Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 84-88.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.04.015

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Influence of Different Planting Densities on Growth, Boll Setting, Yield and Quality of Cotton

Zhou Yongping,Tian Haiyan,Du Haiying,Ge Chaohong,Yan Jianzhao,Sun Hui,Shi Shuxin   

  1. Institute of Cotton,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Cotton in Huanghuaihai Semiarid Area,Ministry of Agriculture,Shijiazhuang 050051,Hebei,China
  • Received:2017-04-18 Revised:2017-06-24 Online:2017-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Shuxin Shi


Ji 863 was used as material to study the impact of 5 different densities (3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0 and 11.0×10 4plants/hm 2) on growth, bell setting, yield and fiber quality of cotton. Results showed that with the increase of planting density, the plant height increased and then decreased, branch number and fruit number showed a decrease trend; plant peripheral, lower and upper bell numbers were declined, however the bell number per unit area was increased and then decreased; the bell number under treatment Ⅳ per unit area was the highest,fluid rate of treatment Ⅲ was the highest. The cotton yields were significantly different between different processing, dry matter weight and total biomass per unit area were also significantly different; the cotton yield of treatment Ⅳ was the highest, and treatment Ⅲ was the second. The cotton fiber quality as the above half average length, uniformity index, breaking strength, micronaire and elongation were not significantly differrent between different treatments. The suitable planting density of Ji 863 was 7.0-9.0×10 4plants/hm 2.

Key words: Planting density, Boll setting, Lint yield, Fiber quality

Table 1

Plant heights, branch numbers and section numbers under different treatment"

Branch No.
Section No.
3.0 104.0b 12.7a 39.8a
5.0 107.5b 11.9ab 34.5b
7.0 115.8a 11.4b 30.6c
9.0 114.2a 10.9b 30.4c
11.0 115.0a 10.7b 23.4d

Table 2

The horizontal distribution of cotton boll under different treatment"

内围铃Inner bolls 外围铃Peripheral bolls 总成铃数
Total boll No.
Boll No.
Boll No.
Setting ratio
Rate occupied
total No.
Boll No.
Boll No.
Setting ratio
Rate occupied total No.
3.0 11.1a 33.2b 43.3ab 65.0bc 6.0a 17.9ab 42.0ab 35.0a 51.1bc
5.0 9.7ab 48.7b 41.4ab 64.5bc 5.4ab 26.8ab 48.8ab 35.5a 75.5b
7.0 11.2a 78.2a 49.9a 72.7b 4.2b 29.4a 51.0a 27.3ab 107.6a
9.0 9.8ab 88.2a 46.2ab 80.5ab 2.4c 21.3ab 25.9b 19.5b 109.5a
11.0 7.6b 84.0a 39.6b 85.8a 1.3c 13.9b 30.9b 14.2bc 97.9ab

Table 3

The vertical horizontal distribution of cotton boll under different treatment"

下部铃Lower bolls 中部铃 Middle bolls 上部铃Upper bolls
Boll No.
Boll No.
Setting ratio
Rate occupied total No.
Boll No.
Boll No.
Setting ratio
Rate occupied total No.
Boll No.
Boll No.
Setting ratio
Rate occupied total No.
5.7a 17.0b 40.9a 33.3a 6.2a 18.7c 49.0ab 36.6bc 5.1a 15.4b 39.0ab 30.1a
5.1a 25.5ab 41.0a 33.8a 5.7ab 28.7b 47.6ab 38.0b 4.3ab 21.3ab 42.4ab 28.3a
4.9a 34.5a 44.8a 32.1a 6.1a 42.7a 55.6a 39.7b 4.3ab 30.3a 50.0a 28.2a
4.0ab 36.3a 35.0a 33.2a 5.1b 45.9a 44.9b 41.9ab 3.0b 27.3ab 40.6ab 24.9a
2.6b 28.6ab 29.9a 29.2a 4.1bc 45.5a 47.9ab 46.4a 2.2bc 23.8ab 35.7b 24.3a

Table 4

Cotton yields and yield components of different treatment"

Yield before frost
Yield after frost
Total yield
Rate before frost
Average boll weight
Lint percentage
3.0 2 285.7bc 580.2a 2 865.9c 79.8a 6.4a 36.4a
5.0 2 470.7b 605.6a 3 076.3b 80.3a 6.6a 37.5a
7.0 2 670.9ab 576.0a 3 246.9a 82.3a 6.5a 36.9a
9.0 2 758.8a 545.3a 3 304.6a 83.5a 6.4a 37.6a
11.0 2 621.9ab 497.9a 3 119.8b 84.0a 6.2a 37.2a


Cotton yields of different treatment"

Table 5

Cotton biology yield of different treatment"

Underground part
Nutritive organ of overground part
Reproductive organ of overground part
Dry matter weight
cotton yield
Total biomass
Per plant
Unit area
Per plant
Unit area
Per plant
Unit area
Per plant
Unit area
25.4a 763.3b 72.0a 2 160.0d 30.6a 916.7b 128.0a 3 840.0b 2 865.9c 6 706.0c
22.3a 1 116.7ab 63.3b 3 166.7bc 24.8ab 1 238.9a 110.4b 5 522.2a 3 076.3b 8 598.6b
15.9b 1 112.2ab 49.7c 3 476.7b 18.3bc 1 283.3a 83.9c 5 872.2a 3 246.9a 9 119.1ab
14.0bc 1 260.0a 46.9cd 4 220.0ab 12.0c 1 080.0ab 72.9c 6 560.0a 3 304.6a 9 864.8a
10.8c 1 185.6a 39.4d 4 326.6a 5.9c 647.8c 56.0d 6 160.0a 3 119.8b 9 279.8ab

Table 6

Cotton fiber quality of different treatment"

Upper half mean length
Uniformity index
Fiber strength
马克隆值Micronaire 伸长率(%)
Elongation rate
30.61a 87.1a 34.1a 5.62a 7.0a
30.54a 86.0a 33.1a 5.51a 7.5a
30.67a 86.1a 33.2a 5.51a 7.3a
30.73a 86.0a 33.3a 5.59a 7.5a
30.49a 84.9a 33.7a 5.28a 7.1a
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