作物杂志,2024, 第3期: 40–46 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.03.006

所属专题: 小麦专题

• 遗传育种·种质资源·生物技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙辉(), 赵昌平, 岳洁茹, 白秀成, 杨吉芳, 叶志杰(), 张风廷()   

  1. 北京市农林科学院杂交小麦研究所/杂交小麦分子遗传北京市重点实验室,100097,北京
  • 收稿日期:2023-02-03 修回日期:2023-03-28 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-18
  • 通讯作者: 张风廷,主要从事二系杂交小麦育种研究,E-mail:lyezh@163.com;叶志杰,主要从事二系杂交小麦育种研究,E-mail:1464095170@qq.com
  • 作者简介:孙辉,主要从事光温敏雄性不育小麦选育与鉴定研究,E-mail:sunhui802@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Different Ecological Environments and Daily Temperature Difference on Fertility Alteration and Agronomic Traits in BS Type Photo-Thermal Sensitive Male Sterile Wheat Lines

Sun Hui(), Zhao Changping, Yue Jieru, Bai Xiucheng, Yang Jifang, Ye Zhijie(), Zhang Fengting()   

  1. Institute of Hybrid Wheat, Beijng Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences / Municipal Key Laboratory of Molecular Genetic of Hybrid Wheat, Beijing 100097, China
  • Received:2023-02-03 Revised:2023-03-28 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-06-18


BS型小麦光温敏雄性不育系(简称不育系)是二系法杂交小麦应用的核心,为了研究日温差(以下简称温差)对不育系育性的影响,提升不育系安全制种和高效繁种,以5份不育系(BS102、BS107、BS135、BS185和BS278)和常规品种京411为材料,利用多生态区分期播种试验结合人工气候箱光温调控试验,研究不育系的安全制种繁种播期,以及在不同温差条件下,比较不育系育性及农艺性状差异,分析温差与结实率及农艺性状相关性。结果表明,在北京顺义不育系繁种区,不育系BS185的安全繁种播期为10月10-20日,不育系BS135为10月15-20日,不育系BS102、BS107和BS278为10月20日。在河南邓州不育系制种区,5个不育系在10月5-25日播种时高度不育,均能够安全制种,其中BS102和BS107安全制种播期可达到10月30日。不育系在12 h 12 ℃(制种区光温条件)不同温差条件下,BS102和BS135受温差影响较小,制种安全性较好;BS107和BS185在温差10和15 ℃均可以安全制种,BS278在温差5、10和15 ℃可安全制种;温差与不育系结实率呈负相关,与株高和穗长呈正相关。不育系在14 h 16 ℃(繁种区光温条件)不同温差条件下,BS102和BS278受温差影响较小,BS107、BS135和BS185受温差影响较大,在温差10和15 ℃可以有效繁种;温差与不育系结实率呈正相关,与多数不育系株高呈正相关。说明提升温差更利于不育系的安全制种和高效繁种。

关键词: 小麦, 光温敏雄性不育系, 温差, 育性转换


BS type photo-thermal sensitive male sterile line is the core of the application of two-line hybrid wheat. Five BS type male sterile lines and a conventional variety Jing 411 were studied to investigate the relationship of the fertility with temperature difference for improving hybrid wheat seed production and propagation of the male sterile lines. We studied the safe seed production and propagation sowing date of sterile lines with differentially sowing tests and controlled experiments in growth chambers. Under the different temperature difference conditions, we compared the differences in fertility and agronomic traits of male sterile lines, and further analyzed the correlation between temperature difference and seed-setting rate and agronomic traits. The results showed the safe sowing dates of the sterile line BS185 was from October 10th to 20th, BS135 was from October 15th to 20th, and BS102, BS107 and BS278 were October 20th in the sterile line breeding area in Shunyi, Beijing. The safe sowing dates of five sterile lines with high sterility were from October 5th to 25th, which could be safe for seed production, and the safe seed production sowing dates of BS102 and BS107 could reach October 30th in the sterile line seed production area in Dengzhou, Henan. Under the different conditions of 12 h 12 ℃, BS102 and BS135 were less affected by temperature difference, and the safety of seed production was better. BS107 and BS185 could produce seeds safely at the temperature difference of 10 and 15 ℃, and safe seeds production of B278 could be achieved at the temperature difference of 5, 10 and 15 ℃. Seed-setting rate had negative correlations with temperature difference. Furthermore, plant height and spike length had positive correlations with temperature difference. Under the different conditions of 14 h 16 ℃, BS102 and BS278 were less affected by temperature difference, BS107, BS135 and BS185 were greatly affected by temperature difference, and could effectively breed at the temperature difference of 10 and 15 ℃. Seed-setting rate had positive correlations with temperature difference, plant height of most male sterile lines had positive correlations with temperature difference. Therefore, raising the temperature difference was more conducive to the safe seed production and efficient seed propagation of the sterile lines.

