Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 80-85.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.013

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Potassium Use Efficiency of Different Flax Genotypes

Yao Yubo,Wu Guangwen,Huang Wengong,Kang Qinghua,Jiang Weidong,Lu Ying,Zhang Shuquan   

  1. Institute of Industrial Crops,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2016-04-05 Revised:2016-06-13 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Qinghua Kang


In order to evaluate the potassium use efficiency of different flax varieties (lines) and to screen the variety with the highest efficiency among germplasm resources, two potassium levels (K0 and K25), 22 flax varieties (lines) were experimentally designed to investigate height, technical length, straw yield, fiber yield, fiber content and to study the correlation with potassium use efficiency under field condition. The results showed that potassium had a significant improvement on technical length, fiber content and fiber yield of flax. Four germplasm resources with high potassium use efficiency were screened out (shuangya10, yuan 2012-306, yuan 2012-295 and sxy130) under K0 condition, two germplasm resources with high potassium use efficiency were screened out (sxy130 and yuan 2012-306) under K25 condition by cluster analysis. Under K0 condition, potassium use efficiency had a significant positive correlation with height (P﹤0.01), technical length (P﹤0.05) and fiber content (P﹤0.01), under K25 condition,potassium use efficiency had a significant positive correlation with height, technical length and fiber content (P﹤0.05). The results will provide theoretical basis for investigation and breeding of high potassium use efficiency.

Key words: Flax, Potassium use efficiency, Variation

Table 1

Effects of potassium fertilizer on agronomic and yield traits of flax different varieties (lines)"

Technical length
Straw yield
Fiber yield
Fiber content
9801-1-1-7 K0 84.97Aa 75.40Aa 8 712.70Bb 1 577.89Bb 23.79Bb
K25 82.10Bb 75.07Aa 9 826.24Aa 2 078.09Aa 28.11Aa
白花 K0 65.30Aa 56.73Aa 6 681.90Aa 1 086.77Bb 21.68Bb
K25 64.30Bb 55.40Bb 6 598.87Aa 1 353.36Aa 27.17Aa
r0423-2-2 K0 76.03Bb 68.07Bb 6 973.34Aa 1 244.39Aa 22.74Bb
K25 77.93Aa 72.37Aa 6 776.04Bb 1 327.80Aa 26.53Aa
原2012-305 K0 74.40Aa 65.80Aa 7 456.10Bb 1 380.50Bb 23.07Bb
K25 68.00Bb 60.87Bb 7 650.41Aa 1 491.62Aa 26.09Aa
原2012-302 K0 75.60Aa 65.03Bb 5 018.03Bb 893.61Bb 24.01Bb
K25 72.87Bb 66.87Aa 5 264.75Aa 1 018.94Aa 27.55Aa
原2012-300 K0 66.57Aa 58.43Aa 7 104.17Bb 1 445.30Bb 27.67Bb
K25 65.60Bb 56.63Bb 9 264.57Aa 1 852.34Aa 29.29Aa
m03057-26 K0 82.90Aa 73.90Bb 7 641.40Bb 1 273.39Bb 21.40Bb
K25 82.90Aa 77.57Aa 8 365.36Aa 1 497.72Aa 24.27Aa
r0340-2-2 K0 70.63Bb 63.53Bb 7 493.41Aa 1 437.25Bb 24.89Bb
K25 73.80Aa 65.73Aa 7 528.57Aa 1 602.37Aa 28.37Aa
sxy330 K0 72.93Bb 64.63Aa 7 174.28Bb 1 486.06Bb 26.94Bb
K25 74.97Aa 64.97Aa 7 528.49Aa 1 659.06Aa 28.27Aa
02147-2-6 K0 80.23Bb 72.17Bb 6 976.68Bb 1 488.70Bb 27.65Bb
K25 82.83Aa 73.87Aa 7 282.85Aa 1 711.37Aa 30.06Aa
原2012-281 K0 72.30Bb 67.30Aa 5 821.51Bb 1 227.29Bb 26.48Bb
K25 74.13Aa 67.13Aa 7 444.42Aa 1 597.61Aa 28.32Aa
原2012-306 K0 77.03Bb 67.07Bb 5 102.91Bb 1 151.64Bb 28.57Bb
Technical length
Straw yield
Fiber yield
Fiber content
K25 80.20Aa 73.17Aa 5 798.53Aa 1 363.32Aa 30.20Aa
原2012-303 K0 82.53Bb 74.53Bb 6 222.88Bb 1 142.47Aa 23.42Bb
K25 85.97Aa 78.90Aa 6 447.93Aa 1 221.36Aa 25.17Aa
原2012-289 K0 72.93Bb 66.50Aa 7 984.54Aa 1 890.56Aa 30.22Bb
K25 74.07Aa 67.07Aa 7 771.97Bb 1 972.85Aa 33.20Aa
sxy130 K0 79.97Bb 70.03Bb 6 706.88Aa 1 459.86Bb 27.69Bb
K25 81.07Aa 75.17Aa 6 742.07Aa 1 583.29Aa 30.38Aa
sxy303 K0 70.83Aa 63.36Aa 6 109.35Aa 1 410.25Aa 29.47Aa
K25 70.40Aa 60.37Bb 6 017.41Aa 1 426.71Aa 29.98Aa
原2012-283 K0 76.67Aa 68.77Aa 8 082.60Aa 1 620.07Bb 25.60Bb
K25 76.47Aa 69.47Aa 7 632.65Bb 1 785.76Aa 29.68Aa
原2012-295 K0 80.60Bb 72.07Bb 6 516.23Aa 1 318.84Aa 26.05Bb
K25 86.33Aa 79.37Aa 6 252.22Bb 1 336.32Aa 27.82Aa
黑亚20 K0 63.67Aa 50.77Bb 7 180.73Aa 1 273.02Bb 23.49Bb
K25 63.10Aa 55.17Aa 7 356.81Aa 1 552.44Aa 27.25Aa
New K0 66.87Bb 55.07Bb 7 791.40Aa 1 984.41Aa 32.54Bb
K25 67.83Aa 57.83Aa 7 704.33Aa 2 071.75Aa 33.79Aa
双亚10 K0 81.40Aa 72.47Aa 6 564.25Bb 1 685.30Bb 30.84Bb
K25 74.27Bb 68.83Bb 8 805.55Aa 2 429.36Aa 35.54Aa
双亚12 K0 79.17Aa 70.73Bb 7 239.17Bb 1 586.62Bb 27.48Bb
K25 77.67Bb 71.70Aa 7 571.23Aa 1 868.19Aa 31.79Aa

