Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 147-151.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.05.025

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Study on the Effects of N P K Fertilizer in Foxtail Millet

Dai Xiaodong,Xu Xinzhi,Zhu Cancan,Yang Yufeng,Qin Na,Wang Yannan,Wang Chunyi,Yang Xiaoping,Yang Guohong,Li Junxia   

  1. Cereal Crops Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhengzhou 450002,Henan,China
  • Received:2016-06-08 Revised:2016-07-26 Online:2016-10-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Junxia Li


The “3414” fertilizer experiment for high fertilizer efficiency was designed to explore N, P and K fertilizer effects in foxtail millet production and to simulate the optimum fertilization parameter by the established models for scientific fertilization. The results showed that N, P and K fertilizer application can significantly increase panicle length, ear diameter, single panicle weight, grain weight per panicle and yield of foxtail millet. The effects of N, P and K fertilizer on economic traits were in order: N>P>K. According to the ternary quadratic fertilizer efficiency equation, the most suitable amount of fertilizer in Yugu 23 were N 165.33kg/hm 2, P2O5 115.93kg/hm 2, K2O 32.48kg/hm 2, respectively. According to the one-variable quadratic fertilizer efficiency equation, the recommended optimum amount of fertilizer in Yugu 23 were N 162.66kg/hm 2, P2O5 109.30kg/hm 2, K2O 32.68kg/hm 2, respectively. The application of N, P, K fertilizer of Yugu 23 should be emphasized with increasing amounts of N, P and supplemented with K.

Key words: Foxtail millet, N,P,K fertilizer, “3414”, Fertilizer effect mode

Table 1

Designs of the “3414” fertilizer experiment on foxtail millet"

水平Level 肥料用量(kg/hm2)
Rate of fertilizers
N P K N P2O5 K2O
N0P0K0 0 0 0 0 0 0
N0P2K2 0 2 2 0 120 30
N1P2K2 1 2 2 75 120 30
N2P0K2 2 0 2 150 0 30
N2P1K2 2 1 2 150 60 30
N2P2K2 2 2 2 150 120 30
N2P3K2 2 3 2 150 180 30
N2P2K0 2 2 0 150 120 0
N2P2K1 2 2 1 150 120 15
N2P2K3 2 2 3 150 120 45
N3P2K2 3 2 2 225 120 30
N1P1K2 1 1 2 75 60 30
N1P2K1 1 2 1 75 120 15
N2P1K1 2 1 1 150 60 15

Table 2

Effects of different treatments on economic character and yield of foxtail millet"

Panicle length
Ear diameter
Single panicle weight
Grain weight per panicle
N0P0K0 19.70ab 1.93g 8.81g 7.33g 3 037.22g
N0P2K2 20.03ab 2.03f 12.74f 10.09f 4 392.54f
N1P2K2 21.00a 2.12abcdef 15.36abc 12.92abc 5 298.81abc
N2P0K2 20.70ab 2.06def 13.33ef 10.85ef 4 653.81ef
N2P1K2 21.12a 2.13abcde 15.39abc 13.54abc 5 437.61abc
N2P2K2 22.13a 2.20a 16.33a 13.99a 5 633.56a
N2P3K2 21.67a 2.13abcde 15.77ab 13.09ab 5 306.98ab
N2P2K0 20.55ab 2.04ef 13.49ef 10.79ef 4 596.66ef
N2P2K1 21.42b 2.15abcd 15.44abc 13.35abc 5 323.31abc
N2P2K3 21.55a 2.19ab 16.22a 13.71a 5 511.09a
N3P2K2 21.48a 2.17abc 15.98ab 13.85ab 5 592.74ab
N1P1K2 19.82ab 2.09cdef 14.65cd 11.52cd 5 053.88cd
N1P2K1 20.75ab 2.08cdef 13.92de 11.20de 4 800.77de
N2P1K1 20.88a 2.10bcdef 15.08bc 12.38bc 5 200.84bc

Table 3

Correlation coefficients between the economic characters and the fertilizers"

肥料Fertilizer 穗长Panicle length(cm) 穗粗Ear diameter(cm) 单穗重Single panicle weight(g) 穗粒重Grain weight per panicle(g)
N 0.745** 0.716** 0.717** 0.752**
P2O5 0.569* 0.550* 0.600* 0.556*
K2O 0.437 0.655* 0.637* 0.616*

Table 4

Recommended nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium application amounts for foxtail millet predicted by the ternary quadratic fertilizer efficiency equation kg/hm2"

最大施肥量Max fertilization rate 最高产量
Max yield
最佳施肥量Optimum fertilization rate 最佳产量
Optimum yield
N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O
179.85 122.83 33.21 5 672.68 165.33 115.93 32.48 5 656.05

Table 5

The results simulated by one-factor fertilization models"

Fertilizer response equation
F value
氮肥N Y=4402.3375+14.71803N-0.04209N2 260.075*
磷肥P2O5 Y=4657.076+17.47218P-0.07711P2 1 266.871**
钾肥K2O Y=4595.844+62.81293K-0.94347K2 24 271.634**

Table 6

Recommended nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium application amounts for foxtail millet predicted by the one-variable quadratic fertilizer efficiency equation kg/hm2"

最大施肥量Max fertilization rate 最高产量
Max yield
最佳施肥量Optimum fertilization rate 最佳产量
Optimum yield
N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O
174.84 5 688.99 162.66 5 682.74
113.29 5 646.82 109.30 5 645.59
33.29 5 641.06 32.68 5 640.96
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