作物杂志,2024, 第4期: 172–179 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.04.022

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


冯晓敏1(), 高翔1, 吕慧卿1, 郝志萍1, 张力1, 周忠宇1, 张永清2()   

  1. 1山西农业大学高粱研究所,030600,山西榆次
  • 收稿日期:2024-02-07 修回日期:2024-04-09 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-08-14
  • 通讯作者: 张永清,主要从事植物生理生态、植物营养及土壤学研究,E-mail:yqzhang208@126.com
  • 作者简介:冯晓敏,主要从事作物种植制度与土壤生态研究,E-mail:fengxiaomin.1986@163.com
  • 基金资助:

The Responses of Root Growth Characteristics and Leaf Epidermal Structure of Drought-Resistant Broomcorn Millet to Water Stress

Feng Xiaomin1(), Gao Xiang1, Lü Huiqing1, Hao Zhiping1, Zhang Li1, Zhou Zhongyu1, Zhang Yongqing2()   

  1. 1Institute of Sorghum Research, Shanxi Agricultural University, Yuci 030600, Shanxi, China
    2School of Life Science, Shanxi Normal University, Taiyuan 030031, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2024-02-07 Revised:2024-04-09 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-14



关键词: 糜子, 水分胁迫, 根系特征, 叶片结构


Longmi 4 and Jinshu 7 were used as materials and anti-canopy was used throughout the growth period. Four different water stress treatments were carried out including normal water supply (CK, the soil water content is 65%-75% of the field water holding capacity), mild water stress (55%-65%), moderate water control (45%-55%) and severe stress (35%-45%) of whole broomcorn millet growth stage, the leaf microstructure of different drought-resistant broomcorn millet varieties was observed, root length, total root surface area, root- shoot ratio, root activity of different drought-resistant millet varieties were compared under whole growth period. The results showed that root length, total root surface area, root-shoot ratio and root activity of two millet varieties were increased under mild water stress. However, root length, root surface area, root-shoot ratio and root activity were decreased as the water stress increasing, and the root-shoot ratio and root activity of broomcorn millet significantly reduced under severe water stress. The root-shoot ratio of Longmi 4 and Jinshu 7 were decreased by 11.90% and 24.38%, respectively, the root activities were decreased by 18.73% and 58.11% on average in maturity period under severe water stress, and the degree of root activity inhibition of Jinshu 7 was significantly greater than that of Longmi 4. In the same multiple, by scanning electron microscopy, the varieties with strong drought resistance had dense stomata, long cells, dense waxy, and had siliceous cells on the upper surface at the same ratio by stem observation method. In short, all indexes of Longmi 4 had a lower decrease under severe water stress than Jinshu 7 because it had good root morphology, strong root vitality and siliceous cells for adapting to drought environment.

Key words: Broomcorn millet, Water stress, Root characteristics, Leaf structure



2018 2019
Plant height
Ear weight
per plant (g)
weight (g)
Plant height
Ear weight
per plant (g)
weight (g)
Longmi 4
CK 157.6±4.34a 11.16±0.12a 7.31±0.11a 239.46±9.90a 142.3±5.24a 11.05±0.09a 7.24±0.07a 235.13±6.72a
LS 163.1±5.53a 11.81±0.11a 7.52±0.09a 251.24±9.52a 156.4±6.41a 11.22±0.12a 7.46±0.06a 238.65±8.93a
MS 144.9±3.21b 10.86±0.09b 7.24±0.08a 211.81±8.33b 135.1±4.33b 10.68±0.10a 7.19±0.06a 217.32±6.15a
SS 122.7±3.44c 8.53±0.07b 6.51±0.09b 204.97±7.35b 110.8±3.21c 8.32±0.06b 6.08±0.08b 195.87±5.28b
Jinshu 7
CK 148.3±4.23a 9.12±0.13a 6.87±0.15a 196.10±6.82a 130.4±5.11b 9.10±0.07a 6.78±0.09a 195.46±6.79a
LS 151.4±4.11a 9.41±0.14a 7.14±0.18a 205.93±7.25a 143.8±4.14a 9.35±0.13a 7.10±0.06a 200.78±7.85a
MS 132.6±3.34b 8.35±0.10b 6.11±0.08b 164.24±8.31b 122.6±3.61b 7.87±0.11b 5.64±0.07b 160.43±5.66b
SS 117.8±3.22c 7.63±0.12b 5.12±0.12c 140.35±5.56c 115.3±2.09c 6.56±0.09c 5.03±0.10b 142.91±4.97c


