Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 242-248.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.04.034

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Effects of Irrigation and Nitrogen Application on Dry Matter Accumulation and Nitrogen Transport of Spring Wheat

Liang Weiqin1(), Jia Li2(), Guo Liming1, Li Yinglan3, Hu Yafeng1, Chen Xiaohua1, Ma Xufeng1, Li Jing1   

  1. 1Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center of Anding District, Dingxi 743000, Gansu, China
    2Agricultural Technology and Popularization Center in Dingxi City, Dingxi 743000, Gansu, China
    3District Agricultural Radio and Television School of Dingxi Anding District, Dingxi 743000, Gansu, China
  • Received:2022-01-10 Revised:2022-04-20 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-22
  • Contact: Jia Li;


In order to establish an optimum combination of water and nitrogen for spring wheat in central Gansu province, an experiment was conducted as a completely randomized split-plot design, with local wheat cultivar (Longchun 27) as the experimental material, taking irrigation [1000 (W1), 2000 (W2) and 3000m3/ha (W3)] as main plot treatment and N-supply as split-plot treatment [0 (N0), 80 (N1), 160 (N2) and 240kg/ha (N3)]. The effect of intermittent irrigation and nitrogen on dry matter accumulation, nitrogen content, nitrogen accumulation, and yield of spring wheat was investigated. The results showed dry matter accumulation, nitrogen accumulation, nitrogen transport and yield were significantly affected by irrigation treatment, N rate and irrigation treatment × N rate interaction. The increase in irrigation and nitrogen led to an initial increase in dry matter accumulation in wheat. N fertilizer had little impact, and waterʼs contribution to dry matter accumulation more significant. The nitrogen contents of stems and leaves increased with the amount of nitrogen. The order of nitrogen content was grain > leaf > glume > root > stem, the order of irrigation and nitrogen rate effect on nitrogen content in vegetative organs was nitrogen > irrigation. Nitrogen content in vegetative organs increased first and then decreased with the increase of nitrogen rate and irrigation amount, the maximum grain yield were observed in W2N2 treatment. Suitable water and nitrogen condition was beneficial to the dry matter transfer from vegetative organs to reproductive organs, raise grain production efficiency, nitrogen production efficiency and yield of spring wheat. Thus, the irrigation schedule (2000m3/ha) and optimized nitrogen (160kg/ha) can promote the wheat growth.

Key words: Wheat, Irrigation and nitrogen application, Dry matter accumulation, Nitrogen accumulation, Yield


Rainfall in the test area in 2019 and annual average rainfall"

Table 1

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application rates on dry matter accumulation of wheat at different growth stages kg/hm2"

处理Treatment 生育期Growth period 花后干物质累积量
Dry matter accumulation
after anthesis

W1 N0 975.83bE 2795.66bD 4556.11bF 5005.40cH 2209.74bD
N1 1118.02aCD 3816.20aBC 5618.30aDE 6010.14bFG 2193.94bD
N2 1154.75aC 3921.62aBC 6082.31aDE 6899.20aEF 2977.58aCD
N3 1198.33aC 4347.41acAB 6716.58aCD 7263.19aE 2915.78aCD
W2 N0 1018.22bDE 3421.13cCD 5206.52bEF 6018.10cG 2596.97cD
N1 1179.91bC 4250.30bABC 7714.48bABC 8790.00bD 4539.70bC
N2 1333.41aB 4570.81aAB 7910.38aABC 9812.48aC 5241.67aBC
N3 1365.35aAB 4621.39aAB 8572.42aAB 10 405.10aBC 5783.71aB
W3 N0 1173.54bC 4010.22bABC 5669.47cDE 6890.50cE 2880.28bCD
N1 1396.42aAB 4233.51abABC 7712.45bBC 10 770.32bBC 6536.81abAB
N2 1551.58aAB 4942.27aA 7980.00abABC 11 072.30bAB 6130.03abAB
N3 1474.13aA 4558.03abAB 9155.61aA 12 072.10aA 7514.07aA
W 37.49** 6.81** 88.88** 87.66** 283.16**
N 30.05** 10.11** 77.13** 53.85** 34.50**
W×N 3.93** 0.49 6.30** 5.90** 8.83**


Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application rates on nitrogen contents in the different organs of spring wheat at mature stage"

Table 2

Nitrogen accumulation in different organs of spring wheat under irrigation and nitrogen application rates kg/hm2"



Total N
灌水Irrigation 氮Nitrogen
W1 N0 4.87cE 14.57cE 12.82dG 3.48cF 72.80cF 108.54cE
N1 8.91bD 20.17bD 16.35cE 3.25bD 96.87bG 145.55bD
N2 10.11aC 25.55bD 20.45bD 4.48aBC 124.65aE 185.24aC
N3 11.27aB 30.51aBC 23.16aC 4.24aC 127.99aE 197.17aC
W2 N0 5.95cE 21.01dE 18.65dE 2.88cE 95.72dG 144.21cE
N1 9.29bC 26.42cC 20.04cD 4.35bC 142.42cD 202.52bB
N2 10.18bC 32.39bBC 25.19bB 4.76aA 181.73aA 254.25aA
N3 14.32aA 37.76aA 28.77aA 4.75aA 179.40bB 265.00aA
W3 N0 6.65dE 17.12cDE 15.29dF 2.56cF 108.49cG 221.03cB
N1 9.46cC 24.33bD 22.09cD 3.78bD 151.73bC 239.08bB
N2 11.56bB 32.21aBC 27.61bAB 4.44aBC 171.83aB 255.25aA
N3 15.29aA 30.62aB 25.65aB 4.12aC 178.19aA 255.12aA
W 43.82** 30.64** 82.97** 29.66** 316.09** 289.34**
N 349.12** 227.99** 444.12** 217.64** 402.37** 573.03**
W×N 6.60** 9.95** 2.52* 0.70 20.56** 14.87**

Table 3

Effects of irrigation and nitrogen application rates on grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency"

处理Treatment 籽粒产量
Grain yield
N use efficiency of
biomass (kg/kg)
N use efficiency of
grain (kg/kg)
Recovery efficiency
of N (%)

W1 N0 2184.63cE 66.45bD 46.98aA 20.51aB
N1 2768.52bcDE 66.56abCD 41.29aB 19.02bC 1.81aB 34.61aC 46.26aB
N2 3414.98abCD 67.29aBC 37.24bC 18.44cD 1.16bE 21.34bD 47.94aB
N3 3656.33aC 64.91abCD 36.84bC 18.54cD 0.82cC 15.23cE 36.93bC
W2 N0 2975.32cDE 70.72bABC 41.73abB 20.63bC
N1 4482.88bB 75.32aA 43.40aB 22.14aAB 2.53aA 56.03aB 72.89aA
N2 5418.66aA 71.48aA 38.59bC 21.31bC 1.59bB 33.87bC 68.78aA
N3 5446.90aA 67.70bCD 39.26bC 20.55bC 1.10cC 22.70cD 50.33bB
W3 N0 3396.25bCD 70.29bAB 52.96bA 26.10aA
N1 5101.84aAB 71.80aA 50.96aA 24.14bB 2.64aA 63.77aA 22.56aD
N2 5472.52aA 69.38cABC 44.71bB 22.10cC 1.55bB 34.20bC 21.39aD
N3 5424.60aA 68.97dCD 47.55bA 21.37cC 1.06cC 22.60cD 14.20bE
W 114.12** 31.06** 27.19** 34.52** 88.07** 35.91** 223.25**
N 76.22** 9.75** 64.36** 106.22** 933.23** 311.11** 183.38**
W×N 4.00** 3.25* 7.75** 2.88* 19.40** 8.23** 35.91**
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