Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (4): 95-101.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.04.016

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Effects of Exogenous GA3 and 6-BA on Leaf Senescence in Low Temperature Stress of Virus-Free Potato Cutting Seedlings

Zhang Xiaoyong,Yang Youlian,Li Shujiang,Xiong Rongchuan,Xiang Hong   

  1. School of Biological Sciences and Technology, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui 553004, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2018-02-27 Revised:2018-05-21 Online:2018-08-20 Published:2018-08-23


The differences of virus-free potato cutting seedlings leaf physiology, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in low temperature stress (10℃) and different exterior hormones were studied. Spraying water used as the control, the gibberellin A3, 6-Benzylaminopurine were applied to study the influences of low temperature stress and different exterior hormones on virus-free potato cutting seedlings. The results showed that, under low temperature stress and different exterior hormones, there were differences in leaf physiological indexes, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence. Spraying 6-BA of 0.1mg/L treatment resulted in better leaf area index, Pn, Fv/Fm, qP, ΦPSⅡ, content of chlorophyll, malondialdehyde (MDA) and starch in leaves compared with the control; remarkably decreased NPQ, Ci and content of soluble sugar in leaves. However, spraying 6-BA of 0.5mg/L treatment resulted in negative influence that leaves senescence and Gs, Tr, Pn, Fv/Fm, qP and ΦPSⅡ were decreased than control. Gibberellin A3 treatment resulted in decreasing chlorophyll content, NPQ, Ci and content of starch and MDA in leaves, increasing Pn, qP and ΦPSⅡ. Furthermore, the leaf area index was reduced while leave of Gibberellin A3 raise to 20mg/L. Basing on the calculation results of the membership function of each treatment, the 6-BA of 0.1mg/L was optimal treatment to improve the cold resistance of virus-free potato cutting seedlings in low temperature stress.

Key words: Virus-free potato cutting seedling, Low temperature stress, Exterior hormones, Physiological indexes, Photosynthetic characteristics, Chlorophyll fluorescence

Table 1

Effects of different exterior hormones on leaf physiological indexes"

Days after cutting
Leaf area index
叶绿素含量(mg/g FW)
Chl(a+b) content
淀粉含量(% FW)
Starch content
可溶性糖含量(% FW)
Soluble sugar content
MDA含量(μmol/g FW)
MDA content
10 BA0.1 1.455±0.029a 1.95±0.041a 5.82±0.32a 0.229±0.010a 9.87±0.69a
BA0.5 1.552±0.031a 2.04±0.055a 5.78±0.28a 0.237±0.019a 10.21±0.61a
GA10 1.514±0.029a 2.14±0.079a 5.81±0.28a 0.242±0.012a 10.02±0.61a
GA20 1.427±0.027a 2.08±0.036a 6.03±0.18a 0.221±0.006a 9.94±0.39a
CK 1.530±0.029a 1.99±0.031a 5.94±0.28a 0.224±0.009a 10.24±0.61a
15 BA0.1 2.152±0.041a 2.35±0.040a 7.27±0.33b 0.213±0.012c 7.84±0.72c
BA0.5 1.898±0.036ab 2.38±0.053a 8.12±0.32a 0.191±0.013c 9.23±0.69b
GA10 1.963±0.048a 1.95±0.077c 4.56±0.18d 0.332±0.011a 8.25±0.39c
GA20 1.590±0.036c 1.87±0.035c 4.12±0.07d 0.384±0.004a 8.14±0.15c
CK 1.714±0.039b 2.12±0.031b 6.54±0.09c 0.237±0.005b 11.35±0.20a
20 BA0.1 2.373±0.015a 2.36±0.037a 7.32±0.19b 0.211±0.011cd 8.12±0.41b
BA0.5 2.144±0.040ab 2.45±0.049a 8.10±0.12a 0.195±0.007d 10.51±0.26ab
GA10 2.218±0.022a 1.84±0.071b 4.65±0.08d 0.333±0.005b 8.58±0.17b
GA20 1.820±0.042c 1.68±0.032c 4.24±0.20d 0.366±0.012a 8.64±0.43b
CK 1.936±0.045b 1.97±0.027b 6.24±0.11c 0.248±0.006c 11.84±0.24a
25 BA0.1 2.950±0.069a 2.32±0.036a 7.11±0.22a 0.218±0.012c 9.11±0.48c
BA0.5 2.443±0.037c 2.47±0.048a 7.82±0.11a 0.198±0.006c 10.35±0.24b
GA10 2.672±0.049b 1.93±0.068b 5.21±0.25bc 0.318±0.014a 9.45±0.54bc
GA20 2.152±0.035d 1.79±0.032c 4.62±0.12c 0.335±0.007a 9.33±0.26c
CK 2.453±0.042c 2.12±0.026b 5.88±0.28b 0.264±0.016b 12.16±0.61a


Effects of different exterior hormones treatments on gas exchange indexes||| Different small letters indicate significant difference among treatments at 0.05 level, the same below"


Effects of different exterior hormones treatments on chlorophyll fluorescence indexes"

Table 2

Correlation analysis of physiological indexes of potato seedling"

指标Index Chl(a+b)含量
Chl(a+b) content
Starch content
Soluble sugar content
MDA content
Pn Gs Ci Tr Fv/Fm ΦPSⅡ qP NPQ
Chl(a+b)含量Chl(a+b) content -1.00
淀粉含量Starch content -0.95** -1.00
可溶性糖含量Soluble sugar content -0.93** -0.98** -1.00
MDA含量MDA content -0.12 -0.12 -0.21 -1.00
Pn -0.37 -0.53* -0.45 -0.51* -1.00
Gs -0.46 -0.41 -0.41 -0.08 -0.26 1.00
Ci -0.11 -0.18 -0.09 -0.33 -0.88** 0.05 -1.00
Tr -0.23 -0.24 -0.21 -0.12 -0.67** 0.71** -0.51* -1.00
Fv/Fm -0.41 -0.43 -0.35 -0.21 -0.90** 0.34 -0.86** -0.75** -1.00
ΦPSⅡ -0.37 -0.37 -0.34 -0.61* -0.85** 0.02 -0.79** -0.38 -0.76** -1.00
qP -0.31 -0.42 -0.36 -0.53** -0.93** 0.23 -0.87** -0.70** -0.93** -0.80** -1.00
NPQ -0.12 -0.21 -0.24 -0.54* -0.70** 0.14 -0.61* -0.24 -0.61* -0.65** -0.65** 1.00

Table 3

The subordinate function values of the hardiness physiology indexes of different treatments in 20 days after cutting"

LAI Chl(a+b) 淀粉含量
Starch content
Soluble sugar content
MDA Pn Gs Ci Tr Fv/Fm ΦPSⅡ qP NPQ 合计
BA0.1 1.00 0.88 0.20 0.09 1.00 1.00 0.71 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 1.00 1.00 10.79 1
BA0.5 0.59 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.69 5
GA10 0.72 0.21 0.89 0.81 0.88 0.76 0.00 0.80 0.07 0.78 1.00 0.74 0.84 8.49 3
GA20 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.86 0.74 1.00 0.46 0.73 0.72 0.70 0.65 0.67 8.54 2
CK 0.21 0.38 0.48 0.31 0.00 0.39 0.71 0.43 0.52 0.69 0.31 0.38 0.38 5.19 4
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