Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 160-166.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.04.022

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Effects of Different Fertilizer Ratios on Yield and Taste Quality of Guizhouhe Goudang No.1

Li Zujun1(), Jiang Xue1, Yang Tonglian3, Wu Chaoxin1, Zhang Xichun1, Jiang Xuehai1, Long Wuhua1, Zhang Yushan2, Zhu Susong1()   

  1. 1Rice Research Institute of Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang 550006, Guizhou, China
    2Guizhou Institute of Biotechnology, Guiyang 550006, Guizhou, China
    3Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Congjiang County, Congjiang 557400, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2022-04-11 Revised:2022-06-07 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-22
  • Contact: Zhu Susong;


The effects of various fertilizer ratios on yield and its components, dry matter accumulation, RVA characteristic spectrum of rice starch, and relative concentration of fragrance compounds in Guizhouhe Goudang No.1 were investigated by the “3414” experimental design. Under various fertilizer ratios, the yield of N2P2K2 treatment was the highest at 7.27t/ha, which was not significant different from that of N2P0K2 and N2P3K2 treatments. Grain yield of each treatments were all positively associated with effective panicles, total spikelets, seed-setting rate, and 1000-grain weight, with the effective panicles reaching a statistically significant level (P < 0.05). Under the premise of ensuring seed-setting rate and 1000-grain weight, N2P2K2 treatment had more effective panicles and greater dry matter accumulation at the late heading stage, so as to achieve high yield. From the perspective of rice quality, with the increase of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application rate, the peak viscosity and breakdown viscosity value decreased to varying degrees, and the rice eating quality decreased. With the increase of phosphorus fertilizer application rate, the relative content of the main aroma volatile substances in grains gradually increased, among which the relative content of N2P3K2 treatment was the highest. In conclusion, N2P3K2 treatment could increase grain flavor on the basis of ensuring yield. The optimum yield of Goudang No.1 was 6.86t/ha with the treatment of 174.45kg/ha of N, 52.80kg/ha of P2O5, 103.65kg/ha of KCl through the equation of fertilizer effect.

Key words: Goudang No. 1, “3414” test, Yield, RVA characteristic spectrum, Flavoring substance


养分施用量Nutrient application
N P2O5 KCl
N0P0K0 0.00 0.00 0.00
N0P2K2 0.00 53.40 90.00
N1P2K2 70.05 53.40 90.00
N2P0K2 140.10 0.00 90.00
N2P1K2 140.10 26.70 90.00
N2P2K2 140.10 53.40 90.00
N2P3K2 140.10 80.10 90.00
N2P2K0 140.10 53.40 0.00
N2P2K1 140.10 53.40 45.00
N2P2K3 140.10 53.40 135.00
N3P2K2 210.15 53.40 90.00
N1P1K2 70.05 26.70 90.00
N1P2K1 70.05 53.40 45.00
N2P1K1 140.10 26.70 45.00

Table 2

Yield and its components of Goudang No.1 with different fertilizer ratios"

Effective tillers number
Grains per
Total spikelets
rate (%)
N0P0K0 98.85g 243.48a 24 076.65g 95.00ab 28.79bc 5.24h
N0P2K2 141.60c 238.13ab 33 725.55a 92.55bc 28.35cd 6.34ef
N1P2K2 144.75bc 205.96d 29 822.85cd 96.13a 29.82a 6.78b
N2P0K2 152.85ab 201.95d 30 877.65abc 94.12abc 28.85bc 7.24a
N2P1K2 139.95cd 210.94cd 29 551.35cd 94.84ab 28.42bcd 6.67bc
N2P2K2 156.45a 212.90cd 33 305.25ab 94.24abc 28.46bc 7.27a
N2P3K2 140.70c 215.32cd 30 303.30c 95.63a 28.93bc 7.17a
N2P2K0 127.65e 212.76cd 27 171.75def 94.95ab 29.12abc 6.30f
N2P2K1 124.95e 208.16cd 26 032.20efg 89.43d 27.68d 6.56cd
N2P2K3 113.25f 215.11cd 24 387.90fg 95.98a 29.21ab 6.65bcd
N3P2K2 131.25de 224.31bc 29 441.70cd 96.48a 28.86bc 6.73bc
N1P1K2 137.55cd 205.36d 28 257.00cde 91.55cd 28.55bc 6.01g
N1P2K1 144.75bc 210.40cd 30 441.45bc 95.49a 28.77bc 6.63bcd
N2P1K1 142.95c 216.65cd 30 965.70abc 94.41ab 28.62bc 6.49de

