.67 41.86 21.98 178.43
20~40 1.75 - - - - - -


Soil temperature of different treatments at the seedling stage of oil sunflower"


Soil temperature of different treatments at the flowering stage of oil sunflower"

Table 2

Differences of soil moisture in growing areas among different treatments %"

苗期Seedling stage 开花期Flowering stage
0~20cm 20~40cm 0~20cm 20~40cm 40~60cm
T1 12.30±0.12f 13.75±0.51d 13.70±0.17c 14.10±0.20b 17.02±0.45c
T2 14.80±0.49e 15.66±0.36c 16.84±0.24ab 17.76±0.20a 19.70±0.02b
T3 15.71±0.36d 16.88±0.07b 16.90±0.19ab 18.14±0.19a 19.73±0.55b
T4 16.35±0.02cd 16.84±0.26b 16.92±0.36ab 17.60±0.46a 21.14±0.41ab
T5 16.54±0.11bc 16.74±0.13b 16.58±0.58ab 19.05±0.97a 21.36±0.73a
T6 17.31±0.10b 17.13±0.20b 17.81±0.23a 18.05±0.30a 21.43±0.43a
T7 18.60±0.27a 19.75±0.24a 17.23±0.38ab 19.11±0.42a 22.38±0.58a

Table 3

Differences of soil electrical conductivity in growing areas among different treatments mS/cm"

Sampling period
Soil layer
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
本底值 0~20 0.53±0.03b 0.54±0.02b 0.56±0.04ab 0.49±0.06b 0.62±0.07ab 0.70±0.02a 0.69±0.07a
Background value 20~40 0.54±0.03a 0.60±0.04a 0.62±0.08a 0.54±0.03a 0.50±0.03a 0.69±0.08a 0.68±0.08a
40~60 0.77±0.08ab 0.89±0.10a 0.57±0.01b 0.65±0.04ab 0.72±0.05ab 0.71±0.14ab 0.71±0.09ab
苗期 0~20 0.82±0.02a 0.75±0.00ab 0.72±0.03b 0.67±0.01b 0.71±0.01b 0.69±0.04b 0.74±0.06ab
Seedling stage 20~40 0.84±0.02b 0.83±0.04b 0.81±0.04b 0.80±0.03b 0.80±0.03b 0.88±0.05b 1.18±0.10a
开花期 0~20 0.90±0.08a 0.72±0.03b 0.64±0.02bc 0.58±0.03c 0.63±0.02bc 0.46±0.04d 0.67±0.01bc
Flowering stage 20~40 0.64±0.09ab 0.85±0.08a 0.67±0.06ab 0.51±0.02b 0.69±0.06ab 0.87±0.09a 0.83±0.07a
40~60 0.66±0.01b 1.29±0.20a 0.67±0.07b 0.37±0.04c 0.53±0.03bc 0.81±0.06b 0.73±0.07b
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