Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 169-176.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.03.026

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Effect of Different Planting Patterns on Starch Formation and Yield of Potato in Semi-Arid Area

Chen Juan1, He Jinhong1, Liu Jili2,3, Kang Jianhong1, Wu Na1()   

  1. 1School of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China
    2Institute of Environmental Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China
    3Ningxia Key Laboratory of Resource Assessment and Environment Regulation in Arid Region, Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China
  • Received:2019-10-24 Revised:2019-12-18 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-10
  • Contact: Na Wu


A field experiment with single factor randomized block design was conducted to determine the effect of different planting patterns on the starch formation and yield of potato in semi-arid area. The starch synthetase activity, starch content and yield of potato under conventional flat planting (A1), single-row planting on ridge without plastic film mulching (A2), double-row planting on ridge without plastic film mulching (A3), double-row planting on ridge with semi-plastic film mulching (A4) and double-row planting on ridge with full plastic film mulching (A5) were compared and analyzed to explore the suitable planting pattern in the Southern Mountainous Region of Ningxia. The results showed that the total starch content in late starch accumulation period under A5, compared with those under A1, A2, A3 and A4, were increased by 34.5%, 26.1%, 18.5% and 12.7%, respectively. During the starch accumulation process, the five starch-forming enzymes have directly or indirectly influenced the amylopectin, amylose and total starch accumulation in potato. The correlation coefficients between total starch content and the activities of ADPG-PPase, UDPG-PPase, SSS, SBE, GBSS were 0.691, 0.264, 0.514, 0.629, 0.130, respectively. In this study, it was observed that different planting patterns had significant effects on potato yield. The yield under A5 treatment is placed the first and A4 treatment ranked the second whereas, the yield increased by 83.8% and 62.9% respectively compared with A1 treatment. Therefore, double-row planting on ridge with full plastic film mulching can effectively improve starch formation, increase the starch forming enzyme activities and potato yield, which is a suitable planting pattern for potato production in semi-arid area of Ningxia.

Key words: Potato, Planting pattern, Starch-forming enzyme, Yield


Distributions of precipitation and average temperature in the experimental area in 2018"


Effects of planting patterns on total starch content in potato tubers Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at 0.05 level between different treatments. The same below"


Effects of planting patterns on contents of amylopectin and amylose in potato tubers"


Effects of planting patterns on the activities of ADPG-PPase and UDPG-PPase in potato tubers"


Effects of planting patterns on SSS activity of potato tubers"


Effects of planting patterns on GBSS activity of potato tubers"


Effects of planting patterns on SBE activity of potato tubers"

Table 1

Path analysis of starch content in potato tubers and key enzyme activities in starch formation"

Correlation coefficient
Direct path coefficient
间接通径系数Indirect path coefficient
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5
总淀粉含量Total starch content R2=0.795 剩余系数=0.453
X1 0.514 0.547 -0.306 0.006 1.055 -0.788
X2 0.130 -0.385 0.435 0.005 0.731 -0.655
X3 0.629 0.007 0.503 -0.252 1.112 -0.741
X4 0.691 1.146 0.503 -0.246 0.007 -0.719
X5 0.264 -0.880 0.490 -0.287 0.006 0.936
支链淀粉含量Amylopectin content R2=0.782 剩余系数=0.467
X1 0.491 0.169 -0.178 0.360 0.953 -0.813
X2 0.151 -0.224 0.135 0.257 0.660 -0.676
X3 0.641 0.392 0.155 -0.147 1.005 -0.764
X4 0.686 1.035 0.156 -0.143 0.380 -0.742
X5 0.252 -0.908 0.151 -0.167 0.330 0.846
直链淀粉含量Amylose content R2=0.928 剩余系数=0.268
X1 0.928 0.635 0.206 -0.372 0.164 0.295
X2 0.859 0.259 0.505 -0.265 0.114 0.246
X3 0.799 -0.405 0.584 0.170 0.173 0.278
X4 0.805 0.178 0.584 0.165 -0.393 0.270
X5 0.896 0.330 0.568 0.193 -0.340 0.146

Table 2

Effects of planting patterns on potato yield and its yield components"

Tuber number
per hole
Number of big
tuber per hole
Big tuber
weight (g)
Number of tuber
per hole
Medium tuber
weight (g)
tuber rate (%)
A1 4.47±2.21c 2.02±1.98c 445±71c 1.03±0.11b 193.57±31.00b 68.2±1.7b 1 133.4±98.0c
A2 7.01±3.35a 2.81±3.23b 904±56a 2.67±0.23a 263.67±41.00a 78.1±1.2a 1 359.2±110.0c
A3 5.13±2.65c 3.11±2.11a 764±45b 1.07±0.14b 150.27±27.00c 81.2±2.1a 1 716.9±116.0b
A4 6.07±3.12b 3.81±3.11a 794±34b 1.22±0.12b 183.93±33.00b 82.7±1.9a 1 846.2±201.0b
A5 7.73±2.91a 4.71±1.62a 937±61a 1.83±0.11a 232.13±34.00a 84.5±2.3a 2 083.5±121.0a
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