Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 168-173.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.03.024

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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer Reduction on Grain Protein of High Quality Rice and Its Rationality Evaluation

Wang Baojun1(), Cheng Wangda1, Shen Yaqiang1, Qin Yebo2, Su Yao3, Chen Gui4, Lu Chenni4, Zhang Hongmei1()   

  1. 1Institute of Eco-Environmental Sciences, Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiaxing 314016, Zhejiang, China
    2Zhejiang Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Hangzhou 310020, Zhejiang, China
    3Institute of Environment, Resources, Soil and Fertilizer, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, Zhejiang, China
    4Institute of Biotechnology Research, Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jiaxing 314016, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2021-04-07 Revised:2021-05-17 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-20
  • Contact: Zhang Hongmei;


As an important agricultural production resource to ensure stable rice yield and quality, nitrogen fertilizer plays an important role in ensuring food security in China. However, excessive nitrogen fertilizer input is bound to cause a certain impact on the ecological environment security. To determine the reasonable nitrogen application rate for high-quality rice production in northern Zhejiang, a field experiment was carried out and the random block design was adopted. Four nitrogen application levels were set: contrast (no fertilization, N0), conventional nitrogen application (270kg/ha pure nitrogen, N), nitrogen fertilizer reduction of 15% (229.5kg/ha pure nitrogen, N-15%), and nitrogen fertilizer reduction of 30% (189kg/ha pure nitrogen, N-30%), to investigate the effects of nitrogen reduction on grain protein and evaluate the rationality of nitrogen application in northern Zhejiang. The results showed that the contents of protein and its components, rice yield under nitrogen reduction were no significant difference with N-15% and N-30% treatments. N-15% and N-30% treatments could increase nitrogen use efficiency by 1.97%, 8.11% and decrease nitrogen surplus by 20.56%, 23.89% (P < 0.05), respectively. The comprehensive evaluation score of nitrogen reduction measures for high-quality rice in northern Zhejiang by analytic hierarchy process was N-15% (0.86) > N-30% (0.67) > N (0.65) > N0 (0.17). In conclusion, 15% reduction of nitrogen fertilizer (229.5kg/ha) was the most suitable nitrogen application rate for high-quality rice production in northern Zhejiang.

Key words: High-quality rice, Protein, Nitrogen surplus, Nitrogen use efficiency, Analytic hierarchy process

Table 1

The fertilization designs of different treatments"

Fertilization rate (kg/hm2)
N P2O5 K2O
N0 基肥 0 45 135 2019-06-21
追肥 0 0 0 2019-07-02
追肥 0 0 0 2019-08-08
N 基肥 108 45 135 2019-06-21
追肥 81 0 0 2019-07-02
追肥 81 0 0 2019-08-08
N-15% 基肥 91.80 45 135 2019-06-21
追肥 68.85 0 0 2019-07-02
追肥 68.85 0 0 2019-08-08
N-30% 基肥 75.6 45 135 2019-06-21
追肥 56.7 0 0 2019-07-02
追肥 56.7 0 0 2019-08-08

Table 2

The weight of comprehensive evaluation indexes for reducing nitrogen fertilizer of high quality rice in northern Zhejiang"

作物 0.833 产量(+) 0.6944
蛋白质(+) 0.1386
环境 0.167 NUE(+) 0.0835
Nsur(-) 0.0835


Effects of nitrogen reduction on grain protein content of high quality rice in northern Zhejiang Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) between treatments, the same below"


Effects of nitrogen reduction on contents of grain protein components of high quality rice in northern Zhejiang"

Table 3

Effects of nitrogen reduction on the proportion of grain protein content of high quality rice in northern Zhejiang %"

Alcohol soluble protein
N0 6.38±0.57a 16.91±0.74a 6.56±1.27a 52.58±0.59a
N 6.15±1.07a 18.86±3.43a 5.59±0.50a 58.94±1.08a
N-15% 6.13±0.57a 17.72±2.32a 4.47±0.82a 58.71±4.10a
N-30% 6.33±0.18a 16.83±0.29a 4.95±1.40a 56.53±6.14a


Effects of nitrogen reduction on yield and aboveground dry matter weight of high quality rice in northern Zhejiang"


Effects of nitrogen reduction on Nsur and NUE of high quality rice in northern Zhejiang"


Comprehensive score of rationality of nitrogen reduction for high quality rice in northern Zhejiang"

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