Crops ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 8-15.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.01.002
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Xie Keran(), Gao Ti, Cui Kehui(
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[1] | Ji Ping, Liu Jinlong, Liu Hao, Kuang Jiali, Ye Shihe, Long Sha, Yang Hongtao, Peng Bo, Xu Chen, Liu Xiaolong. Effects of Heat Stress on Yield Components and Quality in Different Rice Varieties during Heading Stage [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(1): 117-125. |
[2] | Xiong Xin, Deng Jun, Shang Liyan, Sheng Tian, Ye Jiayu, Liu Zichen, Huang Liying, Zhang Yunbo. Effects of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilizer Interaction on Yield and Radiation Use Efficiency of Hybrid Rice [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(1): 166-173. |
[3] | Wang Xiaolei, Zhang Yunhe, Mu Jinmeng, Gao Dapeng, Geng Yanqiu, Cao Yiwen, Lu Fen, Guan Zhengwen, Shao Xiwen, Guo Liying. Effects of Soda and Saline-Alkali Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Rice [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(1): 193-203. |
[4] | Shao Meihong, Zhu Defeng, Cheng Siming, Cheng Chu, Xu Qunying, Hu Chaoshui. Study on Seedling Quality and Yield of Machine Transplanting Early Rice with the Seedling Raising of Overlayed-Tray Emergence [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(1): 229-232. |
[5] | Liu Dan, Wang Jiayu, Feng Zhangli, Feng Bo, Chen Wenfu. Analysis on Genetic Diversity and Population Structure for Japonica Rice Varieties in Liaoning Province [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(1): 40-47. |
[6] | Xie Hao, Xue Zhangyi, Shu Chenchen, Zhang Weiyang, Zhang Hao, Liu Lijun, Wang Zhiqin, Yang Jianchang, Gu Junfei. Analysis of Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Base Fertilizer of Rice under Different Crop Management Practices by Using 15N Labeling [J]. Crops, 2024, 40(1): 90-96. |
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[9] | Liu Yan, Qu Hang, Xing Yuehua, Wang Xiaohui, Gong Liang. Effects of New Types of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Rice Growth, Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Economic Benefit [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 110-116. |
[10] | Fang Wenying, Zhu Defeng, Huai Yan, Chen Jiaqi, Chen Huizhe, Wang Yaliang. Analysis on the Effects of Precision Drill Sowing in Machine Transplanting for Single-Season Hybrid Rice to Improve Yield of Sparsely Planted Population [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 124-130. |
[11] | Liu Qiuyuan, Li Meng, Gao Yangguang, Shi Mengyu, Wei Yunfei, Ji Xin, Li Li, Liu Yali, Wang Fujuan. Effects of Different Nitrogen Fertilization Patterns on Yield and Quality of Conventional Japonica Rice under Reduced Nitrogen [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 131-137. |
[12] | Hu Rui, Hu Xiangyu, Fu Youqiang, Ye Qunhuan, Pan Junfeng, Liang Kaiming, Li Meijuan, Liu Yanzhuo, Zhong Xuhua. Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Rice Root Growth and Development and Its Relationships with Nitrogen Fertilizer Uptake and Utilization [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 179-186. |
[13] | Liu Hui, Long Xueyi, Jiao Yan, Wang Lihong. Effects of Combined Application of Biochar and Phosphate Fertilizer on Rice Growth and Yield [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 238-248. |
[14] | Zhai Jing, Yang Shengming, Wang Yuzhen, Shi Linlin. Effects of Multi-Year Organic Fertilizer Application on Starch Physicochemical Properties of Mid-Mature Soft Japonica Rice [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(5): 91-97. |
[15] | Zhang Jiao, Chen Pengjun, Chen Yan, Han Jijun, Cui Shiyou. Short-Term Changes of Soil Characteristics and Rice Yield of Reclaimed Rice in Tidal Flat Aquaculture Ponds [J]. Crops, 2023, 39(4): 118-125. |