Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 8-13.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.02.002


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QTL Mapping of Plant Height in Maize

Zheng Lei1,2,Zhou Yu1,Zeng Xing1,Di Hong1,Weng Jianfeng2,Li Xinhai2,Wang Zhenhua1   

  1. 1 College of Agriculture,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang,China
    2 Institute of Crop Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory for Crop Molecular Breeding,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2015-12-21 Revised:2016-02-01 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Xinhai Li,Zhenhua Wang


Plant height is an important agronomic trait that significantly effects grain yield, fertilizer tolerance and lodging resistance in maize. With the development of molecular biology, numbers of studies on QTL mapping of plant height have been carried out in maize. In this research, QTL mapping and gene cloning of plant height were summarized in mazie. With the meta-analysis, 187 QTL underlying plant height were integrated and analyzed, and 10 “consensus” QTL were obtained. In the “consistency” QTL confidence interval, candidate genes involving in the regulation of plant height were explored.

Key words: Maize, Plant height, QTL, Meta-analysis, Candidate gene


Consensus map of maize plant height QTLs The locations and names of molecular marker are located to the right of the linkage groups, QTLs are located to the left of the linkage groups, the vertical lines represent the QTL confidence interval and the horizontal lines represent the LOD value of QTLs."

Table 1

Meta-analysis of maize plant height QTLs"

bin Meta-QTL置信区间
Interval of Meta-QTL(cM)
Interval of physical map(Mb)
Left marker
Right marker
MQTL1 2.01 82.18~89.07 3.126~3.389 isu144a IDP7335
MQTL2 3.05 364.00~368.85 158.892~166.073 pza00828 drh1
MQTL3 4.04 231.51~250.84 27.094~41.785 IDP510 bm3
MQTL4 4.09 608.84~623.07 231.480~234.429 IDP1646 CL14140_1
MQTL5 5.03 218.96~230.61 18.015~23.783 umc2512 pco093291
MQTL6 5.05 406.04~418.89 175.652~182.584 mmp47 uaz79
MQTL7 5.06 529.37~538.29 203.678~204.631 agrp90 umc2201
MQTL8 9.05 351.87~364.46 133.207~138.424 umc1387 umc1494
MQTL9 10.03 219.66~224.03 82.165~85.645 uaz100(prl) bnlg1655
MQTL10 10.04 294.65~304.09 121.417~128.374 pseudo(gpa1)1 sam1

Table 2

Genes of maize plant height trait"

bin 基因
ct2 1 1.01 na1 3 3.07
br2 1 1.06 mn5 5 5.05
an1 1 1.08 na2 5 5.03
d8 1 1.09 d9 5 5.01
mpl1 1 1.09 sxd1 5 5.04
rd1 1 1.11 bv1 5 5.04
d5 2 2.02 td1 5 5.04
wrp1 2 2.04 rd2 6 6.00
d10 2 2.08 tan1 6 6.05
d1 3 3.02 ct1 8 8.01
sdw2 3 3.05 clt1 8 8.05
yd2 3 3.06 d2 9 9.03

Table 3

The candidate gene of maize plant height in the Meta-QTL confidence interval"

一致性QTL Meta-QTL bin 候选基因Candidate gene 功能注释Function annotation
MQTL1 2.01 GRMZM2G119941 cell wall invertase Incw4
GRMZM2G034840 auxin response factor 4
MQTL2 3.05 GRMZM2G004161 TAZ transcription factor
GRMZM2G025742 auxin efflux carrier component 6
MQTL3 4.04 AC196475.3_FG004 brown midrib3
GRMZM2G402653 putative oxysterol binding domain family protein
GRMZM2G420812 SAUR31-auxin-responsive SAUR family member
GRMZM2G059544 IAA25-auxin-responsive Aux/IAA family member
MQTL5 5.03 ZEAMMB73_063572 SAUR56-auxin-responsive SAUR family member
ZEAMMB73_450421 gibberellin 20 oxidase 2
MQTL6 5.05 GRMZM2G459166 F-box protein GID2
MQTL9 10.03 GRMZM2G016254 terpene synthase 6
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