Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 88-96.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.02.014

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Effects of Different Nitrogen Rates on Photosyntheticand Physiological Indexes and Yield of Winter Wheat

Chen Tianxin1,2,Wang Yanjie2,Zhang Yan3,Chang Xuhong2,Tao Zhiqiang2,Wang Demei2,Yang Yushuang2,Zhu Yingjie2,Liu Akang2,Shi Shubing1(),Zhao Guangcai2()   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, Xinjiang, China
    2 Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology and Ecology of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, 100081, Beijing, China
    3 Renqiu Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Renqiu 062550, Hebei, China
  • Received:2019-12-27 Revised:2020-01-15 Online:2020-04-15 Published:2020-04-13
  • Contact: Shubing Shi,Guangcai Zhao;


To explore the effects of different nitrogen application rates on photosynthetic and physiological indexes and yield of winter wheat, three strong gluten winter wheat varieties Gaoyou 2018 (C1), Shiluan 02-1 (C2), Shiyou 20 (C3) and one medium gluten winter wheat variety Jimai 22 (C4) were used as test materials in the test base of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing. Five fertilizer treatments were used, including 0 (N0), 180 (N180), 210 (N210), 240 (N240) and 270kg/ha (N270). The results showed: flag leaf net photosynthetic rate, the SPAD value, flag leaf length and width, leaf area index, normalized difference vegetation coverage, grain yield components and other indicators of different winter wheat varieties under N240 treatment have reached the highest value, and significantly higher than that of N0 treatment, but there was no significant difference compared with N270. Therefore, comprehensive consideration of photosynthetic physiology, plant characteristics, yield components and other indicators, 240kg/ha is a suitable nitrogen application rate to improve photosynthetic and physiological indexes and yield of different winter wheat varieties.

Key words: Wheat, Nitrogen application rate, Yield, Net photosynthetic rate, Plant traits


Effects of N-fertilizer rates on Pn of flag leaves of different varieties"


Effects of N-fertilizer rate and variety on Pn of flag leaves Different lowercase letters indicate significantly difference at 0.05 level, the same below"


Effects of N-fertilizer rates on SPAD value of flag leaves of different varieties"


Effects of N-fertilizer rate and variety on SPAD value of flag leaves"


Effects of N-fertilizer rates on morphology characteristics of flag leaves"


Effects of N-fertilizer rate and variety on NDVI"


Effects of N-fertilizer rate and variety on LAI"

Table 1

Effects of nitrogen application rate and variety on plant characteristics"

Sterile spikelet
N0 66.4c 6.7b 15.6c 2.5a
N180 67.5c 6.9b 16.0bc 2.3a
N210 69.2b 7.0ab 16.5ab 2.3a
N240 70.6a 7.3a 16.7a 2.2a
N270 70.7a 7.0ab 16.7ab 2.2a
C1 66.1c 6.8b 15.5c 2.4b
C2 68.9b 6.9b 16.0b 2.5ab
C3 72.0a 7.0b 16.9a 2.7a
C4 68.7b 7.3a 16.8a 1.6c

Table 2

Effects of nitrogen application rate and variety interact on plant characteristic"

Nitrogen treatment
Plant height
Spike length
Spikelet number
Sterile spikelet number
C1 N0 63.4g 6.5g 14.9h 2.6bc
N180 65.0fg 6.5g 15.1gh 2.5bcd
N210 65.9efg 6.7efg 15.6efgh 2.4bcd
N240 67.3def 7.1bcdef 16.0defg 2.0cdef
N270 68.3de 6.9cdefg 15.9defg 2.4bcd
C2 N0 65.7efg 6.6g 15.4fgh 2.8ab
N180 66.0efg 6.6fg 15.8efgh 2.8ab
N210 69.8bcd 6.8defg 16.2cdef 2.7bc
N240 71.3abc 7.2abcd 16.5bcde 2.1cdef
N270 71.7ab 7.2bcde 16.4cde 2.3bcde
C3 N0 68.4cde 6.6g 16.1def 3.4a
N180 71.8ab 6.8defg 16.2cdef 2.9ab
N210 71.9ab 7.0cdefg 17.2abc 2.8ab
N240 73.5a 7.3abc 17.4ab 2.0cdef
N270 74.1a 7.2bcdef 17.4ab 2.3cde
C4 N0 66.1efg 6.9cdefg 16.1defg 1.9def
N180 69.1bcd 7.2bcd 16.2cdef 1.7ef
N210 69.1bcd 7.2abcd 16.9abcd 1.5f
N240 69.4bcd 7.7a 17.7a 1.4f
N270 69.7bcd 7.6ab 17.2abc 1.5f
F值F value 品种Variety 24.5** 9.4** 16.8** 22.7**
施氮量Nitrogen application rate 28.0** 4.56* 6.2* 0.3
品种×施氮量Variety×Nitrogen application rate 1.2 1.7 1.3 3.0**

Table 3

Effects of nitrogen application rate and variety on grain yield and its components"

Kernels per spike
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
N0 32.7e 36.7b 6 549.0c
N180 36.3d 37.3b 7 921.6b
N210 40.8b 38.1b 7 998.5b
N240 42.4a 41.1a 8 482.5a
N270 39.1c 40.9a 7 992.5b
C1 36.9b 36.1c 7 171.1d
C2 37.1b 35.1d 7 493.2c
C3 37.7b 38.9b 7 729.1b
C4 41.3a 45.1a 8 761.9a

Table 4

Effects of nitrogen application rate and variety interact on grain yield and its components"

Nitrogen treatment
Kernels per spike
1000-grain weight
Grain yield
C1 N0 31.0k 32.5i 6 302.9i
N180 36.3hij 32.7hi 7 208.1g
N210 38.7defghi 34.1ghi 7 251.6g
N240 41.0bcdef 37.4ef 7 944.0de
N270 37.7fghij 43.7c 7 149.1g
C2 N0 31.0k 33.1hi 6 677.3h
N180 35.7ij 33.7ghi 7 574.7f
N210 39.7cdefgh 34.8gh 7 469.6f
N240 41.7abcde 38.4e 8 278.6c
N270 37.7fghij 35.7fg 7 465.8f
C3 N0 31.3k 37.4ef 6 529.8h
N180 35.0j 38.5e 7 872.2e
N210 40.7bcdefg 39.2e 7 841.4e
N240 42.3abc 41.4d 8 251.7c
N270 39.0cdefghi 38.2e 8 150.3cd
C4 N0 37.3ghij 43.7c 6 686.2h
N180 38.3efghij 44.3bc 9 031.2b
N210 44.0ab 44.3bc 9 431.5a
N240 44.7a 47.3a 9 455.6a
N270 42.0abcd 46.0ab 9 204.9b
F值F value 品种Variety 12.4** 190.7** 598.4**
施氮量Nitrogen application rate 49.0** 24.4** 171.6**
品种×施氮量Variety×Nitrogen application rate 0.5 8.7** 33.6**
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