Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 108-116.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.019

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Effects of Nitrogen Fertilization on Crop Yields and Soil Nitrogen Balance in Potato-Wheat System

Shi Xiaohua1,2,Yang Haiying2,Kang Wenqin3,Qin Yonglin1,Fan Mingshou1,Jia Liguo1   

  1. 1 Agricultural College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010019, Inner Mongolia, China
    2 Inner Mongolia Potato Breeding Center, Hohhot 010031, Inner Mongolia, China
    3 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot 010031, Inner Mongolia, China
  • Received:2017-10-23 Revised:2018-02-11 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


In order to define characteristics of crop yields in potato-wheat rotation and soil nitrogen balance, a long-term experiment was done at Zhong Banner Base in Inner Mongolia Potato Breeding Center. Four nitrogen fertilization treatments (N0: no N fertillzer used, ON1: 2/3 N fertilizer reduced, ON2: 1/3 N fertilizer reduced and FN-farmer habit N application rate) were designed. The results showed that compared with the FN treatment of the farmers, the yield under the reduced nitrogen 1/3 treatment (ON2) did not decrease but increased. At the same time, the nitrogen absorption accumulation under the ON2 treatment of nitrogen reduction was higher than that of FN, and the production efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer was higher than that of FN. Under the reducing nitrogen treatments (ON1, ON2), soil inorganic nitrogen residue in the top layer (0-30cm) of was significantly lower than that under FN, and the loss of nitrogen mainly happened in wheat planting season. This study implied that nitrogen 1/3 reduction could be used to realize stable crop production, improve the utilization rate of nitrogen at the same time, and reduce effectively the risk of nitrogen fertilizer pollution to the environment in the nitrogen excessive application potato-wheat system in Inner Mongolia.

Key words: Potato-wheat rotation system, Nitrogen application rate, Yield, Soil nitrogen balance

Table 1

Treatments and fertilizer application rates"

年份Year 作物Crop 处理
Fertilizer application rate
N P2O5 K2O
2010-2011 马铃薯(克新1号) FN 300 170 240
小麦(永良4号) FN 225 75 180
2012-2015 马铃薯(克新1号) CK 0 0 0
N0 0 170 240
ON1 100 170 240
ON2 200 170 240
FN 300 170 240
小麦(永良4号) CK 0 0 0
N0 0 75 180
ON1 75 75 180
ON2 150 75 180
FN 225 75 180


Yields under different fertilizations"

Table 2

Changes of soil organic matter, total N, available P and available K under different fertilization treatments"

作物 Crop 处理
Organic matter
Total N
Available N
Available P
Available K
2010 马铃薯 Potato FN 10.7±1.1 1.16±0.15 101±8 11.2±1.1 147±15
2011 小麦 Wheat FN 10.4±0.7 1.27±0.13 94±9 10.4±1.3 152±18
2012 马铃薯 Potato CK 9.5±0.8 0.73±0.13 78±8d 12.6±1.6 127±14
N0 9.1±1.0 0.77±0.30 82±4cd 14.1±1.9 195±19
ON1 10.9±1.1 0.86±0.24 89±11c 13.9±2.2 184±21
ON2 11.2±0.9 1.22±0.23 109±9b 12.4±1.5 172±14
FN 11.7±1.1 1.28±0.17 115±8a 12.7±1.1 166±19
2013 小麦 Wheat CK 9.7±0.9 0.83±0.13 69±6d 12.5±1.4 109±13
N0 9.1±1.3 0.78±0.17 77±6c 12.6±2.1 161±17
ON1 9.3±1.6 0.84±0.14 81±4b 11.9±1.8 146±14
ON2 10.6±0.9 0.92±0.19 91±10a 11.7±1.7 139±16
FN 11.7±1.8 0.99±0.21 96±9a 10.8±1.4 137±20
2014 马铃薯 Potato CK 8.8±1.1 0.67±0.17 68±7d 11.2±1.3 93±15
N0 9.3±0.8 0.70±0.16 74±7d 14.1±1.1 186±24
ON1 11.5±1.3 0.83±0.14 83±5c 13.8±1.6 177±15
ON2 11.2±0.9 1.16±0.21 101±8b 12.9±2.1 176±18
FN 12.1±1.2 1.21±0.19 124±9a 12.5±1.9 171±27
2015 小麦 Wheat CK 10.2±0.8 0.77±0.18 62±7c 12.8±2.0 112±19
N0 9.4±1.1 0.81±0.22 69±7c 15.7±1.9 183±14
ON1 10.7±0.9 1.18±0.13 82±9b 14.9±1.1 175±18
ON2 11.4±1.2 1.07±0.17 97±10ab 14.4±1.5 179±22
FN 12.8±0.9 1.13±0.23 106±9a 13.6±1.8 172±15

Table 3

Soil N balance under different nitrogen application rates kg/hm2"

N投入Nitrogen input N输出Nitrogen output
Initial N
Straw N
Atmospheric N
Total input
Uptake N
Residual N
Apparent N loss
马铃薯Potato CK 0 191.25 9.76 16.2 217.21 157.4c 34.2d 25.6b
N0 0 191.25 11.07 16.2 218.52 209.6c 31.7d -22.8d
ON1 100 191.25 12.93 16.2 320.38 264.3b 55.8c 0.3c
ON2 200 191.25 13.11 16.2 420.56 310.8a 79.5b 30.3b
FN 300 191.25 14.15 16.2 521.60 292.1b 92.4a 137.1a
小麦Wheat CK 0 221.40 1.95 16.2 239.55 101.6c 41.3c 96.7d
N0 0 221.40 2.21 16.2 239.81 109.4c 38.2d 92.2d
ON1 75 221.40 2.87 16.2 315.47 128.7b 54.4c 132.4c
ON2 150 221.40 3.01 16.2 390.61 146.2a 86.1b 158.3b
FN 225 221.40 3.14 16.2 465.74 141.9a 99.7a 224.1a
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