Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 87-91.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.03.012

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Adaptability of Ten Maize Varieties in Cameroon

Zhang Jun1(), Chen Shunquan2, Zhang Wenqing3, Li Gaochao4, Bell5   

  1. 1Shangluo University, Shangluo 726000, Shaanxi, China
    2Chenggu County Agro-Tech Demonstration Center, Hanzhong 723200, Shaanxi, China
    3Yang County Agro-Tech Demonstration Center, Hanzhong 723300, Shaanxi, China
    4Shaanxi Overseas Investment and Development Co. Ltd., Xi'an 710000, Shaanxi, China
    5China-Aided Cameroon Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center, Nanga City 999108, Central Province, Cameroon
  • Received:2021-04-05 Revised:2021-07-08 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-20


This paper aimed at probing the adaptability of different maize varieties of China in Cameroon. Using ten maize varieties from China and Cameroon as materials, the growth period, agronomic traits, field incidence and yield of different varieties were measured at the China-Aided Cameroon Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center. The results showed that the growth period of Chinese varieties was 92-94 days, and that of Cameroon varieties was 110-112 days. The plant types of Chinese maize varieties were semi-compact or compact, with good regularity, Cameroon varieties were all flat and general regularity. The plant height and ear height of Cameroon varieties were significantly higher than those of Chinese varieties. Pests and diseases affected each of the ten maize cultivars differently. Chinese maize varieties had more rows and grains per ear than that of Cameroon maize varieties overall, and their 100-grain weight was lower. Cameroon types CHL 103 and CMS 9015, as well as Chinese variety Eyu 30 and Huasheng 2000, all yielded more than 9.5t/ha, indicating higher yield and resistance.

Key words: Maize, Adaptability, Yield, Cameroon

Table 1


生育进程Growth process 生育期
period (d)
Seedling stage
Jointing stage
Tasseling stage
Silking stage
Filling stage
Mature stage
绵单8号Miandan 8 04-25 05-16 06-07 06-09 06-19 07-20 92
奥利10号Aoli 10 04-25 05-16 06-07 06-09 06-19 07-20 92
鄂玉30 Eyu 30 04-25 05-16 06-09 06-11 06-22 07-22 94
中金368 Zhongjin 368 04-25 05-16 06-07 06-09 06-19 07-20 92
华盛2000 Huasheng 2000 04-25 05-16 06-09 06-09 06-22 07-22 94
CHH 101 04-25 05-16 06-15 06-18 06-29 08-07 110
CHL 103 04-25 05-18 06-15 06-19 06-30 08-08 111
CMS 8704 04-25 05-18 06-15 06-19 06-30 08-08 111
HTPSPY 04-25 05-21 06-16 06-20 07-01 08-09 112
CMS 9015 04-25 05-21 06-16 06-20 07-01 08-09 112

Table 2

Plant traits of experimental maize varieties"

Plant type
Regularity degree
Plant height (cm)
Ear height (cm)
Lodging rate (%)
Empty ear rate (%)
Double bud rate (%)
绵单8号Miandan 8 半紧凑 整齐 247.15d 94.32d 0.00e 2.32c 0.03f
奥利10号Aoli 10 半紧凑 整齐 231.82e 81.21e 0.00e 1.83d 0.00f
鄂玉30 Eyu 30 半紧凑 整齐 216.54f 68.46f 0.00e 0.31i 0.00f
中金368 Zhongjin 368 紧凑 整齐 229.92e 81.63e 0.00e 1.64e 0.02f
华盛2000 Huasheng 2000 半紧凑 整齐 235.83e 82.14e 0.00e 0.76h 0.00f
CHH 101 平展 一般 293.15c 137.54c 0.17d 1.25f 1.65d
CHL 103 平展 整齐 305.32b 146.83ab 0.05e 0.13j 1.31e
CMS 8704 平展 不整齐 287.41c 147.12ab 3.21a 3.79a 3.81a
HTPSPY 平展 一般 320.91a 151.42a 1.83c 3.12b 3.29b
CMS 9015 平展 不整齐 294.41c 142.72bc 2.71b 1.04g 2.14c

Table 3

Disease and pest situation of experimental maize varieties"

Leaf blight
maydis (grade)
Sheath blight
disease (%)
Mosaic virus
Ear and grain
rot (%)
Stem rot
绵单8号Miandan 8 1 1 6.32 3 10.84 8.91 5
奥利10号Aoli 10 1 1 8.91 3 12.37 14.42 5
鄂玉30 Eyu 30 1 1 5.46 2 9.83 12.68 5
中金368 Zhongjin 368 1 1 7.13 3 11.36 10.57 5
华盛2000 Huasheng 2000 1 1 5.19 2 10.81 9.75 5
CHH 101 1 1 3.82 2 13.32 13.46 5
CHL 103 1 1 4.04 2 8.84 15.92 5
CMS 8704 1 1 5.83 3 15.47 18.32 5
HTPSPY 1 1 9.62 2 12.35 13.64 5
CMS 9015 1 1 8.57 3 13.64 15.05 5

Table 4

Ear traits of experimental maize varieties"

Ear length (cm)
Ear diameter (cm)
Cob diameter (cm)
Ear row number
Number per row
100-grain weight (g)
绵单8号Miandan 8 18.72a 5.51ab 3.41a 16.0a 39.2a 26.55f
奥利10号Aoli 10 17.92ab 5.32ab 3.31a 16.2a 34.2cd 28.13e
鄂玉30 Eyu 30 18.71a 5.21ab 3.42a 15.6ab 37.4c 35.56b
中金368 Zhongjin 368 17.42b 5.63a 3.43a 16.0a 31.9de 31.65d
华盛2000 Huasheng 2000 18.43a 5.42ab 3.32a 16.0a 37.8b 32.93c
CHH 101 17.12b 5.45ab 3.23a 14.0d 36.7ab 36.22b
CHL 103 17.31b 5.32ab 3.15ab 15.3bc 33.4cde 39.25a
CMS 8704 17.23b 5.25ab 3.44a 14.8c 33.7cde 33.48c
HTPSPY 17.12b 4.87b 2.92b 12.6e 34.8bc 33.65c
CMS 9015 17.12b 5.34ab 3.43a 15.6ab 31.4e 35.92b


Yields of experimental maize varieties Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference between different varieties"

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