Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 112-117.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.02.021

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Studies on the Regulation of Lodging Traits Variation during Soybean Growth Stages

Zhang Donglai1,Xu Yao1,Wang Jiarui1,Liu Bo1,2,Zhang Rui1,Gong Zhenping1   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang,China
    2 Beidahuang Kenfeng Seed Co.,Ltd,Harbin 150090,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2015-12-25 Online:2016-04-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Zhenping Gong


Lodging resistance was important to soybean high and stable yield. This study selected Heinong 37 and Heinong 42 two varieties as materials, determined morphological traits and mechanical properties during the different growth stages under high and low densities (high level was 350 000 plants/hm 2, low level was 250 000 plants/hm 2). We systematically studied the regulation of lodging traits variation during soybean growth, and the results showed that, along with the increase of plant height and fresh weight, plants gravitational moment showed an unimodal curve, the peak was in R5-R6 stage, and stem diameter and stem base break force exhibited the same tendency. The soybean lodging-resistant factor was a comprehensive reflection of mechanical properties, presented a U-curve, the minimum was in the R5-R6 stage that showed the most vulnerable lodging period was R5-R6 stage. Plant height, fresh weight, gravitational moment were significantly negatively correlative with soybean lodging-resistant factor. Stem diameter, stem base break force, elastic modulus were significantly positively correlative with lodging-resistant factor. When the plant height, plant fresh weight, plants gravitational moment were lower and the stem diameter, stem base break force, elastic modulus was higher, the soybean lodging resistance was stronger. The soybean lodging-resistant factor of 350 000 plants/hm 2 was higher than that of 250 000 plants/hm 2, showed that with planting density increasing, the risk of lodging increased.

Key words: Soybean, Lodging-resistant factor, Stem break force, Planting density

Table 1

Variation of soybean plant morphological"

生育期Growing season R1 R2 R5 R6 R8
黑农37 Heinong37 株高(cm)Plant height D25 26.7±0.4b 52.4±1.0b 102.7±1.4a 105.1±1.1a 101.2±1.4a
D35 28.2±0.5a 59.0±0.4a 105.4±1.1a 103.0±0.9a 101.9±1.3a
茎粗(mm)Stem diameter D25 6.4±0.2a 7.9±0.2a 9.0±0.4a 9.8±0.4a 8.4±0.2a
D35 5.9±0.2a 7.1±0.2b 7.6±0.3b 7.8±0.3b 7.7±0.2b
鲜重(g/株)Fresh weight D25 30.0±1.5a 77.9±5.3a 153.5±10.0a 204.7±9.8a 59.7±3.3a
D35 26.9±1.3a 69.2±3.8b 121.7±8.2b 127.1±8.0b 52.9±3.5b
黑农42 Heinong42 株高(cm)Plant height D25 30.4±0.6b 55.1±0.3b 103.1±0.5a 99.5±0.8b 99.7±0.8a
D35 37.7±1.2a 60.7±0.4a 103.9±0.8a 106.4±0.6a 101.2±1.8a
茎粗(mm)Stem diameter D25 7.1±0.1a 7.5±0.3a 9.2±0.4a 8.3±0.5a 8.5±0.3a
D35 6.1±0.2b 6.8±0.2b 6.8±0.2b 8.1±0.2b 7.8±0.2b
鲜重(g/株)Fresh weight D25 35.1±1.7a 66.7±3.7a 148.5±11.8a 140.2±12.0a 59.8±4.7a
D35 31.3±2.3a 60.4±3.3b 84.4±4.3b 118.5±4.7a 49.2±2.5b

Table 2

Variation of soybean stem mechanical properties"

生育期Growing season R1 R2 R5 R6 R8
黑农37 挫折力(N) D25 12.1±1.0a 23.4±2.5a 43.7±7.7a 55.1±7.1a 35.4±2.8a
Heinong 37 Break force D35 6.3±0.9b 20.5±2.7a 29.2±4.6b 27.0±2.0b 26.8±2.9b
挠度(cm) D25 0.8±0.1a 1.9±0.1a 1.7±0.1a 2.0±0.1a 2.0±0.1a
Deflection D35 0.9±0.1a 1.9±0.2a 2.0±0.2a 2.1±0.1a 1.9±0.2a
弹性模量(MPa) D25 362.5±206.3b 490.1±38.3b 500.6±40.0b 441.1±43.7b 543.5±52.3a
Elastic modulus D35 404.1±131.3a 610.4±57.1a 611.6±63.6a 533.2±67.3a 596.9±33.8a
重力力矩(N?m) D25 0.1±0.0a 0.2±0.1a 0.8±0.1a 1.1±0.1a 0.3±0.1a
Gravitational moment D35 0.1±0.0a 0.2±0.1a 0.5±0.1b 0.6±0.1b 0.2±0.1b
黑农42 挫折力(N) D25 10.4±2.0a 23.0±3.2a 45.6±4.8a 35.1±6.4a 40.9±5.9a
Heinong 42 Break force D35 6.6±4.3b 17.0±2.3b 16.1±2.0b 24.0±2.8b 32.0±4.3b
挠度(cm) D25 0.9±0.1a 1.9±0.1a 2.0±0.1a 2.1±0.1a 2.0±0.2a
Deflection D35 1.1±0.0a 1.7±0.1b 1.7±0.1b 1.9±0.1a 1.9±0.1a
弹性模量(MPa) D25 305.1±60.0b 474.9±66.7b 497.4±64.0b 579.0±91.0a 589.2±125.7b
Elastic modulus D35 445.1±106.9a 631.0±43.6a 670.0±105.3a 442.5±37.6b 683.6±90.2a
重力力矩(N?m) D25 0.1±0.0a 0.2±0.0a 0.8±0.1a 0.7±0.0a 0.3±0.1a
Gravitational moment D35 0.1±0.0a 0.2±0.1a 0.4±0.0b 0.6±0.1b 0.2±0.2b

Table 3

Correlation between stem break force and stem diameter"

生育期Growing season R1 R2 R5 R6 R8
黑农37 Heinong37 D25 0.730* 0.687* 0.940** 0.760* 0.531*
D35 0.416* 0.800** 0.923** 0.667* 0.602*
黑农42 Heinong42 D25 0.593* 0.860** 0.626** 0.842* 0.487*
D35 0.468* 0.798** 0.548* 0.763* 0.444*

Table 4

Variation of soybean lodging-resistant factor"

生育期Growing season R1 R2 R5 R6 R8
黑农37 Heinong37 D25 11.5±0.6a 4.5±0.6a 2.0±0.2a 1.9±0.2a 4.8±0.2a
D35 6.3±0.8b 3.8±0.3b 1.7±0.2a 1.6±0.1a 3.8±0.4b
黑农42 Heinong42 D25 7.2±0.9a 4.7±0.6a 2.3±0.1a 1.8±0.2a 5.6±0.9a
D35 3.6±0.3b 3.4±0.3b 1.4±0.2b 1.4±0.1b 4.9±0.5a

Table 5

Correlation between lodging traits and lodging-resistant factor"

供试品种 Provided variety 处理Treatment 株高
Stem diameter
Fresh weight
Break force
Elastic modulus
Gravitational moment
黑农37 D25 -0.813** 0.633** -0.674** 0.459** -0.729** 0.789** -0.682**
Heinong37 D35 -0.726** 0.343* -0.683** 0.371* -0.434 0.572** -0.731**
黑农42 D25 -0.518** 0.598** -0.626** 0.614** -0.125 0.499** -0.637**
Heinong42 D35 -0.298* 0.687** -0.597** 0.549** 0.259* 0.377** -0.577**
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