Table 2

Difference of potassium use efficiency among different varieties (lines) kg/kg"

K0 K25
K use efficience
K use efficience
双亚10 87.23Aa 原2012-306 62.30Aa
原2012-306 75.73Bb sxy130 59.67Bb
原2012-295 73.05Cc 02147-2-6 42.45Cc
sxy130 71.88Cc 原2012-281 40.86CDd
原2012-289 60.89Dd 双亚10 39.35DEe
02147-2-6 56.98Ee 原2012-295 38.28Ee
sxy303 56.27Ee sxy303 36.33Ff
原2012-281 50.47Ff 原2012-303 31.92Gg
原2012-283 50.15Ff 原2012-300 29.98Hh
双亚12 40.77Gg 原2012-289 29.65Hh
原2012-303 37.40Hh 9801-1-1-7 26.85Ji
New 34.76Ii 原2012-283 26.79Ii
原2012-300 34.37Ii m03057-26 26.67IJi
m03057-26 23.93Jj 原2012-302 25.54IJKij
9801-1-1-7 23.06JKgk 白花 24.82JKLjk
原2012-305 22.78JKgkl 双亚12 23.90KLMkl
sxy330 22.02KLkl 原2012-305 23.37LMNlm
原2012-302 21.63KLMlm sxy330 23.17LMNlm
r0423-2-2 20.54LMNmn r0340-2-2 22.84MNlmn
黑亚20 20.04MNOno New 22.20MNmn
白花 19.02NOop r0423-2-2 21.46Nn
r0340-2-2 18.62Op 黑亚20 17.72Oo


Clustering analysis diagram of potassium use efficiency among different varieties (lines) under K0 condition"


Clustering analysis diagram of potassium use efficiency among different varieties (lines) under K25 condition"

Table 3

The correlation between potassium use efficiency and agronomic characters"

Technical length
Straw yield
Fiber yield
Fiber content
K0 0.836** 0.741* -0.634 0.473 0.909**
K25 0.720* 0.718* -0.695 -0.267 0.901*
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