Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 67-75.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.01.012

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Effects of Saline Stress on Leaf Photosynthesis Characteristics and Grain Yield of Two Rice Cultivars (Lines)

Jing Peipei1,2,Ren Hongru1,Yang Hongjian2,Dai Qigen1()   

  1. 1Yangzhou University/Innovation Center of Rice Cultivation Technology in Yangtze River Valley/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China
    2Agricultural Technology Extension Station of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210036, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2019-07-23 Revised:2019-12-06 Online:2020-02-15 Published:2020-02-23
  • Contact: Qigen Dai


This study was aimed at investigating the effects of saline stress on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence, and yield. Our study could provide useful information for breeding salt-tolerant varieties as well as effective development and utilization of saline-alkali land. An experiment was conducted on two rice cultivars (lines) Wuyunjing 30 (saline sensitive) and Zhendao 23309 (saline tolerant) to study the effects of different saline stress (0%, 0.07%, 0.14%, 0.21%, 0.28%, 0.35%) on grain yield, photosynthetic parameters, and chlorophyll fluorescence variation at heading stage. The results showed that the yield of both cultivars (lines) was reduced gradually with the increase of salt content, while the yield of Wuyunjing 30 was decreased more compared to Zhendao 23309, while there was no significant difference in 1000-grain weight between salt treatments. Under low salt concentration stress (0.07%), net photosynthetic rate (Pn), SPAD, water use efficiency (WUE), apparent mesophyll conductance (AMC), Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm, ΦPSⅡ, qp and qN were increased significantly compared with the control. When the salt concentration was 0.14%, all parameters of Zhendao 23309 were increased except qN, showing salt resistance of Zhendao 23309. Both genotypes showed significant decrease in photosynthesis when the salt concentration was higher than 0.14%. Therefore, the effects of saline stress on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of rice was not only related to salt concentration, but also to genotype. Higher chlorophyll content in rice leaves, slower transition from stomatal to non-stomatal restriction, higher moisture utilization rate, greater heat dissipation of PSⅡ and photoprotection capacity are the characterisics responsible for strong salt tolerance.

Key words: Rice, Saline stress, Photosynthesis, Chlorophyll fluorescence, Yield


Effects of saline stress on SPAD value of rice leaves at heading stage Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05). The same below"

Fig. 2

Effects of saline stress on photosynthetic characteristics of rice leaves at heading stage"


Effects of saline stress on Fv/Fo and Fv/Fm of rice leaves at heading stage"


Effects of saline stress on ΦPSⅡ, qp and qN of rice leaves at heading stage"

Table 1

Effects of saline stress on grain yield and its components of rice"

Salt concentration
Spike number
per panicle
Seed-setting rate
1000-grain weight
2017年In 2017 2018年In 2018
Yield decreased
Yield decreased
武运粳30 0 315.7b 140.3a 91.1a 24.8a 9.88a - 10.12a -
Wuyunjing 30 0.07 300.7ab 119.3b 87.3b 24.5a 7.41c 24.98 7.89cd 22.04
0.14 290.8c 104.5cd 85.9b 24.5a 6.27e 36.57 6.52e 35.57
0.21 243.9d 102.9cd 86.3b 24.3a 5.13g 48.06 5.36fg 47.04
0.28 228.4de 89.2e 85.9b 24.3a 4.22i 57.26 4.25h 58.00
0.35 195.7f 88.1e 85.2b 24.1a 3.57j 63.86 3.49i 65.51
振稻23309 0 313.1ab 120.3b 88.3ab 24.8a 8.06b - 8.42b -
Zhendao 23309 0.07 329.9a 113.9bc 86.6b 24.5a 7.84b 2.73 8.21bc 2.49
0.14 301.4ab 113.2bc 87.0b 24.2a 6.88d 14.63 7.44d 11.64
0.21 315.3b 91.2d 86.0b 24.0a 5.59f 27.49 6.26e 25.65
0.28 292.1c 93.1d 83.2c 23.7ab 5.18g 31.35 5.54f 34.20
0.35 282.8c 89.5d 81.0c 23.5ab 4.63h 42.55 4.99g 40.74

Table 2

Effects of saline stress on dry matter weight and dry matter accumulation of rice at the main growth stages"

干物重Dry matter weight (t/hm2) 拔节-抽穗Jointing-heading 抽穗-成熟Heading-maturity
武运粳30 0 3.4a 10.7a 17.4a 7.2a 41.5 6.7a 38.7
Wuyunjing 30 0.07 2.7bc 8.3bc 13.5bc 5.6b 41.3 5.2c 38.6
0.14 2.3e 7.0d 11.4c 4.7c 41.2 4.4d 38.3
0.21 1.9f 5.6f 9.1e 3.7d 40.9 3.5e 38.5
0.28 1.5g 4.6gh 7.4g 3.0e 40.8 2.8f 38.3
0.35 1.3gh 3.8h 6.1h 2.5f 40.7 2.3g 38.2
振稻23309 0 2.7bc 8.3bc 14.3b 5.6b 39.3 6.0b 42.0
Zhendao 23309 0.07 2.6c 8.0bc 13.7bc 5.4b 39.1 5.7b 41.8
0.14 2.5cd 7.3d 12.4c 4.8c 38.7 5.1c 41.5
0.21 2.2e 6.3e 10.7cd 4.1cd 38.4 4.4d 41.3
0.28 2.0f 5.6f 9.4e 3.6d 38.2 3.8e 40.8
0.35 1.8f 5.0g 8.4f 3.2e 37.9 3.4ef 40.3

Table 3

Correlations between yield and photosynthetic physiological characteristics of two rice varieties (lines)"

品种(系) Variety (Line) Pn Gs Ci Tr WUE AMC Fv/Fo Fv/Fm ΦPSⅡ qp qN SPAD
武运粳30 Wuyunjing 30 0.948** 0.883** -0.813* 0.982** 0.832* 0.937** 0.950** 0.899* 0.890* 0.888* 0.815* 0.978**
振稻23309 Zhendao 23309 0.937** 0.862* -0.537 0.990** 0.817* 0.913* 0.945** 0.928** 0.938** 0.918** 0.799 0.897*

Table 4

Correlations between Pn and other photosynthetic physiological characteristics of two rice varieties (lines)"

指标Index Gs Ci Tr WUE AMC Fv/Fo Fv/Fm ΦPSⅡ qp qN SPAD
Pn 0.971** -0.577* 0.945** 0.897** 0.988** 0.890** 0.903** 0.840** 0.930** 0.832** 0.984**
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