Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 75-80.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.03.014

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Study of Salt Stress on Sugar Beet Seedling Growth and Nutrient Transport of Nongda Tianyan No. 6

Wu Junying,Qin Li,Yang Jin,Qin Dezhi   

  1. Vocational and Technical College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Baotou 014109,Inner Mongolia,China
  • Received:2017-03-09 Online:2017-06-15 Published:2018-08-26


In 2015, a pot soil experiment was used on sugar beet Nongda Tianyan No.6 to achieve a high yield and growth efficiency in the saline alkali soil. In the study there were 4 NaCl salt concentrations 0, 0.25%, 0.50%, 1.00% and 3 NPK base facilities: N-P2O5-K2O were at 180-165-75kg/hm 2, 225-240-150kg/hm 2, 270-315-225kg/hm 2 with a total of 12 treatments. Seedling growth, root and crown were measured in 5 days after treatment of sugar beet seedlings under salt stress, and the correlation analysis was carried out. The results indicated that the effects of salinity on sugar beet seedlings was greater than that of N, P, and K nutrients. Salinity affected the transport of N, P, and K nutrients in sugar beet seedlings. A positive correlation was found between the indexes and the root dry weight of sugar beet seedlings: K (whole plant) 0.755 ** > K (shoot) 0.754 ** > K (root) 0.624 * > P (root) 0.494 > P (whole plant) 0.265. Compared with no salt stress treatment, K played a greater role on salt tolerance of the sugar beet. Low salt stress (NaCl concentration 0.25%) on sugar beet seedlings could promote growth and the beet seedlings could tolerate growth at moderate salt stress (NaCl-0.50%). When nitrogen phosphorus potassium were combined at N-P2O5-K2O as 225~270-240~315-150~225kg/hm 2 level, salt tolerance of sugar beet seedlings were at the best test conditions showing increases in plant height, leaf area, dry mass, roots and total plant nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. Sugar beet seedlings were not resistant to severe salt (NaCl concentration 1.00%) stress.

Key words: Sugar beet, Seedling, Salt stress, N,P and K nutrients

Table 1

Experiment design"

NaCl 养分Nutrient
N1F1 N1 0.25 F1 180 165 75
N1F2 N1 0.25 F2 225 240 150
N1F3 N1 0.25 F3 270 315 225
N2F1 N2 0.50 F1 180 165 75
N2F2 N2 0.50 F2 225 240 150
N2F3 N2 0.50 F3 270 315 225
N3F1 N3 1.00 F1 180 165 75
N3F2 N3 1.00 F2 225 240 150
N3F3 N3 1.00 F3 270 315 225
N0F1 N0 0.00 F1 180 165 75
N0F2 N0 0.00 F2 225 240 150
N0F3 N0 0.00 F3 270 315 225

Table 2

Dynamic changes of sugar beet plant height in different treatments cm"

处理Treatment 6月5日 6月15日 6月25日 7月5日 7月15日
N1F1 16.38DEFde 19.15DEef 18.88CDde 18.92Gg 19.12Gg
N1F2 17.80CDEcd 21.80BCDcd 19.51CDde 20.22Ee 20.15Ff
N1F3 20.86BCDbc 23.60Bc 22.46BCbcd 22.57Cc 22.36Dd
N2F1 14.22EFdef 19.20DEef 19.81CDcde 21.02Dd 21.12Ee
N2F2 17.90CDEcd 22.05BCcd 20.20BCDcde 19.59Ff 21.34Ee
N2F3 23.94ABab 29.90Aa 24.64Bb 23.91ABab 30.85Bb
N3F1 13.48EFef 15.90Fg 17.53De 18.44Gh 18.35Hh
N3F2 12.16Ff 17.60EFfg 16.74De 18.66Ggh 18.41Hh
N3F3 13.49EFef 17.20EFfg 18.73CDe 18.87Gg 18.17Hh
N0F1 15.53EFdef 20.00CDEde 16.99De 17.92Gi 19.92Ff
N0F2 22.44ABCb 22.80BCc 23.24BCbc 21.07Dd 24.07Cc
N0F3 26.18Aa 27.80Ab 30.15Aa 26.83Aa 31.83Aa
均值Average N1 18.35Bb 21.52Bb 20.28Cc 20.57Bb 20.54Cc
N2 18.69Bb 23.72Aa 21.57Bb 21.51Aa 24.44Bb
N3 13.04Cc 16.90Cc 17.67Dd 18.66Cc 18.31Dd
N0 21.38Aa 23.53Aa 23.46Aa 21.94Aa 25.27Aa
F1 14.69Cc 18.08Cc 18.74Bb 19.46Bb 19.53Bc
F2 15.95Bb 20.48Bb 18.84Bb 19.49Bb 19.97Bb
F3 19.43Aa 23.57Aa 21.94Aa 21.78Aa 23.79Aa


