Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 187-193.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.030

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Identification of Genes Associated with Rust Resistance and Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Yunnan Wheat Cultivars (Lines) by KASP Assays

Wang Zhiwei,Wang Zhilong,Qiao Xiangmei,Yang Jinhua,Cheng Jiasheng,Cheng Geng,Yu Yaxiong()   

  1. Food Crops Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Wheat Improvement Center Yunnan Branch, Kunming 650200, Yunnan, China
  • Received:2019-07-19 Revised:2019-10-16 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Yaxiong Yu


In order to provide resources for genetic improvement of wheat disease resistance in Yunnan Province by selecting valuable germplasm having disease-resistant genes using KASP assays Sr2_ger93p, Lr34jagger, CSTM4_67G, Lr68 2, VPM_SNP and TaHRC KASP which associated with 5 rust adult-plant resistance genes and Fusarium head blight resistance gene Fhb1, 42 Yunnan improved wheat cultivars (lines) were screened. The results showed that four cultivars carried pleiotropic rust resistance gene Lr34/Yr18/Sr57, with a frequency of 9.52%. Six cultivars (lines) carried pleiotropic rust resistance gene Lr67/Yr46/Sr55, with a frequency of 14.29%. Seven cultivars carried the slow-rusting gene Lr68, with a frequency of 16.67%. Olny one cultivars carried pleiotropic rust resistance gene Sr2/Yr30 or rust adult-plant resistance gene Lr37, with a frequency of 2.38%, respectively. Fusarium head blight resistance gene Fhb1 was not found in 42 tested wheat cultivars (lines). Yunmai 69, Yunmai 75, Yunmai 56, Yimai 1, and Yimai 3 carried two adult-plant resistance genes which could be used as resistant materials for genetic improvement of durable rust resistance in Yunnan Province.

Key words: Wheat, Gene, Rust adult-plant resistance, Fusarium head blight resistance, KASP assay

Table 1

Leading wheat cultivars (lines) tested, year of release, and pedigree"

Cultivar (Line)
Year of release
云麦39 Yunmai39 1996 云麦29/Flicker
云麦42 Yunmai42 1999 抗锈782/云麦29//YR70-PAM
云麦49 Yunmai49 2006 953-3317/3317
云麦51 Yunmai51 2007 91B-831/92B-84
云麦52 Yunmai52 2007 92R149/963-11185
云麦53 Yunmai53 2007 96B-254/96B-6
云麦54 Yunmai54 2009 云麦39/S-792
云麦56 Yunmai56 2008 932-625/822-16-7-3
云麦57 Yunmai57 2008 PFAU/MLAIV
云麦59 Yunmai59 2012 9213-194×9213-4074
云麦62 Yunmai62 2012 NG8319/2/SHA4/LTRA/3/902-41
云麦64 Yunmai64 2012 云麦39/云麦42
云麦68 Yunmai68 2014 932-625/822-16-7-3
云麦69 Yunmai69 2014 云麦42/陕623
云麦72 Yunmai72 2017 云麦39/943-676
云麦73 Yunmai73 2017 98D4-12/川麦24//957-835
云麦74 Yunmai74 2018 云麦50/云麦39
云麦75 Yunmai75 2018 R7/光头麦
云麦76 Yunmai76 2019 云麦50/云麦39
云麦77 Yunmai77 2019 98D4-12/云麦42
云麦78 Yunmai78 2019 云麦39/943-676
宜麦1号 Yimai1 2007 92-01/87-19
宜麦2号 Yimai2 2011 川麦24/96-16
宜麦3号 Yimai3 2011 96-23/96-14
靖麦12 Jingmai12 2006 7901/792364//9118
靖麦14 Jingmai14 2009 苏麦3号/庆30//8619-10
凤麦32号 Fengmai32 2002 817M-6-2-2/882-182
凤麦34号 Fengmai34 2005 9034M3-2-2/YV91-1167
凤麦35号 Fengmai35 2006 凤麦24//806-14-2-15/85-7421
凤麦36号 Fengmai36 2006 凤麦31分离单株系选而成
凤麦38号 Fengmai38 2008 91E001/8941
楚麦16号 Chumai16 2018 内麦8号/间3//重组104
云154-65 Yun154-65 2015
文D6-8 WenD6-8 2015
弥12V4-15 Mi12V4-15 2013
云122-329 Yun122-329 2013
云6-14 Yun6-14 2013
云124-6 Yun124-6 2013
云16D4-13 Yun16D4-13 2016
云16D4-12 Yun16D4-12 2016
云15D4-15 Yun15D4-15 2015
保小麦2号 Baoxiaomai2 2015

Table 2

KASP assays of genes associated with rust resistance and fusarium head blight resistance"

Table 3

Genotypes of the KASP assays for rust resistance and fusarium head blight resistance in 42 Yunnan wheat cultivars (lines)"

品种(系) Cultivar (Line) Lr34 Lr67 Lr68 Lr37 Sr2 Fhb1
云麦39 Yunmai39 Lr34+ Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦42 Yunmai42 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦49 Yunmai49 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68+ Lr37- N Fhb1-
云麦51 Yunmai51 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦52 Yunmai52 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68+ Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦53 Yunmai53 N Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
云麦54 Yunmai54 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦56 Yunmai56 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68+ Lr37+ Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦57 Yunmai57 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68+ Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦59 Yunmai59 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦62 Yunmai62 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦64 Yunmai64 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
云麦68 Yunmai68 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦69 Yunmai69 Lr34+ Lr67- Lr68+ Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦72 Yunmai72 Lr34+ Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦73 Yunmai73 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
云麦74 Yunmai74 Lr34+ Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦75 Yunmai75 Lr34- Lr67+ Lr68- Lr37- Sr2 (Hope) Fhb1-
云麦76 Yunmai76 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦77 Yunmai77 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云麦78 Yunmai78 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云154-65 Yun154-65 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
文D6-8 WenD6-8 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
弥12V4-15 Mi12V4-15 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云122-329 Yun122-329 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云6-14 Yun6-14 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云124-6 Yun124-6 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云16D4-13 Yun16D4-13 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
云16D4-12 Yun16D4-12 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
云15D4-15 Yun15D4-15 Lr34- Lr67+ Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
宜麦1号 Yimai1 Lr34- Lr67+ Lr68+ Lr37- N Fhb1-
宜麦2号 Yimai2 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-
宜麦3号 Yimai3 Lr34- Lr67+ Lr68+ Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
靖麦12 Jingmai12 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
靖麦14 Jingmai14 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
凤麦32号 Fengmai32 Lr34- Lr67+ Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
凤麦34号 Fengmai34 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
凤麦35号 Fengmai35 Lr34- Lr67+ Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
凤麦36号 Fengmai36 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
凤麦38号 Fengmai38 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
楚麦16号 Chumai16 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- Sr2- Fhb1-
保小麦2号 Baoxiaomai2 Lr34- Lr67- Lr68- Lr37- N Fhb1-


Frequency of genes associated with rust resistance and fusarium head blight resistance in 42 wheat cultivars (lines)"

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