Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 97-102.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.017

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Effects of High-Density on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Maize Varieties in Yellow River Irrigation Areas of Gansu Province

Lu Junshuai,Li Yunxiang,Wang Xingfu,Gao Guohua,Yang Xia,Liang Jing   

  1. Agriculture Technology and Popularization Center in Pingchuan District of Baiyin City, Baiyin 730913, Gansu, China
  • Received:2017-12-19 Revised:2018-01-29 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


An experiment including four maize hybrids,three density, in the middle of Gansu along the Yellow River irrigation for two consecutive years was conducted and difference in agronomic traits and yield of the same maize varieties in different densities was analyzed. The data of agronomic traits and yield from maize varieties Ningyu 524, Liaodan 588, Gaoyu 818, Xianyu 335 measured at the density treatment of 9.75×10 4, 11.25×10 4, and 12.75×10 4 plants/hm 2 showed that with the increase of planting density, the barren stem rate, lodging rate, plant height, ear height and yield increased, while the stem diameter, ear diameter, ear length, kernel number per ear and 100-kernel weight decreased. There were significant difference in barren stem rate, stem diameter, ear diameter, ear length, kernel number per ear and yield under LSD0.05 level, indicaing significant effects of high level planting density on the agronomic traits.

Key words: Maize, Planting density, Agronomic trait, Yield

Table 1

Effects of planting densities on agronomic traits of four varieties"

Planting density
2015 2016
Barren stem rate
Barren stem rate
宁玉524 9.75 1.54b 0b 296a 119a 2.41a 1.76b 0.40b 307a 142a 2.43a
Ningyu 524 11.25 2.32a 0.30ab 300a 119a 2.22b 2.65a 0.52b 312a 129a 2.25b
12.75 2.62a 0.67a 300a 122a 2.10c 2.82a 0.97a 312a 124a 2.08c
辽单558 9.75 1.33b 0a 274b 113b 2.51a 1.58b 0.34a 296a 133a 2.55a
Liaodan 558 11.25 1.64b 0a 276b 118ab 2.37b 1.84b 0.31a 294a 144a 2.41b
12.75 2.11a 0a 296a 120a 2.30c 2.33a 0.43a 297a 135a 2.26c
高玉818 9.75 2.01b 0a 270b 100b 2.62a 2.21b 0c 289a 127b 2.59a
Gaoyu 818 11.25 3.21a 0.10a 273ab 102b 2.51b 3.40a 0.13b 292a 136ab 2.53b
12.75 3.88a 0.20a 283a 110a 2.42c 4.11a 0.25a 294a 143a 2.40c
先玉335 9.75 2.62b 0b 291a 118a 2.46a 2.91b 0.56b 301a 136b 2.50a
Xianyu 335 11.25 3.22c 1.60a 294a 118a 2.31b 3.38ab 1.26ab 296a 131ab 2.34b
12.75 3.82a 1.80a 296a 119a 2.24b 4.01a 2.24a 299a 139a 2.22c


Average barren stem rate of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average lodging rate of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average plant height of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average ear height of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average stem diameter of four maize varieties under different planting densities"

Table 2

The correlation between lodging rate and stem diameter, plant height and ear height under the interraction of planting density and variety"

性状Trait 茎粗
Stem diameter
Plant height
Ear height
倒伏率Lodging rate -0.484** 0.351** 0.336**
茎粗Stem diameter -0.511** -0.396**
株高Plant height 0.798**
穗位高Ear height

Table 3

Effects of planting density on yield and yield components of four maize varieties"

Planting density
2015 2016
Kernel number per ear
100-kernel weight
Kernel number per ear
100-kernel weight
宁玉524 9.75 5.10a 19.2a 483a 37.0a 11 841.9b 4.92a 18.8a 466a 36.6a 12 512.2b
Ningyu 524 11.25 4.81a 17.5ab 460b 36.2a 15 286.5a 4.78ab 17.1b 445a 36.0a 14 759.0a
12.75 4.62a 17.3b 441b 35.9a 15 037.8a 4.65b 17.1b 430a 35.8a 15 239.8a
辽单558 9.75 5.32a 20.8a 521a 35.5a 13 360.5c 5.17a 20.0a 506a 35.6a 13 419.0c
Liaodan 558 11.25 5.11b 18.7b 501a 35.0a 15 498.1b 5.01a 18.4b 492a 35.1a 15 170.8b
12.75 4.95b 17.6b 465b 34.3a 17 053.8a 4.83a 17.8b 461b 34.4a 16 211.1a
高玉818 9.75 5.05a 19.8a 516a 36.4a 13 234.5b 4.90a 20.1a 487a 36.1a 13 639.9ab
Gaoyu 818 11.25 4.80b 17.4b 453b 35.2a 13 550.9ab 4.82a 18.6b 431b 35.4a 13 481.5b
12.75 4.57c 16.8b 416c 34.8a 13 873.7a 4.68a 17.2c 412b 35.0a 14 218.6a
先玉335 9.75 5.03a 19.0a 539a 35.1a 13 540.4b 4.98a 19.3a 504a 35.0a 12 913.8b
Xianyu 335 11.25 4.86a 18.0a 476b 34.3a 14 863.2a 4.83ab 18.8ab 478b 34.2a 13 978.2a
12.75 4.75a 17.5a 460b 34.0a 14 932.0a 4.77b 17.7b 463b 33.9a 14 571.5a


Average ear diameter of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average ear length of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average kernel number per ear of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average 100-kernel weight of four maize varieties under different planting densities"


Average yield of four maize varieties under different planting densities"

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