Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 123-126.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.020

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Effects of Irrigation at Different Periods on Agronomic Characters and Yield of Sorghum

Yan Fengxia1,Chang Jianzhong2,Cao Changlin1,Fan Guohua1,Liu Qingshan1   

  1. 1 Sorghum Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Shanxi Key Laboratory of Sorghum Genetic and Germplasm Innovation,Jinzhong 030600,Shanxi,China
    2 Dryland Farming Institute,Shanxi Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Taiyuan 030031,Shanxi,China
  • Received:2016-05-04 Revised:2016-06-15 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Qingshan Liu


The experiment was conducted to study the effects of irrigation at different periods on agronomic characters and yield of sorghum Jinnuo 3. At jointing stage, four treatments were set including irrigating at 10-11 unrolled leaves (A1), 12-13 unrolled leaves (A2), 14-15 unrolled leaves (A3) and 16-17 unrolled leaves (A4), respectively; At filling stage, three treatments were set including irrigating on dates of July 29 (B1), August 3 (B2) and August 8(B3), respectively. The results showed that irrigation at jointing stage had significant effect (P<0.01) on plant height, panicle length and 1000-grain weight.The plant height and ear length reached the highest while irrigating at A2 period, and 1000-grain weight reached the highest at A3 period. Irrigating at filling stage had significant effects (P<0.01) on 1000-grain weight and yield, which reached the highest at B1 period. Interaction between both stages had significant influences on 1000-grain weight and yield. A2B1 was the optimal combination, that is, irrigation at A2 and B1 periods produced the highest 1000-grain weight and yield.

Key words: Sorghum, Jinnuo 3, Jointing stage, Filling stage, Irrigation, Yield

Table 1

The design of experiments"

Irrigating at jointing stage
灌浆期浇水Irrigating at filling stage
B1 B2 B3
A1 A1B1 A1B2 A1B3
A2 A2B1 A2B2 A2B3
A3 A3B1 A3B2 A3B3
A4 A4B1 A4B2 A4B3

Table 2

Correlation between different characters of sorghum"

因素Factors 千粒重1000-grain weight 株高Plant height 产量Yield 穗长Panicle length
株高Plant height 0.48
产量Yield 0.68* 0.50*
穗长Panicle length 0.29 0.85* 0.76*
一级枝梗数Number of primaries 0.31 0.52 0.29 0.25

Table 3

Effects of irrigating at jointing and filling stage and their interaction on agronomic characters and yield of sorghum (P-value)"

因素Factors 株高
Plant height
Number of primaries
Panicle length
1000-grain weight
Plot yield
拔节期Jointing stage 0.001 0.674 0.000 0.000 0.954
灌浆期Filling stage 0.248 92.138 0.629 0.000 0.001
Jionting stage×Filling stage

Table 4

Agronomic characters and yield of sorghum under different treatments"

Plant height
Number of primaries
Panicle length
1000-grain weight
Plot yield
A1B1 173.00±7.81abc 70.66±2.08a 30.73±0.93abc 32.23±0.40ab 3.52±0.09b
A1B2 175.33±1.53bcd 70.33±1.15a 30.30±0.56abc 28.60±0.70d 3.17±0.08de
A1B3 170.00±4.36cde 70.00±2.00a 30.40±0.92abc 27.23±0.85e 3.05±0.18e
A2B1 179.00±1.00a 78.00±1.00a 31.87±1.39a 32.43±0.36a 3.93±0.10a
A2B2 175.67±3.06abcd 77.33±0.58a 31.50±0.66ab 29.43±0.90cd 3.53±0.08b
A2B3 176.00±2.65abcd 77.67±0.58a 31.37±0.49ab 26.80±0.87e 3.34±0.06c
A3B1 174.67±1.53cd 78.33±0.58a 29.87±1.30bcd 32.43±0.45a 3.35±0.06c
A3B2 172.67±2.08de 77.66±0.58a 29.50±1.25cde 31.23±0.40b 3.02±0.14ef
A3B3 173.33±1.53cde 77.66±0.58a 29.37±1.05cde 30.03±0.45c 2.88±0.10fg
A4B1 170.33±2.08ef 73.67±1.15a 28.30±1.21de 31.60±0.87ab 3.25±0.04cd
A4B2 169.00±1.00f 73.67±1.15a 28.13±0.47e 27.23±0.64e 2.80±0.10gh
A4B3 168.67±3.06f 73.33±0.58a 28.23±1.10de 24.20±0.36f 2.67±0.08h
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