Table 3

Yield correlation analysis of Goudang No.1 under different fertilizer ratios"

Effective tillers number
Grains per panicle
Total spikelets
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
产量Yield 0.486* -0.187 0.341 0.187 0.143

Table 4

Dry matter accumulation of Goudang No.1 under different fertilizer ratios t/hm2"

Heading date
Heading date-maturity
N0P0K0 9.90f 12.08g 2.38g
N0P2K2 10.70de 15.23d 4.53ab
N1P2K2 11.71ab 16.38b 4.67ab
N2P0K2 11.80ab 16.61ab 4.81a
N2P1K2 10.84cde 15.43c 4.60ab
N2P2K2 12.20a 17.14a 4.94a
N2P3K2 11.80ab 14.94cd 3.13f
N2P2K0 11.13cd 15.38cd 4.24bc
N2P2K1 9.26g 12.00ef 3.74cde
N2P2K3 9.86f 13.48e 3.63def
N3P2K2 9.29g 12.58fg 3.30ef
N1P1K2 11.34bc 15.09cd 3.76cde
N1P2K1 10.45e 14.66d 4.21bc
N2P1K1 11.17cd 15.15cd 3.97cd

Table 5

RVA characteristic values of Goudang No.1 rice under different treatments"

PKV (cP)
HPV (cP)
BDV (cP)
CPV (cP)
SBV (cP)
Pe T (min)
Pa T (℃)
N0P0K0 1406.33abc 316.33cd 1090.00abc 452.67abc -953.67b 3.29b 69.95c
N0P2K2 1353.33abcd 334.33abcd 1019.00abcd 466.33ab -887.00ab 3.31ab 70.43abc
N1P2K2 1298.33bcd 331.67abcd 1000.00cd 471.67ab -826.67ab 3.33ab 70.67abc
N2P0K2 1358.67abc 323.00bcd 1035.67abcd 446.67abc -912.00ab 3.31ab 71.02abc
N2P1K2 1360.67abc 332.33abcd 1028.33abcd 455.00abc -905.67ab 3.38ab 71.22ab
N2P2K2 1259.33cd 308.00d 951.33de 425.00c -767.67a 3.40a 71.52a
N2P3K2 1302.67bcd 333.67abcd 1035.67abcd 461.00abc -841.67ab 3.29b 70.45abc
N2P2K0 1338.00abcd 340.67abc 997.33d 471.33ab -866.67ab 3.35ab 70.72abc
N2P2K1 1352.33abcd 348.00ab 1004.33bcd 480.67a -871.67ab 3.31ab 70.43abc
N2P2K3 1209.00d 316.33cd 892.67e 433.33bc -775.67a 3.35ab 70.72abc
N3P2K2 1351.00abcd 334.00abcd 1017.00abcd 456.67abc -894.33ab 3.33ab 70.77abc
N1P1K2 1368.67abc 345.33ab 1023.33abcd 479.67a -889.00ab 3.31ab 69.92c
N1P2K1 1423.67ab 329.33abcd 1094.33ab 457.00abc -966.67b 3.31ab 70.47abc
N2P1K1 1461.33a 355.00a 1106.33a 485.33a -976.00b 3.30b 70.23bc

Table 6

Effects of different treatments on the relative content of aroma substances in Goudang No.1 %"

Relative content of aroma substances
2AP 壬醛Nonanal 己醛Hexanal 戊醛Valeraldehyde
N0P0K0 0.14 0.26 2.63 20.80
N0P2K2 0.18 0.31 2.27 10.74
N1P2K2 0.13 0.25 2.28 12.26
N2P0K2 0.11 0.19 3.26 13.65
N2P1K2 0.17 0.26 2.85 11.84
N2P2K2 0.12 0.27 3.38 13.24
N2P3K2 0.26 0.58 2.27 11.53
N2P2K0 0.18 0.67 3.00 11.16
N2P2K1 0.10 0.23 2.92 13.44
N2P2K3 0.15 0.25 2.77 16.90
N3P2K2 0.11 0.28 2.70 12.22
N1P1K2 0.14 0.42 3.34 20.20
N1P2K1 0.10 0.28 3.70 13.86
N2P1K1 0.09 0.21 3.50 13.92

Table 7

Correlation analysis between yield and rice quality of Goudang No.1 with different fertilizer ratios"

2AP 壬醛
Pe T
Pa T
产量Yield 0.270 0.058 -0.440 -0.173 -0.460 0.011 -0.465 -0.049 0.507 0.245 0.295
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