Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 78-83.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.04.014

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Effects of Planting Density on Yield Traits and Commercial Characters of Guiguozhe No.1

Li Song,He Yibo,Lu Manman,Liu Hongjian,Liu Junxian,Liu Limin,Yu Kunxing,Liu Xin   

  1. Sugarcane Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement (Guangxi),Ministry of Agriculture/Guangxi Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Genetic Improvement/Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center of Sugarcane Industry,Nanning 530007,Guangxi,China
  • Received:2017-05-03 Revised:2017-07-07 Online:2017-08-15 Published:2018-08-26


In order to optimize planting density of new chewing cane Guiguozhe No.1 in Guangxi sugarcane region, and to provide the cultivation technique for its application, the experiment was conducted in 4 counties with 6 planting density including 39 000, 42 000, 45 000, 48 000, 51 000 and 54 000stalks/hm 2 in 2016. The results showed that planting density had little influence on plant height and field brix of Guiguozhe No.1. Stalk diameter and cane commodity rate decreased with increased planting density. Cane yield, cane commodity yield and economy income increased firstly and then decreased with increased planting density. The highest cane yield reached 149 077.1kg/hm 2with 48 000stalks/hm 2, The highest and the following cane commodity yield reached 144 325.3kg/hm 2 and 144 069.9kg/hm 2 with 48 000 and 45 000 stalks/hm 2, the highest economic income was up to 102 132.3yuan/hm 2 with 45 000stalks/hm 2. The incidence of pokkah boeng disease had no significant changes among planting densities, which changed in 0.25%-0.89%. In present study, the suitable planting density of Guiguozhe No.1 was 45 000stalks/hm 2, but the fertilization levels should be carefully considered for its local situation.

Key words: Chewing cane, Guiguozhe No.1, Planting density, Yield, Commercial character

Table 1

Effects of planting density on main agronomic traits and resistance"

试验点Location 处理Treatment 株高Plant height (cm) 茎径Stem diameter (cm) 田间蔗汁锤度Field brix (%) 梢腐病率Incidence of Pokkah Boeng (%)
博白Bobai A 275.3 4.07 17.58 0.67
B 274.5 3.99 18.10 0.52
C 277.2 3.87 18.12 0.31
D 279.1 3.75 17.96 0.48
E 280.8 3.68 18.01 0.56
F 278.8 3.61 18.17 0.42
玉州Yuzhou A 227.8 4.23 17.77 0.51
B 250.5 4.13 18.04 0.32
C 254.2 4.11 18.23 0.89
D 255.3 4.03 17.59 0.76
E 258.4 3.83 17.71 0.25
F 259.2 3.64 17.52 0.56
横县Hengxian A 273.8 4.11 18.09 0.35
B 254.7 4.08 18.33 0.58
C 256.8 3.96 17.97 0.87
D 272.6 3.78 18.06 0.50
E 256.3 3.54 17.58 0.41
F 262.5 3.43 17.94 0.76
宾阳Binyang A 230.3 4.17 18.39 0.65
B 232.8 4.02 17.84 0.78
C 237.7 3.96 17.47 0.65
D 241.8 3.89 18.05 0.62
E 248.5 3.81 17.76 0.33
F 230.8 3.67 17.92 0.71
平均Mean A 251.8 4.15±0.0231aA 17.96±0.0577abA 0.55
B 253.1 4.06±0.0231bB 18.08±0.0404aA 0.55
C 256.5 3.98±0.0173cB 17.95±0.0346abA 0.68
D 262.2 3.86±0.0231dC 17.92±0.0173abA 0.59
E 261.0 3.72±0.0231eD 17.77±0.1270bA 0.39
F 257.8 3.59±0.0115fE 17.89±0.1212abA 0.61

Table 2

Effects of planting density on cane yield and commercial cane yield of chewing cane"