6月5日 6月15日 6月25日 7月5日 7月15日
N1F1 225.95Ee 276.75Ff 323.54Ff 424.38Gg 649.14Ab
N1F2 337.38Bb 389.86Bb 385.63Cc 479.44Ee 621.43Bc
N1F3 362.68Aa 408.35Aa 450.25Aa 578.19Bb 658.83Aa
N2F1 112.48Jj 235.61Gg 250.91Gg 283.18Kk 478.81Gi
N2F2 322.77Cc 345.61Ee 306.65Ee 346.10Jj 513.48Fh
N2F3 215.35Ff 381.83Cc 429.83Bb 596.24Aa 602.01Cd
N3F1 133.89Ii 172.06Jj 215.39Ii 409.12Hh 375.22Jl
N3F2 175.19Gg 208.54Hh 224.54Hh 446.67Ff 450.29Hj
N3F3 153.23Hh 184.82Ii 219.48HIhi 372.49Ii 404.44Ik
N0F1 106.20Kk 279.17Ff 336.33Dd 491.82Dd 558.87Eg
N0F2 225.50Ee 371.85Dd 427.41Bb 492.92Dd 576.43Df
N0F3 304.54Dd 392.48Bb 432.12Bb 536.08Cc 590.54Ce
均值 N1 308.67Aa 358.32Aa 386.47Bb 494.00Bb 643.13Aa
Average N2 216.87Bb 321.02Cc 329.13Cc 408.51Cc 531.43Cc
N3 154.10Cd 188.47Dd 219.80Dd 409.43Cc 409.98Dd
N0 212.08Bc 347.83Bb 398.62Aa 506.94Aa 575.28Bb
F1 14.69Cc 157.44Cc 228.14Cc 263.28Cc 372.23Cc
F2 15.95Bb 278.45Aa 314.67Bb 305.61Bb 424.07Bb
F3 19.43Aa 243.75Bb 325.00Aa 366.52Aa 515.64Aa


处理Treatment 6月5日 6月15日 6月25日 7月5日 7月15日
N1F1 0.35Gg 0.97Cc 0.65Kk 3.06Dd 3.99Gh
N1F2 0.66Aa 0.90Ef 1.63Dd 2.98Ee 4.97De
N1F3 0.40Bb 0.59Hi 1.36Ee 3.28Cc 6.11Aa
N2F1 0.16Ii 0.96Cd 0.88Ii 1.77Hi 5.45Cd
N2F2 0.35Gg 1.02Bb 0.92Hh 2.03Gg 4.23Fg
N2F3 0.40Ee 1.16Aa 1.12Gg 3.53Bb 5.68Bc
N3F1 0.44Dd 0.67Gh 0.80Jj 1.82Hh 2.59Hi
N3F2 0.30Hh 0.58Hi 1.25Ff 1.54Jk 2.63Hi
N3F3 0.34Gg 0.46Ij 0.60Ll 1.70Ij 2.46Ij
N0F1 0.37Ff 0.88Fg 2.23Bb 2.70Ff 4.28Fg
N0F2 0.55Bb 0.93De 2.18Cc 3.65Aa 4.78Ef
N0F3 0.50Cc 0.87Fg 2.31Aa 3.28Cc 5.78Bb
均值 N1 0.47Aa 0.82Cc 1.21Bb 3.11Bb 5.02ABb
Average N2 0.30Cc 1.05Aa 0.97Cc 2.44Cc 5.12Aa
N3 0.36Bb 0.57Dd 0.88Dd 1.69Dd 2.56Cc
N0 0.47Aa 0.89Bb 2.24Aa 3.21Aa 4.95Bb
F1 0.32Cc 0.87Aa 0.78Cc 2.22Bb 4.01Bb
F2 0.44Aa 0.83Bb 1.27Aa 2.18Cc 3.94Bb
F3 0.38Bb 0.74Cc 1.03Bb 2.84Aa 4.75Aa


Nutrient content and root/shoot value in suger beet seedlings"

Table 5

Correlation analysis on the quality of dry matter and N, P and K nutrient components in different organs of sugar beet seedlings"

干物质量Dry matter 全株Whole plant 根Root 茎叶Stem and leaf
Whole plant

Stem and leaf
Dt 1.000 0.877** 0.869** 0.028 0.359 0.467 0.113 0.381 0.419 -0.030 0.086 0.462
Dr 1.000 0.523 -0.047 0.265 0.755** -0.084 0.494 0.624* 0.000 -0.285 0.754**
Ds 1.000 0.097 0.363 0.050 0.286 0.166 0.100 -0.054 0.446 0.041
Nt 1.000 -0.102 -0.285 -0.008 -0.190 -0.047 0.875** 0.110 -0.315
Pt 1.000 0.231 0.137 0.863** 0.434 -0.156 0.563 0.191
Kt 1.000 -0.464 0.518 0.846** -0.023 -0.394 0.996**
Nr 1.000 0.069 -0.294 -0.491 0.158 -0.478
Pr 1.000 0.611** -0.199 0.069 0.488
Kr 1.000 0.100 -0.145 0.797**
Ns 1.000 0.018 -0.043
Ps 1.000 -0.423
Ks 1.000
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