Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 143-148.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.03.020

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Alleviating Effect of Exogenous Spermidine on Flue-Cured Tobacco Seedlings under Drought Stress

Wei Xiaokai1(), Jing Yanqiu1(), He Jixian2, Gu Huizhan2, Lei Qiang3, Yu Shikang2, Zhang Qili2, Li Junju2   

  1. 1College of Tobacco, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China
    2Guangyuan Branch of Sichuan Tobacco Company, Guangyuan 628017, Sichuan, China
    3Sichuan Branch of China National Tobacco Company, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2021-06-18 Revised:2021-07-25 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-20
  • Contact: Jing Yanqiu;


To reveal the alleviating effect of exogenous spermidine on flue-cured tobacco seedlings under different drought stress levels, Yunyan 87 was used as experimental material to study the effects of foliar spraying of 0.40mmol/L spermidine on growth and development, photosynthetic characteristics, root activity, osmoregulation substance content, membrane lipid peroxide, and antioxidant enzyme activities of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under different drought stress levels. The results showed that drought stress significantly inhibited the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco seedlings. Spraying exogenous spermidine could increase the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rate of leaves, enhance the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT) and root activity, increase the contents of osmoregulation substances (soluble protein, proline), reduce the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), and the production rate of O-2·. In summary, foliar spraying of 0.40mmol/L spermidine could effectively improve the drought resistance of flue-cured tobacco seedlings, especially on mildly drought flue-cured tobacco seedlings.

Key words: Spermidine, Flue-cured tobacco seedling, Drought stress, Alleviate, Antioxidant enzyme activity, Osmoregulation substance

Table 1

Effects of exogenous Spd on leaves and biomass of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under drought stress"

Maximum leaf
length (cm)
Maximum leaf
width (cm)
Maximum leaf
area (cm2)
Root dry
weight (g)
Stem dry
weight (g)
Leaf dry
weight (g)
CK 9.40±0.19a 3.86±0.05a 23.02±0.49a 0.14±0.00a 0.13±0.00a 0.43±0.01a
T1 9.56±0.15a 3.90±0.00a 23.66±0.38a 0.14±0.01a 0.13±0.01a 0.44±0.03a
T2 7.84±0.09c 3.34±0.09c 16.62±0.50c 0.08±0.00c 0.07±0.01c 0.28±0.02c
T3 8.98±0.19b 3.68±0.08b 20.97±0.79b 0.12±0.01b 0.11±0.01b 0.38±0.01b
T4 7.66±0.13c 3.22±0.08d 15.65±0.60d 0.08±0.00c 0.07±0.00c 0.28±0.02c
T5 7.82±0.08c 3.34±0.09c 16.57±0.56c 0.08±0.00c 0.07±0.00c 0.29±0.02c

Table 2

Effects of exogenous Spd on photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll content of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under drought stress"

处理Treatment Pn [μmol CO2/(m2·s)] Gs [mmol/(m2·s)] Ci (μL/L) Tr [mmol H2O/(m2·s)] 叶绿素Chlorophyll (mg/g)
CK 15.98±0.59a 0.58±0.03a 300.26±8.22c 7.77±0.35b 3.20±0.62a
T1 16.48±0.38a 0.60±0.16a 262.55±22.89d 8.48±0.27a 3.45±0.21a
T2 14.10±0.36c 0.45±0.19c 343.07±11.83b 6.48±0.18d 1.62±0.21c
T3 15.09±0.22b 0.49±0.01b 301.46±10.12c 7.24±0.11c 2.20±0.26b
T4 11.84±0.54d 0.36±0.02d 371.55±3.72a 5.51±0.25e 0.96±0.07d
T5 12.12±0.63d 0.37±0.02d 359.13±6.24a 6.74±0.29e 1.04±0.17c


Effects of exogenous Spd on root activity of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under drought stress Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05), the same below"


Effects of exogenous Spd on contents of soluble protein and proline of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under drought stress"


Effects of exogenous Spd on MDA content and O-2· production rate of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under drought stress"


Effects of exogenous Spd on SOD, POD, and CAT activities of flue-cured tobacco seedlings under drought stress"

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