Internode length
Cane yield
Commercial cane yield
博白Bobai A 11.01 132 813.6±3 757.3cB 131 485.5±2 960.6bB
B 10.98 145 529.2±3 696.9bAB 143 928.3±2 825.3aAB
C 11.08 155 778.6±3 777.4abA 153 441.9±2 834.8aA
D 11.16 155 824.8±4 138.4abA 151 305.9±3 144.8aA
E 11.23 160 599.1±3 987.1aA 150 802.6±2 873.2aA
F 11.15 162 639.5±4 507.2aA 148 327.3±3 254.2aA
玉州Yuzhou A 9.11 124 759.4±2 088.9eE 123 511.8±2 781.1dC
B 10.02 140 872.7±2 602.6dD 139 182.2±3 375.0bcABC
C 10.16 151 565.2±3 325.2bB 149 443.3±4 141.5abAB
D 10.21 156 202.1±3 697.5aA 151 672.2±4 466.0aA
E 10.32 151 515.5±3 149.2bB 142 576.1±3 786.6abcAB
F 10.36 145 467.5±2 771.5cC 133 539.2±3 315.3cdBC
横县Hengxian A 10.95 141 570.3b±2 370.3cB 140 013.0±3 152.6abA
B 10.19 139 814.9±2 018.1cB 138 556.6±2 799.9bA
C 10.27 142 227.3±3 120.3bB 140 805.0±3 902.1aA
D 10.88 146 441.2±3 551.0aA 141 169.4±4 238.2aA
E 10.25 128 561.3±3 414.3eC 119 690.6±3 869.8cB
F 10.48 130 663.1±2 791.2dC 119 556.7±3 244.2cB
宾阳Binyang A 9.21 122 576.2±2 760.0dD 120 737.5±2 958.1bAB
B 9.31 124 011.2±2 343.3cdCD 122 027.0±2 684.6bAB
C 9.48 135 295.3±2 499.6bABC 132 589.4±2 784.4aAB
D 9.67 137 840.4±3 024.1abAB 133 153.8±3 195.7aAB
E 9.94 144 416.3±2 688.1aA 134 884.8±2 832.6aA
F 9.23 131 745.9±1 977.7bcCD 119 493.6±2 150.9bB
平均Mean A 10.07 130 429.9±2 744.1eE 128 937.0±3 077.5bA
B 10.13 137 557.0±2 688.0dD 135 923.5±3 025.0abA
C 10.25 146 216.6±3 180.7bB 144 069.9±3 523.4aA
D 10.48 149 077.1±3 602.8aA 144 325.3±3 884.8aA
E 10.44 146 273.1±3 304.7bB 136 988.5±3 450.1abA
F 10.31 142 629.0±3 011.9cC 130 229.2±3 074.3bA

Table 3

Effects of planting density on main economic characters"

Cane yield
Commercial cane yield
Commercial cane rate
Defective cane yield
Defective cane rate
A 130 429.9eE 128 937.0bA 98.86±0.43aA 1 492.9 1.14
B 137 557.0dD 135 923.5abA 98.81±0.47aA 1 633.5 1.18
C 146 216.6bB 144 069.9aA 98.53±0.39aA 2 146.7 1.47
D 149 077.1aA 144 325.3aA 96.81±0.91bA 4 751.8 3.19
E 146 273.1bB 136 988.5abA 93.65±0.27cB 9 284.6 6.35
F 142 629.0cC 130 229.2bA 91.31±0.59dB 12 399.8 8.69

Table 4

Effects of planting density on economic benefits of sugarcane"

商品蔗Commercial cane 次品蔗Defective cane 种植成本(元/hm2)
Planting cost
Harvesting cost
A 1.60 206 299.2 0.50 746.5 97 500 15 651.6 93 894.1±2 656.3bB
B 1.55 210 681.4 0.50 816.8 97 500 16 506.8 97 491.4±1 970.0bB
C 1.50 216 104.9 0.50 1 073.4 97 500 17 546.0 102 132.3±2 476.6aA
D 1.45 209 271.7 0.50 2 375.9 97 500 17 889.3 96 258.3±1 834.0bB
E 1.40 191 783.9 0.50 4 642.3 97 500 17 552.8 81 373.4±2 208.1cC
F 1.35 175 809.4 0.50 6 199.9 97 500 17 115.5 67 393.8±2 140.0dD
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