Key words: Wheat, Photo-thermal sensitive male sterile lines, Temperature difference, Fertility alteration



Temperature difference
0 5 10 15
平均温度12 ℃
Average temperature 12 ℃
22:00-2:00 12.0 9.5 7.0 4.5
2:00-6:00 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0
6:00-10:00 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
10:00-14:00 12.0 14.5 17.0 19.5
14:00-18:00 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0
18:00-22:00 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0
平均温度16 ℃
Average temperature 16 ℃
22:00-2:00 16.0 13.5 11.0 8.5
2:00-6:00 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0
6:00-10:00 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0
10:00-14:00 16.0 18.5 21.0 23.5
14:00-18:00 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0
18:00-22:00 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0



年份Year 播种时期(月-日)Sowing date (month-day) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
2018-2019 09-30 8.71e 9.07e 12.25e 15.11e 9.21e 100.91a
10-05 18.05d 15.22d 24.31d 18.88d 15.11d 100.93a
10-10 19.22c 17.13c 25.12c 40.03c 22.87c 100.99a
10-15 24.20b 27.47b 44.42b 40.25b 29.22b 101.05a
10-20 33.23a 35.88a 56.21a 53.32a 55.13a 101.03a
2019-2020 09-30 5.10e 7.86d 9.53e 12.90d 7.55d 99.69a
10-05 8.55d 10.74b 14.51d 13.48d 8.06d 98.83a
10-10 10.80c 11.36b 20.98c 30.41c 17.75c 100.02a
10-15 15.55b 18.86b 33.53b 32.90b 19.78b 100.30a
10-20 30.20a 33.04a 55.71a 50.44a 52.75a 101.95a



年份Year 播种时期(月-日)Sowing date (month-day) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
2018-2019 10-05 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 100.04a
10-10 0.44e 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 100.08a
10-15 0.45e 0.54e 0.16e 0.35e 0.19e 100.07a
10-20 0.74d 0.87d 0.42d 1.11d 0.76d 100.10a
10-25 0.95c 1.68c 0.92c 1.69c 1.11c 100.09a
10-30 1.52b 1.81b 5.11b 6.52b 2.76b 100.12a
11-04 7.06a 8.75a 10.41a 11.33a 10.73a 100.10a
2019-2020 10-05 0.00c 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 0.00f 99.84a
10-10 0.00c 0.20e 0.00f 0.12e 0.00f 99.73a
10-15 0.00c 0.23e 0.10e 0.15de 0.29e 99.90a
10-20 0.11c 0.43d 0.60d 0.21d 0.52d 100.38a
10-25 0.21c 0.57c 0.81c 0.33c 0.71c 100.24a
10-30 1.05b 0.81b 3.46b 4.55b 1.04b 100.22a
11-04 3.72a 7.53a 5.25a 7.66a 3.83a 100.17a



处理Treatment 温差Temperature difference (℃) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
12 h 12 ℃ 0 0.75a 14.88a 2.48a 7.42a 27.02a 82.69a
5 0.95a 4.60b 1.23a 3.22b 2.03b 84.94a
10 0.75a 0.64b 0.34a 1.29c 0.74b 83.56a
15 0.29a 0.00b 0.00a 0.34d 0.62b 88.85a
14 h 16 ℃ 0 31.16b 19.54c 2.28d 13.98d 38.41b 90.02a
5 35.85b 20.97c 11.71c 21.18c 43.06b 87.51a
10 40.86b 47.29b 37.55b 31.12b 64.55a 88.72a
15 60.71a 54.03a 56.80a 47.03a 80.12a 93.16a



