Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 112-119.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.06.019

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Observation on Growth Pattern of Root System in Different Adzuki Bean Varieties under Drought Stress

Wang Jiao1,Zhang Yongqing1,2   

  1. 1 College of Life Science,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041004,Shanxi,China
    2 College of Urban and Environmental Science,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041004,Shanxi,China
  • Received:2016-06-23 Revised:2016-08-24 Online:2016-12-15 Published:2018-08-26


Growth pattern of root system of different adzuki bean varieties were investigated under drought stress by controlling water using pot culture. Root growth was inhibited by drought stress. With increasing the drought stress, the maximum root length was increased at first then decreased. Root weight, total root length, root surface area, root volume, plant height, stem diameter and leaf area were decreased, while the root-shoot ratio was increased; Different varieties showed the different responses of root morphology to the drought stress. For the drought resistant variety , the root weight, total root length, root surface area, root volume, plant height, stem diameter and leaf area were not significantly decreased along with the increase of drought stress while the root-shoot ratio was increased sharply. Under the severe drought stress, the maximum root length, root weight, root volume, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area, and root-shoot ratio were significantly different in the whole growth period of the two varieties (p<0.05). Jihong8937 exhibited higher drought resistance than the other, the root system was developed better, and the root-shoot ratio was higher. Under moderate drought stress, the maximum root length was increased largely. With increasing of drought stress, the root weight, total root length, root surface area, root volume, plant height, stem diameter, leaf area were not significantly decreased, while the root-shoot ratio was increased sharply.

Key words: Drought stress, Adzuki bean, Root system, Growth pattern


Effects of drought stress to the maximum root length in different adzuki bean varieties The different lowercase letters following the values were significantly different at the 5% level of probability for the same variety in different drought stress during the same period,the different capital letters following the values were significantly different at 5% level of probability among varieties in same drought stress,the same below"


Effects of drought stress to the root weight in different adzuki bean varieties"


Effects of drought stress to the total root length in different adzuki bean varieties"


Effects of drought stress to the root area in different adzuki bean varieties"


Effects of drought stress to the root surface volume in different adzuki bean varieties"


Effects of drought stress to the plant height in different adzuki bean varieties"


Effects of drought stress to the stem diameter in different adzuki bean varieties"

Table 1

Effects of drought stress to the leaf area in different adzuki bean varieties cm2/株"

Days after seeding
保876-16 Bao 876-16 冀红8937 Jihong 8937
Normal water supply
Moderate drought stress
Severe drought stress
Normal water supply
Moderate drought stress
Severe drought stress
25 11.30±0.45aA 8.05±0.62bB 6.05±0.48cB 11.95±1.22aA 10.49±0.85aA 9.46±0.82bA
40 15.63±0.80aA 11.50±0.77bB 10.56±1.55bB 15.54±1.51aA 15.21±0.29aA 12.47±0.81bA
55 22.46±0.82aA 16.85±1.22bB 13.47±0.69cB 24.46±0.82aA 19.79±0.47bA 16.15±0.30cA
70 26.50±0.83aB 24.56±0.98bB 20.50±0.90cB 30.92±0.40aA 26.80±0.47bA 24.06±1.28cA
85 32.76±0.44aB 26.62±0.71bB 22.57±0.89cB 35.75±1.26aA 30.70±0.46bA 27.34±0.41cA
100 33.71±1.73aB 29.51±0.88bB 24.20±1.37cB 38.47±0.88aA 35.97±0.44bA 30.72±1.25cA

Table 2

Effects of drought stress to the root-shoot ratio in different adzuki bean varieties"

Days after seeding
保876-16 Bao 876-16 冀红8937 Jihong 8937
Normal water supply
Moderate drought stress
Severe drought stress
Normal water supply
Moderate drought stress
Severe drought stress
25 0.84±0.04bA 0.95±0.04bB 1.16±0.07aB 0.92±0.05bA 1.08±0.09bA 1.36±0.07aA
40 0.70±0.06cA 0.83±0.03bA 1.05±0.03aB 0.77±0.01cA 0.92±0.04bA 1.79±0.04aA
55 0.41±0.02cB 0.63±0.05bB 0.82±0.03aB 0.60±0.04cA 0.78±0.01bA 1.03±0.03aA
70 0.37±0.06cB 0.55±0.01bA 0.69±0.05aB 0.46±0.06cA 0.63±0.05bA 0.93±0.04aA
85 0.33±0.03bA 0.40±0.06aA 0.54±0.04aB 0.29±0.04cA 0.36±0.11bA 0.72±0.09aA
100 0.20±0.01bA 0.27±0.05aA 0.38±0.05aB 0.22±0.05cA 0.32±0.02bA 0.60±0.03aA
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