Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 160-166.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.05.023

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Effects of Different Fertilization Methods on Soil Nutrients and Yield of Spring Wheat in the Loess Hilly Region of Central Gansu Province

Chang Haigang(), Li Guang(), Yuan Jianyu, Xie Mingjun, Qi Xiaoping   

  1. College of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China
  • Received:2021-06-02 Revised:2021-08-23 Online:2022-10-15 Published:2022-10-19


In order to explore the effects of different fertilization methods on soil nutrient content and yield of spring wheat in the loess hilly region of central Gansu province, we set no fertilizer (T), chemical nitrogen fertilizer (N), organic fertilizer (M), combined application of organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer (NM), a total of four treatments. The variation characteristics of soil nutrient content and yield of spring wheat under different fertilization methods were analyzed. The results indicated that there were certain differences in soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) contents and stoichiometric characteristics under different fertilization treatments. The content of SOC, TN, C:P and N:P under the NM treatment were the highest, which was significantly higher than that of N and M treatments. There was no significant difference in soil C:N and TP among different fertilization treatments. Spring wheat yield had certain differences under different fertilization treatments. The spring wheat yield was highest under the NM treatment, which was significantly higher than that of N and M treatments. The yield of spring wheat was significantly or extremely significantly correlated with SOC, TN, C:P, N:P, C:N, and there was no significant correlation between spring yield and TP content. The results showed that the combined application of organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer could effectively increase soil nutrient content and spring wheat yield in the hilly region of the loess plateau.

Key words: Loess hilly region, Spring wheat, Fertilization methods, Soil nutrients, Yield

Table 1

Fertilization amount of different fertilization treatments kg/hm2"

Organic fertilizer (pig manure)
Calcium superphosphate
不施肥No fertilizer (T) 0 0 105
单施氮肥Single application of nitrogen fertilizer (N) 0 228 105
单施有机肥Single application of organic fertilizer (M) 21 000 0 105
Combined application of organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer (NM)
10 500 114 105


Variation characteristics of C, N, P contents in different fertilized soils The different capital and lowercase letters indicate the 0.05 level significant difference of different treatments under the same soil layer, and the different layers of same treatment, respectively,the same below"


Distribution characteristics of soil C, N and P stoichiometric ratios"

Table 2

Yield and its components of spring wheat under different fertilization treatments"

Effective spike number (×104/hm2)
Grain number per spike
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
T 120±2.31c 20±0.88b 39.33±0.47c 948.00±71.08c
N 144±6.11b 25±1.00a 43.79±0.23b 1575.33±24.44b
M 148±6.11ab 24±0.33a 43.77±1.15b 1544.00±117.51b
NM 164±4.62a 24±0.33a 48.18±0.03a 1916.00±35.57a

Table 3

Correlation analysis of SOC, TN, TP contents and spring wheat yield"

指标Index SOC TN TP C:P N:P C:N 产量Yield
产量Yield 0.895** 0.920** 0.007 0.837** 0.734** -0.664* 1.000
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