Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 179-186.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.029

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Response of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Canopy Micro-Environment to Planting Density and Row Spacing of Maize (Zea Mays L.)

Chen Zongpei,Xue Jiaxin,Li Ben,Wang Guiyan()   

  1. College of Agronomy/Key Laboratory of Crop Growth Regulation of Hebei Province, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001, Hebei, China
  • Received:2019-08-16 Revised:2019-09-14 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Guiyan Wang


Reasonable density and rowing spacing allocation can build reasonable population structure of maize and improve photosynthetic efficiency. In order to provide scientific basis for high efficiency of radiation and temperature on production of maize in North China Plain, the response mechanism of the photosynthetic characteristics of the maize and the canopy microenvironment in response to to the density and row spacing was systematically analyzed. The experiment was designed to analyse two densities 67 500 plant/ha (D1), 82 500 plant/ha (D2) and three row spacing 60cm+60cm (H1), 80cm+40cm (H2), 38cm+38cm or 34.5cm+34.5cm (H3). The results showed that conventional planting density (D1H1) and high density planting (D2H2) have better canopy structure, suitable canopy temperature, CO2 concentration and relative humidity, these two planting manners could promote the utilization of light radiation and increase the photosynthetic rate, so they got higher yields. Therefore, on the basis of conventional planting density and equal row spacing, when the density is increased to 82 500 plant/ha wide and narrow row spacing has higher yield potential when the density is further increased.

Key words: Maize, Photosynthetic characteristics, Canopy microenvironment, Planting density, Row spacing, Response mechanism


Precipitation, average temperature, the highest temperature and the lowest temperature during growth stages of maize in 2018"


Dynamic changes of LAI in different treatments Average±standard error was used in the figure, different letters indicate significance at 0.05 level. The same below"


Dynamic changes of Pn in different treatments"


Dynamic changes of Gs in different treatments"


Dynamic changes of Tr in different treatments"


Canopy temperature change of different treatments"


Canopy CO2 concentration change of different treatments"


Dynamic changes of canopy relative humidity under different treatments"

Table 1

Correlation analysis between Pn and influence factor"

Growth stage
Gs Tr 冠层温度
Canopy temperature
Canopy CO2 concentration
Canopy relative humidity
D1 大喇叭口期Bell 0.466** 0.643** -0.135 0.121 -0.003
抽雄期Tasseling 0.423* 0.391* -0.311 0.066 -0.146
灌浆期Filling 0.670** 0.638** -0.103 0.067 -0.225
成熟期Maturity 0.778** 0.820** -0.440* 0.268 -0.336*
D2 大喇叭口期Bell 0.694** 0.523* -0.663** 0.003 -0.429*
抽雄期Tasseling 0.876** 0.360* -0.512** 0.203 -0.323
灌浆期Filling 0.841** 0.491** -0.005 0.024 -0.248
成熟期Maturity 0.864** 0.876** -0.462** 0.101 -0.044

Table 2

The grain yield and yield components of different treatments"

Spike number
Grains number
100-kernel weight
Theoretic yield
Actual yield
D1H1 64 700.21b 576.33a 30.81a 11 355.05a 8 955.79a
D1H2 64 745.35b 521.37a 30.96a 10 329.42b 8 648.88b
D1H3 64 270.28b 536.00a 29.36a 9 996.58b 8 462.68b
D2H1 82 277.50a 508.50a 30.97a 12 806.60a 9 612.86a
D2H2 82 329.33a 532.67a 31.55a 13 675.17a 9 754.04a
D2H3 82 242.67a 453.33b 30.54a 11 253.85a 9 330.75a
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