Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 45-50.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.03.009

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Correlation and Path Analysis on Wheat Yield and Agronomic Indices

Qi Zhen1,Zhao Guangcai1,,Chang Xuhong1,Wang Demei1,Tao Zhiqiang1,Yang Yushuang1,Wang Mei2,Fan Zhongqing3,Guo Mingming4,Wang Yu1,Sun Tong1,Liu Xiaocheng2   

  1. 1 Institute of Crop Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
    2 College of Agronomy,Xinjiang Agriculture University,Urumqi 830052,Xinjiang,China
    3 College of Agronomy,Shandong Agriculture University,Tai’an 271018,Shandong,China;
    4 Wheat Research Center,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,China
  • Received:2016-03-03 Revised:2016-04-14 Online:2016-06-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Guangcai Zhao


A total of 23 wheat lines were selected in this study,with which were identified under randomized block design with three replications in the trial. Correlation and path analysis to study the influence of main agronomic indices were used. The results showed that the correlation between yield components and yield was: spike number > kernels per spike>1000-kernel weight, spike numbers were significantly positive correlation with yield, as kernels per spike and 1000-kernel weight were negatively correlated to yield, but no significant correlation. Biological yield, harvest index, and grain yield were extremely significant positive correlation and significant positive correlation, and varieties with high yield had high biological yield and harvest index. Plant height and plant height component index were positive to grain yield,while spike length and spike weight of tested varieties were negative to grain yield, but no significant correlation.

Key words: Wheat, Grain yield, Agronomic indices, Correlation analysis, Path analysis

Table 1

Statistical analysis of yield and agronomic traits"

产量(kg/hm2)Yield 穗数(万/hm2)
Spike number
Kernels per spike
1000-kernel weight
Spikelet number
Plant height
Panicle length
Spike weight
Harvest index
Biological yield
06RH100 9 471 710.4 29.49 44.35 18.00 81.48 7.58 1.73 49.41 19 174
08RH07 9 500 677.8 29.93 44.17 17.78 71.91 8.72 1.58 50.49 18 813
08RH105 9 054 641.0 41.31 34.24 18.36 67.68 8.59 1.82 49.73 18 208
08RH109 8 821 548.0 36.14 44.51 18.10 70.40 8.17 2.16 45.64 19 328
08RH114 8 781 604.8 33.86 44.04 17.96 76.10 9.71 1.75 43.09 20 379
08RH24B 8 757 532.8 36.81 44.66 17.85 77.90 8.05 2.15 46.65 18 770
08RH28 9 346 536.9 35.76 48.93 19.27 71.76 8.27 2.31 51.22 18 249
08RH44 9 409 719.6 31.34 41.90 19.22 77.73 6.51 1.71 47.97 19 617
08RH46 7 917 562.3 31.26 44.57 20.18 80.41 8.21 1.83 42.92 18 447
08RH53A 8 913 614.6 30.05 48.29 18.97 70.56 7.46 1.72 45.68 19 510
08RH56A 8 663 616.8 37.52 38.42 19.53 75.94 9.22 1.90 48.54 17 847
08RH62 9 547 690.0 33.33 41.55 18.66 74.88 9.09 1.83 50.56 18 886
08RH66A 10 065 797.4 34.43 37.44 17.34 73.56 8.13 1.80 50.93 19 761
08RH66B 9 071 605.9 34.21 43.79 18.39 78.99 8.11 1.83 47.20 19 228
08RH67 8 433 618.3 35.31 38.63 18.63 73.72 8.39 1.73 46.31 18 211
08RH78A 9 578 556.5 32.56 51.49 20.06 81.83 8.95 1.94 45.81 20 906
08RH96 9 204 641.0 35.92 40.02 18.28 86.05 8.02 1.70 48.24 19 081
08RH97 9 030 533.1 35.75 47.73 17.05 77.91 7.62 2.17 51.57 17 519
09RH32 9 896 775.4 31.34 41.60 20.89 69.94 7.08 1.68 50.00 19 793
09RH41 9 918 700.7 34.97 39.70 19.30 77.71 8.79 1.86 49.90 19 875
09RH42 9 406 673.2 36.46 38.34 18.63 74.88 8.23 1.89 51.28 18 341
10RH119 9 860 675.0 35.71 40.96 20.81 79.30 9.14 2.37 46.65 21 139
09RH53 9 209 634.5 34.48 42.81 18.78 75.92 8.31 1.74 48.07 19 156
平均值Means 9 210 638.0 34.21 42.73 18.78 75.94 8.32 1.88 48.24 19 140
最小值Min 7 917 532.8 29.49 34.24 17.05 67.68 6.57 1.58 43.06 17 518
最大值Max 10 065 797.4 41.31 51.49 20.89 86.05 9.69 2.36 51.57 21 139
变异系数CV(%) 5.75 12.51 8.17 9.56 5.30 5.84 9.65 11.28 5.16 4.81

Table 2

Correlation coefficient between yield and yield component"

Spike number
Kernels per spike
1000-kernel weight
Panicle length
Spikelet number
Spike weight
Spikelet number
产量 1.00
穗数 0.62** 1.00
穗粒数 -0.14 -0.31 1.00
千粒重 -0.12 -0.55** -0.48* 1.00
穗长 -0.07 -0.18 0.36 -0.13 1.00
小穗密度 0.04 0.15 -0.36 0.14 -0.82** 1.00
单穗重 -0.05 -0.54** 0.47* 0.28 0.18 -0.09 1.00
小穗数 0.11 0.08 -0.16 0.05 0.03 0.48* 0.12 1.00

Table 3

Correlation coefficient between yield and biological yield,harvest index,and plant height component"

性状Traits 生物产量
Biological yield
The first
The second
The third
The forth
The fifth
Plant height
component index
子粒产量Grain yield 0.52** 0.49* 0.08 0.17 0.11 -0.02 -0.04 -0.13 0.32
生物产量Biological yield 1.00 -0.38 0.23 0.13 0.09 -0.03 -0.07 -0.06 0.49*
收获指数Harvest index -0.38 1.00 -0.17 0.03 0.03 0.01 -0.03 -0.08 -0.05
穗数Spike number 0.33 0.29 -0.06 0.15 0.09 -0.05 -0.05 -0.12 0.27
穗粒数Kernels per spike -0.24 0.17 -0.07 -0.28 -0.13 0.13 0.15 0.08 -0.37
千粒重1000-kernel weight 0.08 -0.37 0.17 0.17 0.08 0.06 -0.01 -0.11 0.17

Table 4

Path- coefficient of yield and yield components"

Direct effect
Spike number
Kernels per Spike
Kernel weight
Panicle length
Spikelet density
Spike weight
Spikelet number
穗数 1.6910 -0.2731 -0.6470 -0.0566 0.0643 -0.0887 -0.0199
穗粒数 0.8752 -0.5277 -0.5674 -0.1130 0.1539 0.0772 -0.0410
千粒重 1.1859 -0.9225 -0.4187 0.0399 -0.0603 0.0458 0.0133
穗长 -0.3172 -0.3020 0.3119 0.1493 -0.3497 0.1304 0.1084
小穗密度 -0.3282 0.2540 0.3114 -0.1670 -0.2090 -0.0150 0.2195
单穗重 0.1648 -0.9098 0.4099 0.3291 0.0585 0.0389 0.0295
小穗数 0.2513 0.1339 -0.1428 0.0628 -0.0106 -0.2037 0.0194
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