Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 63-67.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.01.010

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Screening Pasmo-Resistant Germplasm Resources from Flax Varieties (Lines)

Si Chen1,Xue Yang2,Xiukun Yang3,Hongmei Yuan1,Wengong Huang1,Yan Liu1,Yubo Yao1,Guangwen Wu1   

  1. 1 Industrial Crops Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China
    2 Sino-Russian Agricultural Scientific and Technological Cooperation Center, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, Heilongjiang, China
    3 Huansheng Township Agricultural Technical Service Center, Qing’an County, Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province, Suihua 152461, Heilongjiang, China;
  • Received:2018-08-29 Revised:2018-12-14 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-01
  • Contact: Xue Yang,Guangwen Wu


In order to understand the difference of disease resistance on pasmo between different flax germplasm, twenty varieties (lines) of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) inoculated with infested soil of fungi in pots were cultured. The incidence and disease index of each germplasm were statistically analyzed. According to the disease index, the 20 flax varieties (lines) were divided into four groups: resistant, middle sensitive, sensitive and highly sensitive. The results showed that there were significant difference in resistance to pasmo among varieties (lines), and there were no immune varieties (lines) against pasmo in 20 tested flax varieties (lines). 7 flax lines (35% of total tested flax varieties (lines)) including H2012-1, ZY03001-2-4, Y0310-7-3, ZY03119-2-12, ZY06175-10-15, 01059-1-6-2 and 9804-38 were resistant to pasmo. The number of middle sensitive, sensitive and highly sensitive varieties (lines) were 9, 2 and 2, respectively. They accounted for 65% of total resources. Thus, H2012-1, ZY03001-2-4 and other five lines could be used as pasmo-resistant breeding for further study.

Key words: Flax, Pasmo, Resistance identification, Germplasm screening

Table 1

Resistance difference and significance of different flax varieties (lines) to pasmo"

品种(系)Variety (Line) 发病率Incident (%) 病情指数Disease index 抗病类型Reaction
H2012-1 11.67±1.67 3.75±0.72kJ R
ZY03001-2-4 13.33±1.67 5.42±0.42jkIJ R
Y0310-7-3 15.00±0.00 5.83±0.42ijkIJ R
ZY03119-2-12 16.67±1.67 6.25±0.00ijIJ R
ZY06175-10-15 18.33±1.67 6.67±0.42ijIJ R
01059-1-6-2 20.00±0.00 7.92±0.42hiHI R
9804-38 23.33±1.67 10.00±0.72hH R
98036 35.00±0.00 31.25±0.00gG MS
原2013-5 Yuan 2013-5 36.67±1.67 31.67±0.42gG MS
K5316 36.67±1.67 32.08±0.42fgG MS
K6542-1 38.33±1.67 32.92±0.42fgFG MS
K167-5 38.33±1.67 34.17±0.42efFG MS
ZY03090-8-12 40.00±0.00 35.42±0.83eEF MS
原09-63 Yuan 09-63 41.67±1.67 37.92±1.10dDE MS
原2006-12 Yuan 2006-12 43.33±1.67 39.17±1.50dCD MS
原2011-38 Yuan 2011-38 46.67±1.67 41.67±1.10cC MS
1486 60.00±2.89 54.58±1.82bB S
01002-23 63.33±1.67 55.83±0.42bB S
90126-6-12 85.00±0.00 77.50±0.72aA HS
原2014-7 Yuan 2014-7 85.00±0.00 79.17±0.42aA HS

Table 2

Resistance of S. linicola Gar. of 20 flax germplasm"

Type of resistance
Disease index
No. of flax
免疫Immunity 0 0 0
抗病Resistant 0<DI≤30 7 35
中感Middle susceptible 30<DI≤50 9 45
感病Susceptible 50<DI≤75 2 10
高感High susceptible DI>75 2 10


Relation between disease index and incidence rate of pasmo of all flax varieties (lines)"

Table 3

The test results of economic characters of different flax varieties (lines)"

Variety (Line)
Plant height
Stem length
Rate of general anesthesia
H2012-1 86.12±0.015bB 72.23±0.015bB 4.7±0.100cdBCD 9.0±0.100bcABC 29.80±0.025aBC
ZY03001-2-4 85.34±0.055cC 73.54±0.015aA 4.9±0.153bcBC 8.8±0.208bcdBCD 31.16±0.015aA
Y0310-7-3 80.67±0.026jJ 67.56±0.012eF 4.2±0.088defgCDE 9.1±0.153bAB 29.42±0.021aBC
ZY03119-2-12 84.50±0.015eE 69.27±0.026cC 4.5±0.115cdeCDE 8.8±0.100bcdBCD 29.15±0.015aBC
ZY06175-10-15 81.83±0.025II 68.43±0.020dDE 4.2±0.115defgCDE 8.8±0.173bcdBCD 29.23±0.021aBC
01059-1-6-2 62.79±0.020rR 50.35±0.012mN 4.3±0.058defgCDE 7.2±0.163fgEF 27.28±0.010abBC
9804-38 83.10±0.021gG 68.90±0.015cCD 4.5±0.100cdeCDE 9.2±0.058abAB 29.74±0.153aBC
98036 77.56±0.021lL 65.24±0.021gH 5.3±0.100abAB 8.6±0.153cdeBCD 27.27±0.012abBC
原2013-5 Yuan 2013-5 75.43±0.015nN 62.87±0.015IJ 5.7±0.115aA 9.6±0.153aA 27.58±0.021abBC
K5316 87.28±0.020aA 73.25±0.015aA 4.5±0.058cdeCDE 9.0±0.115bcABC 27.36±0.015abBC
K6542-1 71.35±0.015pP 58.89±0.020kL 3.8±0.208fghEF 8.2±0.153eD 27.40±0.015abBC
K167-5 86.14±0.015bB 66.47±0.010fG 3.9±0.153fghEF 6.9±0.100ghEF 27.61±0.015abBC
ZY03090-8-12 70.67±0.020qQ 55.60±0.015lM 3.5±0.100hF 8.4±0.208deCD 27.25±0.021abBC
原09-63 Yuan 09-63 83.31±0.020fF 67.25±0.015eF 4.5±0.115cdeCDE 7.4±0.058fE 27.34±0.006abBC
Variety (Line)
Plant height
Stem length
Rate of general anesthesia
原2006-12 Yuan 2006-12 85.24±0.015dD 72.09±0.010bB 5.0±0.153bAB 8.4±0.153deCD 27.29±0.015abBC
原2011-38 Yuan 2011-38 82.58±0.017hH 68.26±0.026dE 4.4±0.153cdefCDE 8.3±0.153eD 26.93±0.015abBC
1486 76.90±0.020mM 63.78±0.015hI 3.8±0.115ghEF 7.2±0.153fgEF 27.03±0.015abBC
01002-23 74.72±0.026oO 61.42±0.015jK 4.1±0.153efgDEF 7.1±0.115fghEF 27.24±0.010abBC
90126-6-12 60.88±0.015sS 49.80±0.015nN 3.8±0.115ghEF 6.6±0.153hF 26.72±0.006abBC
原2014-7 Yuan 2014-7 80.25±0.015kK 63.50±0.015hI 3.9±0.115fghEF 6.9±0.153ghEF 26.80±0.021abBC
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