Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 101-107.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.06.014
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Zhang Rong1(), Jiang Enxi1, Chen Si1, Yu Xurun1, Chen Gang1, Ran Liping2(
), Xiong Fei1
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[1] | Wu Qi, Ming Bo, Gao Shang, Yang Hongye, Zhang Chuan, Chu Zhendong, Li Shaokun. Research on the Construction Strategy of Maize Grain Dehydration Model in Cold Northeast China [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(6): 108-113. |
[2] | Liu Zhewen, Guo Dandan, Chang Xuhong, Wang Demei, Wang Yanjie, Yang Yushuang, Liu Xiwei, Wang Yujiao, Shi Shubing, Zhao Guangcai. Response of Nitrogen Accumulation and Translocation after Anthesis in Strong Gluten Wheat to Nitrogen Topdressing Period and Proportion [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(6): 114-120. |
[3] | Liu Xiwei, Wang Demei, Wang Yanjie, Yang Yushuang, Zhao Guangcai, Chang Xuhong. Impacts Mechanism of Drought and Heat Stress in the Middle and Late Growing Period on Wheat Grain Yield Formation Process and Mitigation Measures [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(6): 17-25. |
[4] | Chen Dan, Xiong Furong, Wu Shaoyun, Bai Xiaodong, Zhou Guoyan, Wu Xiaoyang, Cai Qing. Molecular Detection and Geographic Distribution of Stripe Rust Resistance Gene Loci in Yunnan Wheat Landraces [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(6): 41-46. |
[5] | Wang Yifan, Ren Ning, Dong Xiangyang, Zhao Yanan, Ye Youliang, Wang Yang, Huang Yufang. Effects of Controlled-Release and Ordinary Urea on Wheat Yield, Nitrogen Absorption and Economic Benefit [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 117-123. |
[6] | Yang Mei, Yang Weijun, Gao Wencui, Jia Yonghong, Zhang Jinshan. Effects of Combined Application of Biochar and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Dry Matter Transport, Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Winter Wheat in Irrigation Area [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 138-144. |
[7] | Ling Yibo, Wang Binjie, Hu Yimin, Heinar·Madithermic mann, Chen Nianlai. Responses of Dry Matter Translocation and Yield Formation to Planting Density and Row Spacing of Sunflower [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 197-203. |
[8] | Huang Jie, Ge Changbin, Wang Jun, Cao Yanyan, Qiao Jiliang, Liao Pingʼan, Song Danyang, Lu Wenying. Simulation Model of Relative Meteorological 1000-Grain Weight of Wheat of Luohe Based on Principal Component Regression [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 212-218. |
[9] | Liu Shuhan, Chen Lei, Zhang Jianchao, Hu Gan, Sun Junyan, Liu Dongtao, Wang Junwei. Gene Differential Expression Analysis of TMS5 in the Fertility Conversion of Wheat BNS Sterile Line [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 24-29. |
[10] | Zhang Dongxu, Hu Danzhu, Yan Jinlong, Feng Liyun, Wu Zhiyuan, Zhang Junling, Li Yanhua. Effects of Spraying Streptomyces on Yield and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Late-Sown Wheat under Different Crop Rotations [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 255-263. |
[11] | Song Guicheng, Yu Guihong, Zhang Peng, Ma Hongxiang. Evaluation on Waterlogging Resistance of Different Wheat Varieties (Lines) at Jointing Stage [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 30-36. |
[12] | Ge Changbin, Qin Suyan, Qiao Jiliang, Wang Jun, Qi Shuangli, Lu Wenying, Zhang Zhenyong. Comparative Analysis of Agronomic Traits, Quality and Disease Evolution of Approved Wheat Varieties in Southern Henan and Southern Huai River in Jiangsu from 2001 to 2021 [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 49-58. |
[13] | Qu Haitao, Li Zhongnan, Wang Yueren, Ma Yiwen, Xiang Yang, Wu Shenghui, Tan Zhuo, Wang Chun, Wei Qiang, Luo Yao, Li Guangfa. Study on Genetic and Breeding Effects of 100-Grain Weight in Maize [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 66-70. |
[14] | Yang Cheng, Zhang Deqi, Du Simeng, Zhang Lijia, Jin Haiyang, Li Ying, Shao Yunhui, Wang Hanfang, Fang Baoting, Li Xiangdong, Liu Meijun. Effects of Dark and Strong Light Dehydration on the Photosystem Activity in Wheat Leaves in Vitro [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 98-103. |
[15] | Bian Xiaomeng, Li Huafeng, Chen Yanbin. Overview of the Funding and Implementation for Miscellaneous Grains in “Economic Crops” Special-Purpose Project of the National Key R & D Program during the 13th Five-Year Plan [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 1-6. |