Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 150-155.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.024
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Yang Junxue,Zhang Shangpei,Luo Shiwu,Wang Yong,Zhang Xiaojuan,Wang Xiaojun,Cheng Bingwen
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[1] | Diao Shengpeng,Gao Riping,Gao Yu,Ren Yongfeng,Zhao Peiyi,Yuan Wei,Gao Xuefeng. Effects of Straw Returning on Soil Hydrothermal and Yield of Maize in Loess Plateau of Inner Mongolia [J]. Crops, 2019, 35(6): 83-89. |
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[5] | Wang Lina,Chang Xuhong,Wang Demei,Tao Zhiqiang,Wang Yanjie,Yang Yushuang,Zhao Guangcai. The Effects of Topdressing Boron Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Wheat under Different Soil Conditions [J]. Crops, 2019, 35(6): 94-98. |
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