Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 64-68.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.05.011

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Screening of Chemical Male Killing Agents for Millet

Guo Ruifeng,Ren Yuemei,Yang Zhong,Ren Guangbing,Zhang Shou,Feng Jing   

  1. Institute of Crops in High Latitude and Cold Climate Area, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Datong 037008, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2019-05-20 Revised:2019-08-12 Online:2019-10-15 Published:2019-11-07
  • Contact: Yuemei Ren


In order to enrich the cross-breeding methods of millet and improve the efficiency of cross-breeding, five kinds of chemical reagents were used to kill the male of different varieties of millet at the primordium differentiation stage of pistil and stamen of millet. Based on the fruiting of the treated millet after self-cross and saturated pollination, glyphosate ammonium salt was selected as the suitable chemical male killing agent for millet, and the suitable concentration of glyphosate ammonium salt was further screened. The results showed that the optimum application concentration of Datong 34 and Datong 27 were 3.75-5.00mg/L, and that of Dabaigu was 10.00mg/L. The best application concentration was different when the varieties were different.

Key words: Millet, Chemical male killing agent, Screening

Table 1

Chemical reagents and working concentrations"

Chemical male killing agent
Working concentration
草甘膦铵盐(75.7%) Glyphosate ammonium salt 2.5 5.0 10.0
乙烯利(40%) Ethrel 2 500 5 000 10 000
单嘧磺隆(10%) Monosulfuron 0.25 0.50 1.00
咪唑乙烟酸(5%) Imidazolinic acid 2.5 5.0 10.0
赤霉素(90%) Gibberellin 100 200 400

Table 2

Effects of different chemical reagent treatments on relative self-cross sterility rates of Datong 27 and Datong 34 %"

大同27号Datong 27 大同34号Datong 34
均值Mean value 均值Mean value
1 草甘膦铵盐 2.5 41.47 44.06 41.36 42.30Gg 25.14 25.86 23.73 24.91Hi
2 Glyphosate ammonium salt 5.0 69.89 69.02 71.11 70.01Dd 70.38 71.10 69.80 70.43CDcd
3 10.0 93.30 93.46 92.37 93.04Bb 98.50 98.14 98.50 98.38Aa
4 乙烯利Ethrel 2 500 44.03 44.09 46.78 44.97Ff 44.18 33.31 39.54 39.01FG
5 5 000 69.90 70.84 68.48 69.74Dd 30.52 29.65 21.85 27.34Hi
6 10 000 84.16 83.83 84.48 84.16Cc 69.84 68.14 62.03 66.67Dd
7 单嘧磺隆Monosulfuron 0.25 24.86 24.18 27.51 25.52Ii 42.03 42.37 46.93 43.78Ff
8 0.50 38.62 38.62 37.93 38.39Hh 32.69 33.49 32.71 32.96Gh
9 1.00 59.35 58.39 60.00 59.25Ee 74.36 73.27 74.52 74.05BCbc
10 咪唑乙烟酸 2.5 83.76 84.57 83.71 84.01Cc 76.58 74.63 74.66 75.29BCb
11 Imidazolinic acid 5.0 84.01 84.22 83.76 83.99Cc 77.54 77.74 78.19 77.82Bb
12 10.0 99.56 99.45 99.37 99.46Aa 99.91 99.81 99.66 99.80Aa
13 赤霉素Gibberellin 100 68.65 69.54 68.85 69.01Dd 68.07 68.19 67.92 68.06Dd
14 200 43.51 41.75 43.65 42.97FGg 52.92 53.91 55.90 54.24Ee
15 400 99.93 99.91 99.87 99.90Aa 67.20 68.01 67.18 67.46Dd

Table 3

Effects of different chemical reagents on the relative seed setting rate after saturated pollination of Datong 27 and Datong 34 %"

大同27号Datong 27 大同34号Datong 34
Relative sterility rate after
saturated pollination
Relative seed setting rate after saturated pollination
Relative sterility rate after
saturated pollination
Relative seed setting rate after saturated pollination
Mean value
Mean value
1 草甘膦铵盐 2.5 1.17 4.76 0.63 2.19 97.81 23.70 24.83 23.56 24.03 75.97
2 Glyphosate 5.0 35.71 34.47 37.02 35.73 64.27 60.84 60.99 61.88 61.24 38.76
3 ammonium salt 10.0 93.14 93.27 92.11 92.84 7.16 90.64 89.86 91.14 90.54 9.46
4 乙烯利Ethrel 2 500 46.93 43.63 44.97 45.18 54.82 44.04 33.22 37.35 38.20 61.80
5 5 000 53.61 55.85 52.88 54.11 45.89 30.05 27.77 22.33 26.72 73.28
6 10 000 85.64 82.79 84.46 84.30 15.70 69.61 67.90 65.64 67.72 32.28
7 单嘧磺隆 0.25 17.37 17.16 25.31 19.94 80.06 41.11 41.93 45.37 42.80 57.20
8 Monosulfuron 0.50 29.30 27.37 29.70 28.79 71.21 29.60 32.68 30.45 30.91 69.09
9 1.00 58.50 55.32 60.12 57.98 42.02 67.38 65.19 67.56 66.71 33.29
10 咪唑乙烟酸 2.5 83.54 84.16 83.31 83.67 16.33 75.71 74.23 74.32 74.75 25.25
11 Imidazolinic acid 5.0 83.72 84.07 83.47 83.75 16.25 77.43 77.57 78.15 77.71 22.29
12 10.0 99.50 99.48 99.28 99.42 0.58 99.90 99.85 99.62 99.79 0.21
13 赤霉素 100 70.32 69.48 67.17 68.99 31.01 57.22 57.93 56.92 57.36 42.64
14 Gibberellin 200 38.11 36.63 38.39 37.71 62.29 53.38 53.73 54.79 53.97 46.03
15 400 98.02 97.83 97.91 97.92 2.08 63.96 66.85 68.26 66.36 33.64


Effects of different treatments on self-cross in bagging and saturated pollination relative seed setting rate of Datong 27"


Effects of different treatments on self-cross in bagging and saturated pollination relative seed setting rate of Datong 34"

Table 4

Effects of different spraying concentrations of glyphosate ammonium salt on relative sterility rate of different millet varieties %"

Relative self-cross
sterility rate
Relative sterility rate after
saturated pollination
Increasing seed setting rate
after saturated pollination
大同27号Datong 27 2.50 21.80bA 21.71bA 0.08
3.75 31.27bA 24.68bA 6.60
5.00 28.15bA 25.42bA 2.73
7.50 44.81abA 45.00abA -0.19
10.00 70.92aA 70.89aA 0.03
大同34号Datong 34 2.50 8.01cC 6.95bB 1.06
3.75 22.65bcB 19.98bAB 2.67
5.00 48.05abAB 41.95abA 6.11
7.50 63.78aA 63.65aA 0.14
10.00 68.18aA 69.93aA -1.75
大白谷Dabaigu 2.50 20.80cB 20.51cC 0.28
3.75 31.27cB 25.68cC 5.60
5.00 41.04bcB 38.30bcBC 2.73
7.50 57.70abAB 57.89abAB -0.19
10.00 81.09aA 73.71aA 7.38
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