Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 156-163.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.02.024

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Effects of Consecutive Applying Different New Type Fertilizers on Soil Fungal Communities and Tobacco Quality and Yield

Deming Xiang1,Mingfa Zhang1,Shuguang Peng3,Feng Tian1,Jianxin Luo2,Wu Chen2,Yunfan Cai1,Minghui Tian1,Qisong Lü1   

  1. 1 Production Technology Center, Xiangxi Prefectural Tobacco Company, Hunan Provincial Tobacco Company, Jishou 416000, Hunan, China
    2 College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China
    3 Hunan Provincial Tobacco Company, Changsha 410004, Hunan, China
  • Received:2018-12-03 Revised:2019-02-20 Online:2019-04-15 Published:2019-04-12
  • Contact: Mingfa Zhang


In order to improve the quality of soil and tobacco, a field experiment was conducted to study the effects of applying different new type fertilizers on soil fungal communities and yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco leaves. The results indicated that application of new type fertilizer decreased the diversity and evenness of soil fungal communities, the relative abundance of glomeromycota, proportion of high-grade leaves, yield and output value, content of potassium of leaves and smoking quality. The fragrance quality and delicate- finish of mid upper leaves were increased in the four new type fertilizer treatments compared with tradition production treatment. The contents of total nitrogen and nicotine in leaves were decreased in new type fertilizer D treatment, the sensory quality and yield and output value were the best, and soil fungal communities composition had a maximum difference compared with control group. So the new type fertilizer D treatment was the optimum combination in tobacco-growing region of Xiangxi.

Key words: Tobacco, New type fertilizer, Fungal communities, Quality, Yield

Table 1

Field experiment treatments"

处理Treatment 设计Design

新型肥料A组(T1) 新型肥料A 1500kg/hm2+提苗肥75kg/hm2
新型肥料B组(T2) 新型肥料B 1500kg/hm2+提苗肥75kg/hm2
新型肥料C组(T3) 新型肥料C 1387.5kg/hm2+提苗肥75kg/hm2
新型肥料D组(T4) 新型肥料D 1387.5kg/hm2+提苗肥75kg/hm2

Table 2

Effects of different new type fertilizers on soil physical and chemical properties"

Organic matter
Total nitrogen
Available nitrogen
Available potassium
Available phosphorus
T5(CK) 28.84±1.37d 1.74±0.06d 148.08±0.91d 223.99±19.51d 38.99±1.31e 30.33±2.59a
T1 29.04±1.42c 1.89±0.09c 160.55±1.02c 252.55±20.13c 40.27±1.92d 28.78±2.01b
T2 29.98±1.59c 1.96±0.11c 189.33±1.22b 263.77±28.90bc 46.95±2.88c 25.33±1.92c
T3 30.33±1.71b 2.08±0.19b 195.67±1.69ab 289.12±30.55b 51.21±3.56ab 24.03±1.88cd
T4 32.01±1.95a 2.21±0.21a 201.08±1.73a 301.08±31.79a 59.16±4.89a 20.41±1.52e


The dilution curve of metagenome sequencing"

Table 3

The diversity-index and the even-index of fungal communities"

项目Item 对照组
New type fertilizer A
New type fertilizer C
New type fertilizer B
New type fertilizer D
多样性指数Diversity-index 4.358138 3.753036 4.508063 3.485315 0.916097
均一性指数Even-index 0.703737 0.617776 0.741415 0.574788 0.171387
Chao值Chao value 1 558.299 1 559.214 1 521.302 1 561.509 988.1448

Table 4

Dissimilarity analysis among groups"

项目Item 新型肥料A组
New type fertilizer A
New type fertilizer C
New type fertilizer B
New type fertilizer D
对照组CK 0.0171 0.0036 0.0117 0.0009
新型肥料A组 New type fertilizer A 0.0117 0.0090 0.0009
新型肥料C组 New type fertilizer C 0.0018 0.0009
新型肥料B组 New type fertilizer B 0.0009
新型肥料D组 New type fertilizer D


Fungal communities DCA"


The composition of each community at the phylum level"

Table 5

Economic benefits and fungal amount of different treatments"

