Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 82-87.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.02.013

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Effects of Water and Fertilizer Integration and Chemical Control Measures after Flowering on Soybean Yield and Physiological Characteristics

Huang Junxia1,2,Huang Tian1,2,Rao Demin3,Zhang Minghao2,Meng Fangang2,Yan Xiaoyan2,Zhang Wei2()   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, Jilin, China
    2 Institute of Soybean, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Research Center for Soybean, Changchun 130033, Jilin, China
    3 College of Agronomy, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2019-08-19 Revised:2019-11-22 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-13
  • Contact: Wei Zhang


In this study, the effects of the integration of water and fertilizer and chemical control measures after flowering on the yield and physiological characteristics of super high-yielding soybean Jiyu 86 were studied by using the row planting mode. The results showed that the integration of water and fertilizer significantly increased soybean yield, R2+R4 (T3), R4+R5 (T4), R2+R4+R5 (T5) treatment increased yield the most, but the difference among the three treatments was not significant. The integration of water and fertilizer and chemical control further increased the yield of soybean. The yield of R2+R4+R5 water and fertilizer integration combined with chemical control treatment (T9) was the highest, reaching 3 780.4kg/hm 2, with an increase of 19.25% compared with the control. According to the comparison of the physiological characteristics of high yield between T5 and T9, T5 significantly increased SPAD value, photosynthetic parameters, leaf area index (LAI), biological yield per plant, plant height, stem weight and 100-seed weight. Compared with T5, T9 increased SPAD value and photosynthetic parameters, reduced plant height and LAI, effectively controlled lodging, promoted more reasonable development dynamics of LAI, promoted dry matter transfering from stem, leaf and petiole to seed, and finally increased seed weight and yield significantly. This indicates that water and fertilizer integration + chemical control is an effective measure to improve soybean yield potential. Water and fertilizer measures significantly increase pod weight per plant, seed weight per plant and 100-seed weight, while chemical control measures have no significant effect on 100-seed weight, and further increase pod weight per plant and seed weight per plant. Two or three times of water and fertilizer treatment after R2 stage and chemical control treatment at R1 stage is the best measure to improve yield.

Key words: Water and fertilizer integration, Chemical control, Soybean production, Physiological characteristics

Table 1

Different processing designs of water and fertilizer integration and chemical regulation"

The period of water and
fertilizer integration
Chemical regulation
T1 (CK) 未进行水肥处理
T2 盛花期(R2)
T3 R2、盛荚期(R4)
T4 R4、始粒期(R5)
T5 R2、R4、R5
T6 R2
T7 R2、R4
T8 R4、R5
T9 R2、R4、R5

Table 2

Meteorological conditions of the growing season in 2016-2017"

年份Year 项目Item 5月May 6月June 7月July 8月August 9月September
2016 月平均气温(℃) 15.6 19.6 23.1 22.3 16.1
月降水总量(mm) 128.4 131.0 124.2 133.2 107.7
2017 月平均气温(℃) 17.3 21.0 25.3 22.6 17.0
月降水总量(mm) 46.2 50.2 170.5 210.1 39.7


Effects of post-flowering water and fertilizer integration and chemical regulation on soybean yield Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05), the same below"

Table 3

Effects of post-flowering water and fertilizer integration and chemical regulation on soybean lodging"

处理Treatment 与地面倾斜角度Tilt to the ground (°)
T1 (CK) -
T2 -
T3 75.5
T4 67.3
T5 52.7
T6 -
T7 -
T8 -
T9 -


Effects of post-flowering water and fertilizer integration and chemical regulation on soybean SPAD value"


Effects of post-flowering water and fertilizer integration and chemical regulation on photosynthetic parameter of soybean"


Effects of post-flowering water and fertilizer integration and chemical control on soybean leaf area index"


Effects of post-flowering water and fertilizer integration and chemical regulation on soybean biological yield per plant at R6 stage Different lowercase letters in the figure indicate significant difference in the organs of the plant, different lowercase letters outside the figure indicate significant difference in biological yield per plant(P<0.05)"

Table 4

Effects of integration of water and fertilizer and chemical regulation on agronomic traits of soybean"

Plant height (cm)
Node number
Stem height (g)
Pod weight per plant (g)
Seed weight per plant (g)
100-seed weight (g)
T1 (CK) 101.93±1.71c 21.67±0.33a 15.45±0.66b 35.32±1.75c 23.48±1.06c 21.97±0.59b
T5 114.42±1.69a 21.11±0.19a 18.33±0.84a 40.89±1.44b 26.72±1.26b 23.60±0.40a
T9 106.00±1.20b 21.67±0.88a 16.71±1.14ab 44.90±1.27a 29.25±1.04a 23.70±1.01a
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