Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (6): 150-155.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.06.024

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Effects of Different Exogenous Hormones on the Spike Formation and Yield of Broom Corn Millet

Yang Junxue,Zhang Shangpei,Luo Shiwu,Wang Yong,Zhang Xiaojuan,Wang Xiaojun,Cheng Bingwen   

  1. Guyuan Branch, Ningxia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Guyuan 756000, Ningxia, China
  • Received:2019-06-05 Revised:2019-09-23 Online:2019-12-15 Published:2019-12-11
  • Contact: Bingwen Cheng


To study the different kinds of exogenous hormones on the spike formation and yield of broom corn millet, five kinds of exogenous hormones were sprayed on the leaves of broom corn millet at 3-4-leaf stage by using twice consecutives prays with water as control. The number of seedlings at seedling stage, total number of stems at jointing stage and number of spikes at mature period of broom corn millet were investigated. The results showed that applying abscisic acid (ABA) could significantly reduce the tiller number of broom corn millet, while applying GA3, indoleacetic acid (IAA), chlorocholine chloride (CCC) could also reduce tillers but no significant difference with control, applying PP333 had no effects on tiller number. Applying GA3, IAA and CCC could increase the number of tiller spikes, while ABA and PP333 could reduce the number of tiller spikes. ABA treatment had the highest tiller spikes with a rate of 25.20%. ABA treatment could increase the ratio of main stem spikes, and reduce the ratio of tiller spikes compared with control. The ratio of main stem spikes under GA3, IAA, CCC treatments reduced and ratio of tiller spikes increased compared with control. PP333 treatment was similar with control; The influence of five exogenous hormones on the yield of broom corn millet was significant. ABA treatment had the highest yield, which was resulted from the high ratio of main stem formation spikes and the high tiller spikes ratio. Five exogenous hormones sprayed on broom corn millet at the 3-4-leaf stage, and ABA had significant effects, which could reduce the tiller quantities of broom corn millet, thus ensure the number of spikes on the main stem, increase tiller spikes rate and finally improve the yield of broom corn millet.

Key words: Broom corn millet, Exogenous hormone, Tiller formation spikes ratio, Ratio of main stem spike, Yield

Table 1

Effects of different exogenous hormone on the tillers of broom corn millet"

Basic seedlings (plants/hm2)
Stems at jointing stage (plants/hm2)
Tillers (No./hm2)
Tillers per plant
ABA 1 680 840a 2 592 405c 911 565b 0.52b
GA3 1 454 055a 2 868 105b 1 414 050a 0.97a
IAA 1 574 115a 3 375 015a 1 800 900a 1.14a
CCC 1 609 695a 3 241 620a 1 631 925a 1.01a
PP333 1 538 550a 3 388 365a 1 849 815a 1.20a
CK 1 574 115a 3 459 510a 1 885 395a 1.20a

Table 2

Effects of different exogenous hormone on the spike numbers of broom corn millet at mature period"

Basic seedlings (plants/hm2)
Spikes at mature period (spikes/hm2)
The spikes of tiller (spikes/hm2)
ABA 1 680 840a 1 778 670a 97 830c
GA3 1 454 055a 1 689 735a 235 680a
IAA 1 574 115a 1 720 860a 146 745b
CCC 1 609 695a 1 778 670a 168 975b
PP333 1 538 550a 1 640 820a 102 270c
CK 1 574 115a 1 707 525a 133 410b

Table 3

Effects of different exogenous hormone on the spike ratio of tiller of broom corn millet %"

Spike ratio of tiller
Main spike ratio
Tiller spike ratio
ABA 25.20a 95.65a 5.28c
GA3 15.80b 86.43b 14.72a
IAA 9.54b 89.39a 11.67a
CCC 12.29b 90.79a 10.56a
PP333 6.82c 92.28a 8.06b
CK 6.49c 92.50a 8.33b

Table 4

Effects of different exogenous hormone on spike feature of broom corn millet"

Spike length
Grain weight per spike
1000-grain weight
ABA 25.0a 3.7a 7.0a
GA3 24.6a 3.2b 7.4a
IAA 24.4a 3.8a 7.3a
CCC 22.6b 3.9a 7.2a
PP333 21.9b 3.8a 6.9a
CK 24.4a 3.6a 6.5b

Table 5

Effects of different exogenous hormone on the broom corn millet yield"

小区产量Grain yield per plot (kg) 产量
Yield (kg/hm2)
平均产量Average yield
ABA 7.98 7.82 7.48 7.76a 5 175.92a
GA3 6.82 6.99 6.88 6.90b 4 602.30b
IAA 7.70 6.86 7.83 7.46a 4 978.04a
CCC 7.77 6.74 7.55 7.35a 4 904.67a
PP333 7.45 7.48 7.30 7.41a 4 942.47a
CK 7.33 7.04 7.76 7.38a 4 920.24a
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