水分胁迫对不同生育期糜子根系根冠比的影响 不同小写字母表示差异显著(P < 0.05),下同。



品种Variety 处理Treatment 苗期Seedling stage 拔节期Jointing stage 抽穗期Heading stage 成熟期Maturity
陇糜4号Longmi 4 CK 346.31±3.77a 805.73±31.24a 2208.86±50.16a 2335.49±108.96b
LS 354.36±5.69a 839.54±26.53a 2238.27±66.89a 2449.37±112.53a
MS 338.25±4.05ab 778.67±23.66b 1894.27±110.59b 2259.49±78.99b
SS 314.83±3.28b 731.76±34.56b 1723.16±42.53b 2221.52±85.10b
晋黍7号Jinshu 7 CK 277.46±4.53a 694.62±25.77a 1632.35±56.42a 1803.80±77.53a
LS 298.41±5.67a 721.70±38.56a 1692.35±48.79a 1879.75±85.62a
MS 190.64±3.56b 640.92±18.97b 1300.04±60.03b 1689.87±56.89b
SS 153.02±3.10b 617.18±28.11b 1213.09±40.05b 1551.90±52.22b



品种Variety 处理Treatment 苗期Seedling stage 拔节期Jointing stage 抽穗期Heading stage 成熟期Maturity
陇糜4号Longmi 4 CK 335.47±3.01a 795.70±15.63a 2083.65±69.10a 2325.46±88.56a
LS 346.26±4.53a 805.23±24.33a 2110.01±54.46a 2398.51±96.13a
MS 325.59±2.88b 768.45±18.90b 1763.88±72.28b 2198.50±79.62b
SS 315.38±1.35b 726.57±20.19b 1715.86±61.30b 2140.23±65.99c
晋黍7号Jinshu 7 CK 265.41±3.58a 685.44±24.15a 1610.25±18.79a 1779.68±39.22a
LS 271.52±3.54a 715.69±35.88a 1643.53±28.97a 1785.52±51.29a
MS 188.50±5.14b 625.12±28.97b 1285.32±50.69b 1635.45±40.75b
SS 150.47±4.39b 606.55±17.11b 1161.00±23.49b 1567.65±72.28c



品种Variety 处理Treatment 苗期Seedling stage 拔节期Jointing stage 抽穗期Heading stage 成熟期Maturity
陇糜4号Longmi 4 CK 346.31±3.77a 805.73±31.24a 2208.86±50.16a 2335.49±108.96b
LS 354.36±5.69a 839.54±26.53a 2238.27±66.89a 2449.37±112.53a
MS 338.25±4.05ab 778.67±23.66b 1894.27±110.59b 2259.49±78.99b
SS 314.83±3.28b 731.76±34.56b 1723.16±42.53b 2221.52±85.10b
晋黍7号Jinshu 7 CK 277.46±4.53a 694.62±25.77a 1632.35±56.42a 1803.80±77.53a
LS 298.41±5.67a 721.70±38.56a 1692.35±48.79a 1879.75±85.62a
MS 190.64±3.56b 640.92±18.97b 1300.04±60.03b 1689.87±56.89b
SS 153.02±3.10b 617.18±28.11b 1213.09±40.05b 1551.90±52.22b



品种Variety 处理Treatment 苗期Seedling stage 拔节期Jointing stage 抽穗期Heading stage 成熟期Maturity
陇糜4号Longmi 4 CK 335.47±3.01a 795.70±15.63a 2083.65±69.10a 2325.46±88.56a
LS 346.26±4.53a 805.23±24.33a 2110.01±54.46a 2398.51±96.13a
MS 325.59±2.88b 768.45±18.90b 1763.88±72.28b 2198.50±79.62b
SS 315.38±1.35b 726.57±20.19b 1715.86±61.30b 2140.23±65.99c
晋黍7号Jinshu 7 CK 265.41±3.58a 685.44±24.15a 1610.25±18.79a 1779.68±39.22a
LS 271.52±3.54a 715.69±35.88a 1643.53±28.97a 1785.52±51.29a
MS 188.50±5.14b 625.12±28.97b 1285.32±50.69b 1635.45±40.75b
SS 150.47±4.39b 606.55±17.11b 1161.00±23.49b 1567.65±72.28c






成熟期糜子叶片表皮结构特征 (a) 陇糜4号上表皮;(b) 晋黍7号上表皮;(c) 陇糜4号上表皮气孔;(d) 晋黍7号上表皮气孔;(e) 陇糜4号下表皮气孔;(f) 晋黍7号下表皮气孔;(g) 陇糜4号长细胞;(h) 陇糜4号硅质细胞。

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