Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (3): 78-83.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.03.012

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Effects of Different Tillage Methods and Straw Returning on Soil Nutrients and Wheat Yield and Quality

Zhou Zhengping(), Tian Baogeng, Chen Wanhua, Wang Ziyang, Yuan Wei, Liu Shiping()   

  1. Yangzhou University/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology/Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology/Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2020-07-23 Revised:2020-08-09 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-06-22
  • Contact: Liu Shiping;


To explore the combinations of tillage and straw returning for high-yielding, high-quality, and efficient production of rice and wheat, a continuous positioning field experiment was carried out in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, a typical rice-wheat double cropping area since 2001. Six treatments were set i.e., no-tillage and straw returning in rice and wheat (NTS); no-tillage, and straw reduce returning in wheat (RNT); no-tillage and straw-reduce returning in rice (RCT); conventional tillage and straw returning in rice and wheat (CTS); minimum tillage and straw reduce returning in rice and wheat (MTS), and conventional tillage and no straw returning in rice and wheat as a control (CT). The changes of contents of soil organic matter and total nitrogen in 2009-2018 were analyzed and their effects on the grain yield and quality of wheat were investigated. The results showed that continuous straw returning significantly increased the soil nutrient content of topsoil. The soil organic matter and total nitrogen contents under the MTS treatment increased by 29.64% and 19.76%, respectively than the control and MTS treatment had a significant effect on the nutrient accumulation in soil. However, continuous no-tillage was not conducive to increasing wheat yield. The wheat yields of the RNT and RCT treatments were higher than that of the NTS treatment with increases of 16.33% and 10.34%, respectively. RNT tended to improve the processing quality and noodle quality of wheat. In conclusion, the combination of no-tillage and straw returning in the wheat season could increase the yield and quality of medium and weak gluten wheat and could be used as the preferred combination for achieving high-yielding, high-quality and efficient production of wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Key words: Tillage method, Straw returning, Soil nutrients, Wheat, Yield, Quality

Table 1

Treatments of experiment"

处理Treatment 秸秆还田量
Amount of straw
returning to the field
稻麦双季免耕与秸秆还田No-tillage and straw returning in rice and wheat double season (NTS) 稻麦双季各4500kg/hm2
麦季免耕与秸秆减量还田No-tillage and straw-reduce returning in wheat and convention tillage in rice (RNT) 麦季3000kg/hm2
稻季免耕与秸秆减量还田Conventional tillage in wheat, no-tillage and straw-reduce returningin rice (RCT) 稻季3000kg/hm2
稻麦双季翻耕与秸秆还田Conventional tillage and straw returning in rice and wheat double season (CTS) 稻麦双季各4500kg/hm2
稻麦双季少耕与秸秆减量还田Minimum tillage and straw-reduce returning in rice and wheat double season (MTS) 稻麦双季各3000kg/hm2
稻麦双季翻耕无秸秆还田Conventional tillage and no straw returning in rice and wheat double season (CT) 稻麦双季均不还田

Table 2

Effects of different tillage methods and straw returning on soil organic matter content g/kg"

年份Year 平均值
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
NTS 17.87b 17.53b 18.60b 18.00b 19.23ab 20.87a 20.15ab 19.58bc 18.38c 22.99a 19.32ab
RNT 17.26b 16.62bc 18.27b 16.29c 17.83b 18.96b 18.57bc 20.87ab 20.21b 23.25a 18.81b
RCT 15.72c 15.90c 17.32bc 15.75cd 17.25b 19.62ab 18.62bc 20.51ab 19.70bc 20.58ab 18.10b
CTS 20.89a 22.38a 20.93a 20.62a 19.30ab 20.27a 21.61a 21.17a 22.09a 21.13ab 21.04a
MTS 20.12a 22.61a 20.34ab 20.11ab 20.30a 20.55a 21.21a 20.92ab 22.17a 21.76a 21.11a
CT 13.50d 15.60c 16.57c 14.35d 15.52c 15.98c 17.76c 18.35c 16.64d 18.54b 16.28c

Table 3

Effects of different tillage methods and straw returning on soil total nitrogen content g/kg"

年份Year 平均值
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
NTS 1.25a 1.01b 1.03ab 1.04a 1.14a 0.99a 1.10b 0.95b 1.03b 0.79a 1.02ab
RNT 1.04b 0.99b 1.06ab 0.89b 1.08ab 0.99a 1.13b 1.03ab 1.14ab 0.86a 1.00ab
RCT 0.87c 0.98b 1.03b 0.87b 1.07ab 0.90ab 1.10b 0.96b 1.05b 0.86a 0.95ab
CTS 1.19ab 1.06ab 1.22a 1.07a 1.14a 0.98a 1.23a 1.02ab 1.16ab 0.88a 1.08a
MTS 1.20ab 1.14a 1.10ab 1.11a 1.15a 0.93ab 1.21a 1.10a 1.24a 0.85a 1.10a
CT 0.90c 0.83c 0.96b 0.86b 0.94b 0.86b 1.11b 0.91b 0.98b 0.86a 0.91b

Table 4

Effects of different tillage methods and straw returning on wheat yield and its components"

Ear number (×104/hm2)
Grain number per ear
1000-grain weight (g)
Theoretical yield (kg/hm2)
Actual yield (kg/hm2)
NTS 403.58c 41.58a 45.83a 7681.62b 6435.32b
RNT 415.58bc 41.20a 45.20ab 7740.28ab 7177.86ab
RCT 476.91a 40.07a 43.47b 8306.21ab 7486.49a
CTS 465.80a 38.13a 43.58b 7729.87ab 6942.57ab
MTS 432.91b 42.57a 43.47b 8008.12ab 6618.66ab
CT 482.69a 40.67a 43.58b 8549.98a 7431.48a

Table 5

Effects of different tillage methods and straw returning on grain quality of wheat"

Test weight
Flour yield
rate (%)
Wet gluten
content (%)
value (mL)
Protein content
Starch content
NTS 740.00ab 61.62b 62.97b 24.57ab 33.90b 11.84b 64.11a
RNT 738.20ab 64.68ab 65.94ab 27.42a 39.58a 12.72ab 63.60ab
RCT 743.80ab 70.88a 70.73a 22.44c 34.32b 12.24b 64.06a
CTS 741.65ab 70.77a 68.44ab 26.43ab 40.04a 14.21a 62.67b
MTS 730.40b 70.75a 68.02ab 23.67abc 33.78b 12.35b 63.91a
CT 744.70a 67.52ab 68.61ab 23.19bc 34.00b 12.45b 63.79ab

Table 6

Effects of different tillage methods and straw returning on the RVA parameters of wheat"

Peak viscosity (cP)
Though viscosity (cP)
Break down (cP)
Final viscosity (cP)
Peaktime (min)
NTS 2259.33b 1548.67c 710.67a 2795.83b 6.27b
RNT 2524.00a 1833.17a 690.83a 3005.00a 6.35ab
RCT 2317.83ab 1596.33bc 721.50a 2809.67ab 6.50a
CTS 2360.00ab 1712.33b 647.67a 2910.67ab 6.40ab
MTS 2391.17ab 1680.50b 710.67a 2890.83ab 6.36ab
CT 2317.67ab 1590.17bc 727.50a 2834.17b 6.30b
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