Crops ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 93-97.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2017.02.016

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Effects of Topdressing Different Forms of Nitrogen on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Maize with Drip Irrigation under Plastic Film

Li Kaiyu1,Sun Zhanxiang1,Yang Ning1,Zheng Jiaming1,Zhu Zhichuang2,Xiao Jibing3,Feng Liangshan1,Lu Chuang1   

  1. 1 Tillage and Cultivation Research Institute,Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Engineering Research Center for Dryland and Water-Efficient Farming of Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning,China
    2 Liaoning Academy of Water Conservancy Sciences,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning,China
    3 Institute of Water and Soil Conservation in Liaoning,Chaoyang 122000,Liaoning,China
  • Received:2016-12-20 Revised:2017-02-21 Online:2017-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Zhanxiang Sun


In order to make further improvement on production levels of maize, the effects of topdressing different forms of nitrogen on accumulated quantity of dry matter, photosynthetic characteristics and yield were studied in the condition of drip irrigation under plastic film using maize hybrid Liaodan 1211 as material in this experiment in 2014-2015. The results showed that the leaf photosynthetic rate of maize with nitrogen topdressing was significantly higher than the control (P<0.05) in the milking stage. Photosynthetic rate of ammonium nitrate treatment was the greatest, then calcium nitrate, and that of the two was significantly higher than other topdressing N treatments (P<0.05) in two years; The accumulated quantity of dry matter with ammonium nitrate was the greatest and that was significantly higher than other topdressing N treatments (P<0.05) in different growth period of maize; The yield with nitrogen topdressing was significantly higher than the control (P<0.05), and that of ammonium nitrate was the greatest, then calcium nitrate, and that of ammonium chloride was lower. The effect of different treatments on yield was mainly through grain weight. The yield of maize was significantly increased by topdressing ammonium nitrate.

Key words: Maize, Drip irrigation under plastic film, Nitrogen form, Photosynthetic characteristics, Yield

Table 1

Topdressing stage and quantity of dressing of drip irrigation under plastic film kg/hm2"

氮素形态Nitrogen form 追氮肥时期及氮肥量Topdressing stage and quantity of dressing
拔节期Jointing stage 大喇叭口期Phosphate assimilation stage 灌浆期Filling period
对照CK - - -
氯化铵Ammonium chloride 360 360 180
硫酸铵Ammonium sulfate 429 429 214.5
硝酸钙Calcium nitrate 600 600 300
硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate 264 264 132
尿素Urea 195 195 97.5

Table 2

Solubility of different nitrogen forms at various temperatures g/100mL"

氮素形态Nitrogen form 0℃ 10℃ 20℃ 30℃
氯化铵Ammonium chloride 29 33 37 42
硫酸铵Ammonium sulfate 70 73 75 78
硝酸钙Calcium nitrate 102 124 129 162
硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate 118 158 195 242
尿素Urea 68 85 106 133

Table 3

Photosynthetic parameters of different nitrogen forms at filling period of maize"

年份Year 氮素形态Nitrogen form Pn[μmol/(m2·s)] Gs[mmol/(m2·s)] Ci[μmol/(m2·s)] Tr[mmol/(m2·s)]
CK 24.85±0.66e 0.25±0.05a 184.89±4.20a 11.08±0.17d
氯化铵Ammonium chloride 31.67±0.32d 0.37±0.06a 126.69±0.98c 13.57±0.13c
硫酸铵Ammonium sulfate 33.72±0.28c 0.36±0.09a 131.03±0.47c 13.38±0.16c
硝酸钙Calcium nitrate 36.42±0.21b 0.33±0.01a 140.22±1.20b 12.98±0.28c
硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate 37.75±0.31a 0.41±0.01a 91.85±0.13e 14.97±0.28b
尿素Urea 33.85±0.29c 0.48±0.01a 102.17±0.95d 17.29±0.39a
2015 CK 24.82±0.66c 0.24±0.05a 184.90±4.20a 19.08±0.17a
氯化铵Ammonium chloride 33.72±0.28b 0.37±0.06a 126.69±0.98c 13.57±0.13d
硫酸铵Ammonium sulfate 33.85±0.29b 0.36±0.09a 131.03±0.47c 13.28±0.16d
硝酸钙Calcium nitrate 34.98±0.20a 0.33±0.01a 102.17±0.95e 16.97±0.28b
硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate 35.48±0.32a 0.39±0.01a 140.22±1.20b 12.98±0.28d
尿素Urea 32.15±0.30b 0.35±0.01a 105.85±1.27d 15.29±0.39c


氮素形态Nitrogen form 拔节期Jointing stage 抽雄期Tasseling stage 灌浆期Filling period 成熟期Mature period
CK 32.5±1.5d 83.3±21.4c 113.9±45.8c 264.7±35.4d
氯化铵Ammonium chloride 35.5±1.4c 143.1±20.1b 175.6±38.4b 416.6±49.8c
硫酸铵Ammonium sulfate 34.9±1.9c 153.3±22.9b 176.5±40.5b 413.9±55.3c
硝酸钙Calcium nitrate 38.5±1.3b 149.5±19.5b 173.7±51.7b 441.9±45.8b
硝酸铵Ammonium nitrate 42.7±2.1a 161.7±21.4a 196.5±38.8a 485.1±43.8a
尿素Urea 34.8±1.4c 145.4±24.8b 182.4±43.5b 428.5±45.8c

Table 5

Effects of different nitrogen forms on yield components and nitrogen use efficiency"

Nitrogen form
Ear length
Kernel number per spike
100-grain weight
CK 17.4±0.59a 484.4±9.80b 45.5±0.21c 11 520±1311.0e
氯化铵 17.0±0.68a 506.8±13.93a 46.4±0.15b 13 860±529.5d 47.4±1.81d 10.4±3.47d
硫酸铵 17.4±0.45a 493.7±11.66a 46.4±0.12b 14 580±346.5d 47.0±1.18d 9.9±4.28d
硝酸钙 17.6±0.77a 498.4±15.92a 49.3±0.14a 14 580±529.5b 49.8±1.84b 13.6±3.44b
硝酸铵 18.5±0.37a 505.9±11.58a 49.7±0.12a 14 880±537.0a 50.9±1.81a 14.9±3.47a
尿素 18.5±0.67a 512.4±17.50a 46.3±0.29b 14 190±559.5c 48.5±1.91c 11.9±3.34c
2015 CK 17.4±0.59a 456.7±9.85b 45.5±0.20c 8 730±730.5d
氯化铵 18.5±0.67a 483.1±17.52b 46.3±0.29b 12 480±472.5c 42.7±1.62c 16.7±1.14c
硫酸铵 17.0±0.68a 499.6±13.91b 46.4±0.12b 13 710±802.5b 46.9±2.74b 22.1±0.32b
硝酸钙 17.4±0.45a 516.1±11.68b 46.8±0.13b 14 970±784.5a 51.2±2.68a 27.7±0.24a
硝酸铵 18.6±0.77a 548.1±20.22a 48.3±0.14a 15 345±577.5a 52.5±1.97a 29.4±0.68a
尿素 18.5±0.37a 505.9±11.85b 48.7±0.12a 14 235±652.5b 48.7±2.23b 24.5±0.35b
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