处理Treatment 温差Temperature difference (℃) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
12 h 12 ℃ 0 18.35ab 19.45a 18.37b 17.55a 18.51a 17.87a
5 18.83a 19.30ab 18.47b 18.35a 18.92a 17.94a
10 18.21ab 19.55a 19.13b 18.06a 18.91a 17.73a
15 17.92b 19.07b 20.16a 18.02a 18.83a 17.68a
14 h 16 ℃ 0 18.94a 20.07a 19.91a 18.78a 19.53b 18.44a
5 18.82a 19.63a 19.66a 18.53a 19.31b 17.48b
10 18.18a 19.58a 19.73a 18.32a 19.54b 17.51b
15 18.90a 20.12a 19.86a 18.81a 19.98a 16.93b



处理Treatment 温差Temperature difference (℃) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
12 h 12 ℃ 0 48.74c 51.60c 36.89c 40.96b 52.13c 78.86b
5 53.67b 56.91b 48.53b 41.53b 54.92c 79.06b
10 63.80a 67.61a 51.52ab 48.10a 61.15b 80.85ab
15 65.78a 69.11a 55.20a 50.99a 65.66a 82.70a
14 h 16 ℃ 0 48.28b 50.55b 43.50a 39.11a 56.57a 72.15a
5 49.68b 55.54a 43.58a 37.90a 57.35a 71.67a
10 54.43a 55.00a 43.11a 38.08a 58.45a 71.08a
15 57.36a 57.45a 43.37a 41.36a 58.13a 72.63a



处理Treatment 温差Temperature difference (℃) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
12 h 12 ℃ 0 7.30a 8.39c 9.37b 7.57b 6.84c 7.76b
5 7.69a 8.98bc 9.30b 7.44b 8.76b 8.03ab
10 7.52a 9.43b 10.53ab 7.52b 9.21ab 8.04ab
15 8.73a 10.76a 10.84a 9.09a 9.72a 8.47a
14 h 16 ℃ 0 6.72a 8.34a 10.67a 6.68a 8.97b 6.62a
5 6.84a 8.02a 10.30a 6.93a 9.03ab 6.74a
10 6.77a 8.07a 10.45a 6.92a 9.34ab 6.96a
15 6.74a 8.30a 10.44a 6.73a 9.74a 6.73a



12 h 12 ℃不同温差Different temperature of 12 h 12 ℃ 14 h 16 ℃不同温差Different temperature of 14 h 16 ℃
Seed-setting rate
Spikelet number
Plant height
Spike length
Seed-setting rate
Spikelet number
Plant height
Spike length
BS102 -0.729 -0.649 0.972* 0.839 0.930 -0.275 0.982* -0.025
BS107 -0.913 -0.551 0.966* 0.968* 0.942 0.045 0.892 -0.056
BS135 -0.971* 0.945 0.945 0.921 0.986* -0.090 -0.540 -0.456
BS185 -0.953* 0.437 0.958* 0.757 0.984* -0.067 0.563 0.140
BS278 -0.802 0.991** 0.637 0.933 0.975* 0.726 0.887 0.959*
京411 Jing 411 0.811 -0.834 0.958* 0.941 0.564 -0.928 0.165 0.498



Sowing date
河南邓州Dengzhou, Henan 北京顺义Shunyi, Beijing
Light hour (h)
Temperature (°C)
Temperature difference (°C)
Light hour (h)
Temperature (°C)
Temperature difference (°C)
09-30 13.27 14.45 12.20
10-05 11.85 11.53 13.35 13.35 14.55 12.20
10-10 11.94 12.57 13.71 13.39 14.83 12.35
10-15 12.01 12.76 13.33 13.43 15.28 12.55
10-20 12.04 13.11 13.26 13.47 15.95 12.90
10-25 12.11 13.11 13.14
10-30 12.24 13.31 13.67
11-04 12.28 13.45 13.67



河南邓州Dengzhou, Henan 北京顺义Shunyi, Beijing
2017 16.86 7.86 12.36 9.00 22.11 9.63 15.87 12.47
2018 19.19 8.48 13.83 10.71 23.18 12.24 17.71 10.94
2019 19.95 7.14 13.55 12.81 22.21 9.74 15.97 12.47
2020 19.73 6.47 13.11 13.26 22.40 9.50 15.95 12.90
2021 14.48 5.90 10.19 8.57 21.59 9.88 15.74 11.71
2022 18.43 5.90 12.17 12.52 22.94 11.12 17.03 11.82
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