Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 154-158.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.03.021

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Effects of Ammonium Nitrogen and Nitrate Nitrogen Ratio on Growth and Ion Balance of Flue-Cured Tobacco

Zu Qingxue1(), Nie Zhongyang1, Lin Song1, Rao Chen1, Zhang Yifei1, Zhang Han2   

  1. 1Kaiyang Branch of Guizhou Tobacco Company, Kaiyang 550300, Guizhou, China
    2Agricultural College, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China
  • Received:2021-08-13 Revised:2023-03-24 Online:2023-06-15 Published:2023-06-16


In order to clarify the physiological response of the anion-cation balance of flue-cured tobacco seedlings to different ratios of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, a hydroponic experiment was conducted. Using Yunyan 87 as material, the effects of different ammonium and nitrate ratio treatments on the growth and anion-cation balance of tobacco seedlings were studied. The results showed that the increase in the ratio of nitrate nitrogen was beneficial to the growth of roots, stems and leaves of tobacco seedling. The contents of malic acid and oxalic acid under the total nitrate treatment were significantly higher than that of other treatments, while the content of citric acid under the ratio of ammonium to nitrate 25:75 was not significantly different from that of the total nitrate treatment; the contents of cations (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) increased with the increase of the ratio of nitrate nitrogen, while the charges of NO3- and SO42- under 50:50 treatment reached the maximum, which were 0.06 and 1.03mmol/g, respectively, and Cl- content under 75:25 treatment was significantly higher than those of other treatments, H2PO4- content increased with the increase of nitrate nitrogen and then remained unchanged, with a maximum value of 0.20mmol/g. With the increase of nitrate nitrogen ratio, the anion-cation balance showed a trend of alkalization first and then acidification. Anion-cation balance of total nitrate treatment was the worst (3.43mmol/g), but there was no ion imbalance. Considering the effects of nitrogen forms on tobacco seedling growth and ion balance, the 0:100 ratio of ammonium to nitrate was the best.

Key words: Ammonium-nitrate ratio, Tobacco seedling, Growth, Balance of anion-cation

Table 1

Preparation of nutrient solution with different ratios of ammonium to nitrate mg/L"

铵硝比Ammonium nitrate ratio
100:0 75:25 50:50 25:75 0:100
(NH4)2SO4 660 495 330 165 0
CaCl2 555 416.3 278 139 0
Ca(NO3)2·4H2O 0 295 590 885 1180
Other reagents
KH2PO4 175.48,MgSO4·7H2O 410,ZnSO4·7H2O 0.22,CuSO4·5H2O 0.08,MnSO4·H2O 1.54,K2SO4 333.9,NaB4O7·10H2O 3.96,(NH4)6Mo7O24 0.09,FeSO4·7H2O 5.57,Na2EDTA 7.45

Table 2

Effects of different ratios of ammonium to nitrate on fresh and dry weight of various parts of tobacco plants at seedling stage"

鲜质量Fresh weight (g) 干质量Dry weight (g) 含水率
content (%)



Total fresh weight



Total dry weight (g)
100:0 3.91c 6.39d 4.48d 14.77d 0.32c 0.68b 0.63c 1.62d 89.03c
75:25 5.94bc 11.80c 14.41c 32.15c 0.59b 0.72b 1.38bc 2.69c 91.63b
50:50 8.60ab 12.92c 20.06b 41.58c 0.63b 1.05ab 1.81ab 3.49b 91.61b
25:75 10.30a 15.44b 23.62b 49.35b 0.95a 1.57a 2.06ab 4.58a 90.72b
0:100 11.77a 26.10a 37.22a 75.09a 1.06a 1.74a 2.37a 5.16a 93.13a

Table 3

Effects of different ratios of ammonium to nitrate on organic acid content of tobacco leaves mg/g"

Malic acid
Oxalic acid
Citric acid
Total organic acid
100:0 7.33b 1.45d 10.97d 19.75d
75:25 3.59d 1.98d 13.00c 18.57d
50:50 5.76c 2.66c 17.36b 25.78c
25:75 7.13b 4.01b 21.66a 32.80b
0:100 15.52a 9.32a 19.80a 44.64a

Table 4

Effects of different ratios of ammonium to nitrate on the charge amount of ion absorption of tobacco leaves mmol/g"

处理Treatment K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ 总阳离子Total cation NO3- H2PO4- Cl- SO42- 总无机阴离子Total inorganic anion
100:0 0.38c 0.17c 0.11c 0.66c 0.01c 0.05c 0.43cd 0.15b 0.64c
75:25 1.46b 0.60bc 0.36bc 2.42bc 0.04b 0.14b 1.53a 0.41b 2.12a
50:50 1.92b 0.74b 0.45b 3.11b 0.06a 0.17ab 1.03b 1.03a 2.29a
25:75 2.26b 0.97b 0.58b 3.81b 0.06a 0.20a 0.72bc 0.84a 1.82b
0:100 3.51a 1.84a 1.03a 6.38a 0.06a 0.20a 0.17d 0.45b 0.88c

Table 5

Effects of different ratios of ammonium to nitrate on the balance of anion and cation in the whole leaves of tobacco seedlings mmol/g"

Inorganic anion
Organic anion
100:0 0.65c 0.63b 0.24d -0.22
75:25 2.42bc 2.12a 0.50d -0.20
50:50 3.11b 2.31a 0.96c -0.16
25:75 3.81b 1.82b 1.37b 0.62
0:100 6.37a 0.87c 2.07a 3.43
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