Output value (yuan/hm2)
Supper tobacco rate
Fertilizer employment (yuan/hm2)
2015 T5(CK) 4.00±0.65b 1 854.43±39.87d 33 087.92±94.85c 13.27±1.98c 2 852±59a
T1 4.96±0.80b 2 348.05±46.88c 39 584.30±80.35b 17.22±1.15b 1 431±39b
T2 5.03±0.40b 2 431.32±29.86b 43 132.22±96.65ab 24.28±1.55ab 1 419±77b
T3 5.99±0.60a 2 596.95±61.24a 45 281.68±91.02a 24.66±1.98a 1 434±86b
T4 7.03±0.56a 2 664.24±50.25a 45 788.93±85.96a 24.78±1.75a 1 417±58b
2016 T5(CK) 4.31±0.60c 1 892.28±42.31c 33 763.19±89.56d 13.54±0.86b 2 910±66a
T1 5.33±0.70b 2 395.95±66.01c 40 392.14±96.21c 17.58±1.05b 1 460±97b
T2 5.40±0.86b 2 480.94±18.99b 44 012.47±93.46b 24.77±1.71a 1 448±85b
T3 6.44±0.43ab 2 649.95±65.21a 46 205.79±97.66a 25.16±1.68a 1 463±78b
T4 7.56±0.64a 2 718.61±36.69a 46 723.40±91.96a 25.29±1.23a 1 446±38b
2017 T5(CK) 4.63±0.69c 1 950.80±77.26c 34 807.41±88.67d 13.96±0.78b 3 000±23a
T1 5.73±0.46bc 2 470.05±44.21b 41 641.38±95.59c 18.12±0.95b 1 505±56b
T2 5.81±0.92bc 2 557.67±56.78b 45 373.68±91.23b 25.54±1.50a 1 493±95b
T3 6.92±0.75ab 2 731.91±71.33a 47 634.84±64.56a 25.94±1.28a 1 508±74b
T4 8.13±0.65a 2 802.69±68.22a 48 168.45±59.99a 26.07±1.57a 1 491±65b

Table 6

Effects of different new type fertilizers on tobacco chemical components %"

项目Item 处理Treatment 总糖Total sugar 还原糖Reducing sugar 总氮Total nitrogen 烟碱Nicotine K2O 氯Chlorine
下部叶Lower leaves (X2F) CK 21.91b 17.14c 1.57b 1.41c 1.06c 0.17
T1 26.11a 22.65a 1.68ab 1.64bc 1.61a 0.42
T2 21.15b 17.10c 1.85a 1.97b 1.63a 0.32
T3 26.17a 20.67b 1.77a 2.20a 1.59ab 0.33
T4 21.89b 17.03c 1.50b 1.37c 1.53b 0.38
中部叶Middle leaves (C3F) CK 21.24b 17.06b 1.68b 2.25b 1.39c 0.24
T1 21.67b 17.37b 1.92ab 2.62a 1.67ab 0.52
T2 21.05b 16.50c 2.15a 2.45a 1.85a 0.52
T3 25.10a 21.20a 2.05a 2.34ab 2.00a 0.47
T4 20.65c 17.04b 1.61b 2.20b 1.86a 0.38
上部叶Upper leaves (B2F) CK 19.68b 17.08c 1.76b 2.46c 1.30c 0.37
T1 20.86b 19.60b 1.95a 2.72a 1.56b 0.58
T2 19.11b 16.46c 2.09a 3.30a 1.71b 0.53
T3 25.22a 21.86a 1.88a 2.57b 1.74b 0.41
T4 19.10b 16.09c 1.68b 2.26c 1.86a 0.43

Table 7

Effects of different new type fertilizers on smoking quality of medium to upper tobacco leaves"

Quality of
of aroma
浓度Concentration 杂气
Offensive odor
燃烧性Combustibility 灰色
Quality grade
CK C3F 6.0 6 6 6.0 7.5 5.6 6 8 6 中等Medium
T1 6.0 6 6 6.1 7.5 5.9 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
T2 6.1 6 6 6.1 7.5 5.9 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
T3 6.3 6 6 6.1 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
T4 6.4 6 6 6.2 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
CK B2F 6.0 6 6 6.0 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中等Medium
T1 6.1 6 6 6.2 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
T2 6.1 6 6 6.2 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
T3 6.1 6 6 6.2 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
T4 6.2 6 6 6.2 7.5 6.0 6 8 6 中偏上Mid to upper
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