Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (5): 119-123.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.05.020

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Influence of Planting Densities on Canopy Structure and Light Radiation of Sorghum

Wang Cong1,Yang Guangdong1,Hu Zunyan1,Chen Linqi1,Ren Siqi2   

  1. 1Keshan Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Keshan 161606,Heilongjiang,China
    2Jinsi Administrative Zones in Suibin Farm of Heilongjiang Province,Suibin 156200,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2017-03-27 Revised:2017-07-26 Online:2017-10-15 Published:2018-08-26


The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effects of plant density on canopy structure of sorghum and light radiation. The experiment set 4 density treatments: 1.54×10 5plants/hm 2, 1.92×10 5plants/hm 2, 2.56×10 5plants/hm 2 and 3.85×10 5plants/hm 2. Suiza 7 was the test variety. Random block design and small ridge-double line planting method were adopted in the experiment. The results showed that the planting density 2.56×10 5plants/hm 2 treatment yield was significantly higher than other treatments. Under this planting density, the later growth stages leaf area index (LAI) was declined slightly, the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) increased greatly, the population average extinction coefficient (K) was higher, the range of leaf distribution (LD) were lower, the canopy structure and distribution of light radiation were excellent. 2.56×10 5plants/hm 2 planting density was beneficial to the photosynthesis production and yield increase. This study suggested that 2.56×10 5plants/hm 2 were reasonable planting density, which could optimize sorghum canopy structure and increase yield.

Key words: Sorghum, Density, Canopy structure, Characteristic of light radiation, Yield


Effects of planting densities on LAI of sorghum"

Table 1

Effects of planting densities on MFIA of sorghum"

Booting stage
Flowering stage
Filling stage
M1 48.36d 59.40d 58.58c
M2 59.51c 63.85c 62.34b
M3 63.07b 67.85b 65.22a
M4 68.67a 71.72a 66.87a

Table 2

Effects of planting densities on LD in canopy of sorghum"

Measuring stage
90° 180° 270° 360° 极差
孕穗期 M1 0.64a 0.53b 0.73a 0.87a 0.34
Booting stage M2 0.44b 0.76a 0.69a 0.74b 0.32
M3 0.52b 0.75a 0.73a 0.65c 0.23
M4 0.54ab 0.62b 0.76a 0.59c 0.22
开花期 M1 0.69a 0.49b 0.59b 0.39ab 0.30
Flowering stage M2 0.71a 0.68a 0.59b 0.42ab 0.29
M3 0.60b 0.42b 0.60ab 0.36a 0.24
M4 0.62b 0.58b 0.78a 0.46b 0.20
灌浆期 M1 0.78a 0.41b 0.79a 0.62b 0.38
Filling stage M2 0.73ab 0.49ab 0.69b 0.39b 0.34
M3 0.73ab 0.54a 0.80a 0.68a 0.26
M4 0.66b 0.46b 0.76a 0.58a 0.30


Effects of planting densities on PAR value of sorghum"

Table 3

Effects of planting densities on K in canopy of sorghum"

Measuring stage
7.5° 22.5° 37.5° 平均值
孕穗期 M1 0.31b 0.40b 0.55ab 0.42b
Booting stage M2 0.36ab 0.48a 0.53b 0.46ab
M3 0.41a 0.43b 0.57a 0.47ab
M4 0.43a 0.48a 0.59a 0.50a
开花期 M1 0.41b 0.49b 0.53c 0.48c
Flowering stage M2 0.36c 0.53c 0.66b 0.52b
M3 0.56a 0.64a 0.71a 0.64a
M4 0.44b 0.49b 0.64b 0.52b
灌浆期 M1 0.40bc 0.42c 0.52bc 0.45b
Filling stage M2 0.43ab 0.49b 0.56b 0.49b
M3 0.46a 0.66a 0.68a 0.60a
M4 0.38c 0.44bc 0.47c 0.43b

Table 4

Effects of planting densities on TR in canopy of sorghum"

测定时期Measuring stage 处理Treatment 7.5° 22.5° 37.5° 52.5° 67.5° 平均Mean 极差Range
开花期 M1 0.53a 0.48a 0.39a 0.34a 0.21a 0.39a 0.32
Flowering stage M2 0.48a 0.45a 0.38a 0.29b 0.20ab 0.36b 0.28
M3 0.46ab 0.42ab 0.38ab 0.29ab 0.22a 0.35bc 0.24
M4 0.41b 0.41b 0.35b 0.32a 0.18b 0.33c 0.23
灌浆期 M1 0.59a 0.48a 0.41a 0.28b 0.22a 0.40a 0.37
Filling stage M2 0.54bc 0.44b 0.42a 0.33a 0.19b 0.38ab 0.35
M3 0.52c 0.49a 0.31c 0.29b 0.21a 0.37bc 0.31
M4 0.49c 0.41b 0.36b 0.32a 0.20ab 0.36c 0.29

Table 5

Effects of planting densities on yield and its component of sorghum"

Spike No.
per hectare
Kernel No.
per spike
Thousand kernel
Grain yield
M1 16.54d 1 622.73a 29.16a 7 798.15c
M2 20.92c 1 405.18b 27.43b 8 153.85b
M3 26.38b 1 248.32c 25.02c 8 376.92a
M4 37.08a 886.29d 24.14c 7 846.15c
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