Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 150-155.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.026

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Effects of "3414" Fertilizer Experiment on Yield of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim

Zhang Rongchao,Xin Jie,Guo Qingmei   

  1. College of Pharmacy,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250355,Shandong,China
  • Received:2016-05-22 Revised:2016-06-23 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Qingmei Guo


The different fertilizer applications of N、P、K were studied the effects on the yield of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim, which laid the foundation for the development of special fertilizer.By "3414" fertilizer experiments,the yield of Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim were determined in each fertilizer group; the maximum yield and the relative amount of fertilizer were obtained under the Excel 2010, SPSS 17. 0 systems.The yield of fertilizer groups were higher than that of the control group, and the average yield was 26 446kg/hm 2, and the variation coefficient of each treatment group was 8.9%; By a binary fertilizer effect model,the optimum fertilization ratio was obtained N:183kg/hm 2, P:565kg/hm 2, K:270kg/hm 2,the relative production ranged in 27 424~30 258kg/hm 2.The relationship between the yield and the amount of fertilizer could be studied by using quadratic equation with one unknown model in the simulation, while the model of three factors two equation was not simulated typically;Through the analysis,the effect of P fertilizer was the largest, and K was the second, and N was the lowest;Therefore, the proportion of P, K should be increased, the amount of N fertilizer application should be reduced, which the recommended ratio in the actual production was N:P:K=2:6:3.

Key words: Trchosahthes kirilowii Maxin, Yield, Fertilizing amount, "3414" fertilizer experiment

Table 1

“3414”experimental program"

Treatment No.
Processing method
1 N0P0K0 0 0 0
2 N0P2K2 0 2 2
3 N1P2K2 1 2 2
4 N2P0K2 2 0 2
5 N2P1K2 2 1 2
6 N2P2K2 2 2 2
7 N2P3K2 2 3 2
8 N2P2K0 2 2 0
9 N2P2K1 2 2 1
10 N2P2K3 2 2 3
11 N3P2K2 3 2 2
12 N1P1K2 1 1 2
13 N1P2K1 1 2 1
14 N2P1K1 2 1 1

Table 2

Factors and levels kg/hm2"

Aplication of N
Aplication of P2O5
Aplication of K
0 0 0 0
1 150 225 120
2 300 450 240
3 450 675 360


Average yield
Yield variation coefficient
LSD0.05 of each processings
LSD0.01 of each processings
Increasing rate compared
with control
比农户对照增产率Increasing rate
compared with farmers
Total fertilizer cost
The total income of Trichosanthe
Net income rate compared with control
Net income rate compared with farmers
1 N0P0K0 18 540 6.0 f D 0.0 -29.4 0 74 160 74 160 0.0 -19.5
2 N0P2K2 27 750 4.5 bc B 33.2 13.5 2 500 111 000 108 500 46.3 17.8
3 N1P2K2 31 275 2.5 a A 40.7 23.3 2 953 125 100 122 147 64.7 32.6
4 N2P0K2 21 210 3.2 e C 12.6 -13.2 1 718 84 840 83 122 12.1 -9.7
5 N2P1K2 23 910 2.5 cd BC 22.5 -0.4 2 562 95 640 93 078 25.5 1.1
6 N2P2K2 28 305 4.8 b AB 34.5 15.2 3 406 113 220 109 814 48.1 19.2
7 N2P3K2 26 820 5.5 bc BC 30.9 10.5 4 249 107 280 103 031 38.9 11.9
8 N2P2K0 23 430 3.1 de BC 20.9 -2.4 2 593 93 720 91 127 22.9 -1.1
9 N2P2K1 25 170 3.9 cd BC 26.3 4.6 2 999 100 680 97 681 31.7 6.1
10 N2P2K3 26 625 3.1 bc BC 30.4 9.9 3 812 106 500 102 688 28.5 11.5
11 N3P2K2 26 085 2.7 c BC 28.9 8.0 3 858 104 340 100 482 35.5 9.1
12 N1P1K2 29 610 2.5 ab AB 37.4 18.9 2 109 118 440 116 331 56.9 26.3
13 N1P2K1 30 090 2.2 ab AB 38.4 20.2 2 546 120 360 117 813 58.9 27.9
14 N2P1K1 23 520 2.9 d BC 21.2 -2.0 2 155 94 080 91 920 23.9 -0.2
15 NPK15-15-15 24 000 3.0 cd BC 22.7 0.0 3 900 96 000 92 100 24.2 0.0

Table 4

Missing element analysis"

Treatment No.
Processing method
Average yield
Yield variation coefficient
Relative yield
Yield reduction rate
1 N0P0K0 18 540 6.0 65.5 34.5
2 N0P2K2 27 750 4.6 98.0 2.0
4 N2P0K2 21 210 3.2 74.9 25.1
8 N2P2K0 23 430 3.1 82.8 17.2
6 N2P2K2 28 305 4.8 100.0 0.0


Effect of N fertilizer on yield increase"

Table 5

N single factor table"

Treatment No.
Processing method
Aplication of N
Average yield
Relative net yield
Yield variation coefficient
2 N0P2K2 0 27 750 0.0 4.5
3 N1P2K2 150 31 275 12.7 2.5
6 N2P2K2 300 28 305 2.0 4.8
11 N3P2K2 450 26 085 -6.0 2.7


Effect of P fertilizer on yield increase"

Table 6

P single factor"

Treatment No.
Processing method
Aplication of P
Average yield
Relative net yield
Yield variation coefficient
4 N2P0K2 0 21 210 0.0 3.2
5 N2P1K2 225 23 910 12.7 2.5
6 N2P2K2 450 28 305 33.5 4.8
7 N2P3K2 675 26 820 26.5 5.5


Effect of K fertilizer on yield increase"

Table 7

K single factor"

Treatment No.
Processing method
Aplication of K
Average yield
Relative net yield
Yield variation coefficient
8 N2P2K0 0 23 430 0.0 3.1
9 N2P2K1 120 25 170 7.4 3.9
6 N2P2K2 240 28 305 20.8 4.8
10 N2P2K3 360 26 625 13.6 3.1
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